missing libopenal.so.0 ??

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openarena is in debian sid (unstable), so you can "aptitude install openarena"

But will it make Etch?  (Iceweasel hasn't made it yet, and I would have thought that would have been a no-brainer.)

etch has already been frozen some weeks ago. also the openarena packages can only slip into the testing suite, once they survived two weeks in unstable without anybody reporting grave or serious bugs against the packages. even if there are no massive bugs in the packages (i believe there aren't) it is already too late for oa to be shipped within debian etch.

but, there's no reason to worry, i will try to continuously backport the latest openarena packages for etch on backports.org

Yes, but if you remember during the Sarge freeze quite a few packages were moved from Sid to the then testing Sarge, so it is possible for OA to migrate into Etch before release.

technically it might be possible if we have beating arguments for the release team, to have ftp-master migrate the packages from sid to etch by hand. the automatic migration process from sid to etch has been stopped, by now (as far as i know). new packages will very unlikely be accepted to enter etch, short before the release. security- or release-critical fixes are welcome, of course! ;)


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