OpenArena Message Boards

OpenArena Contributions => Models => Topic started by: revanic on September 21, 2014, 01:30:52 PM

Title: My Modified MD3 exporter
Post by: revanic on September 21, 2014, 01:30:52 PM
I made some changes to an MD3 2.6+ exporter I found that I had been using. Mostly convenience. Should be helpful to others wanting to make models.

- A checkbox for autoscaling instead of having to do a 1.00001 type thing
- normals are first multiplied by the same matrix as verticies are before encoding, meaning they should always be correctly lit in game.
(no more light coming from the wrong direction)


So far that is it... may do an importer attempt and I could always try to convert a copy into an MDR version for lei's sake  :P

Title: Re: My Modified MD3 exporter
Post by: fromhell on September 21, 2014, 03:05:09 PM
I sure hope this exporter fixes autosprite2, since they don't work at all with the one on the katsbits site

Title: Re: My Modified MD3 exporter
Post by: revanic on September 21, 2014, 03:18:50 PM
This exporter is based off of that one...  :RIP:, however I believe the error has to do with triangulation on export. Try pre-triangulating the quads yourself before exporting and see if that helps.

Title: Re: My Modified MD3 exporter
Post by: fromhell on May 05, 2015, 01:22:08 AM
Is it me or is there a bug with the exporter?

For some reason models exported with this get cut off too near out of view.  I was looking down and just across the handle the railgun disappeared as if the bounding box was too small

Title: Re: My Modified MD3 exporter
Post by: revanic on May 18, 2015, 09:24:55 AM
I have no clue on what could have caused that. I'll try to look into it if I can.