Title: Hi all Post by: Sam_The_F00l on April 21, 2008, 03:44:28 PM hi mates, this is Sam from italy!
i'm going to help with developing of this fantastic game, as soon as i wake up tomorrow :P oh, just a question: is the bug list on the wiki updated? Title: Re: Hi all Post by: Crash!!! on April 21, 2008, 04:00:51 PM not really.... you will need to wait for the surprise then it will be updated... I cant tell u wat the surprise will be till it shows up officially.. but follow the wiki till it is updated
Title: Re: Hi all Post by: jackoverfull on April 21, 2008, 04:04:41 PM ciao, compatriota!
Quote oh, just a question: is the bug list on the wiki updated? probably only to the 0.7.1 (current) release.some of that bugs seems to be fixed in the upcoming 0.7.6 release. |