Does the engine even build anymore?

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I thought the QVMs could be compiled with the batch script Sago has included into that SDK.

Compiling the QVMs isn't a big issue. The scripts provided in the QVM download works perfectly well on Windows and Linux. It's the engine that won't build the "proper" way on Windows and OSX.

Here I am…

No, never compiled QVMs in my life…And I haven't been doing this in a long time, actually…Nor ever used Mavericks yet.

Right about the XCode project, that's probably pathetically outdated and I never used it. What I can recommend is trying to build ioq3, then, once it works, see what's different in OA and try to work around the differences.

Most OA's changes should be mostly platform independent though... particularly the renderer gets the most changes for cosmetic things (specular, envmap, flares and bloom) and additional compatibility fallbacks - and then there's videoflags which enforces visual balance.

"Should be"…But I always had to tinker a bit to get the sources compile on OS X in the past.  ;)


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