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OpenArena => Technical Snafus => Topic started by: w1zrd on January 27, 2008, 03:29:37 AM

Title: Visible invisibillity
Post by: w1zrd on January 27, 2008, 03:29:37 AM
A player has reported something rather odd, it's basically models being visible when they are invisible..
Hi all!

I switched from ATI to NVIDIA coz i burned my ATI card.
Now i face the following problem:

I cant play with gamma 1.0 and intensity 1.0 coz its much too dark ( Pic 1 )
If i set gamma to 1.2 and intensity 1.2 then it looks like Pic 2 and i can play.
But look picture 3. There is an invisible bot jumping down. No problem to spot and shoot.
I dont change anything else in the config! All is default except gamma and intensity!

I play with the latest linux nvidia driver.
Is this a driver problem or can this be fixed in next version of OA?

Anyone got ideas on this?

Title: Re: Visible invisibillity
Post by: ecru on February 03, 2008, 03:10:45 AM
I think I get this aswell on :
debian lenny with ati's fglrx 8.45 (a rather horrible driver) for a x800xl and a crt

I have only started playing openarena this afternoon, but have had a bit to do with rtcw:et.

In openarena the following don't appear to respond (pretty sure it is a problem with the 8.45 driver)

I added the following line to ~/.openarena/baseoa/q3config.cfg
seta r_intensity "1.8"

Now the maps are more playable, though I think I have the same problem of shimmery outlines of invisible avatars.

I haven't tested the mesa driver for over 12 months - at the time it only had 60% of the fps of the fglrx driver in rtcw:et.

Does anybody have any suggestions apart from installing an older fglrx driver (which did respond to r_gamma in rtcw:et and wasn't too dark on standard settings anyway)?  Unfortunately installing an older driver isn't a walk in the park :(

Can you recommend a cfg file reference more complete than (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Tweak?  The settings appear rather similar to rtcw:et?

Thanks ecru


In case you are familiar with rtcw:et configs

In rtcw:et the game is very dark and the following settings don't appear to respond

The only responding setting is

Which is a long way from ideal but most maps are playable.

Title: Re: Visible invisibillity
Post by: ecru on February 25, 2008, 06:56:08 AM
On Mepis 6.5 with the fglrx 8.31 driver invisible avatars are.  The maps are playable on standard graphic settings, and r_gamma responds like it should.

Title: Re: Visible invisibillity
Post by: Apprentice on March 05, 2008, 01:52:59 PM
Hi again!

I have checked the same thing under Windows XP.
Just the same results!!
So it is not a Linux and or Linux driver problem!!

I have changed nothing else but r_gamma and r_intensity
All other settings are default.
Hope this can be fixed.
Invisibility is useless unless this problem is fixed :(


Title: Re: Visible invisibillity
Post by: ecru on March 06, 2008, 04:32:07 PM
Which card / monitor / drivers did you use Apprentice?

I am inclined to see this as being a driver problem since when the drivers work correctly. r_intensity etc don't need major changes
* changing to older proprietry or current opensource drivers removes the 'too dark' issue
* changing to older proprietry or current opensource drivers removes the visible invisibility issue
* one of my windows friends (who doesnt play oa) was having darkness trouble with the newer proprietry nvidia drivers and an ordinary crt.  Either using older drivers or newer drivers and a fancy 22" diamondtron crt fixed his problem.

On Debian Lenny amd64 with the opensource drivers invisible avatars are.  The maps are playable on standard graphic settings, and r_gamma responds like it should.

At a very rough guess I would say I am only getting about 60% of the fps of the fglrx drivers.  However due to the maps looking 'normal' it is well worth it.

I have installed 64 bit onto a new motherboard / cpu / ram.  I havent got rtcw:et working with 3D yet to do a proper timedemo, and I have only adjusted the cpu speed to emulate the old (dead) system and guessed by playing maps and watching fps.

Title: Re: Visible invisibillity
Post by: pharo212 on March 10, 2008, 03:21:58 PM
I got this with the standard settings.