Title: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: whitewolf on March 23, 2008, 03:07:22 AM Here is a map I posted originally for another game, ported to Openarena and released under the GPL with the .map file included. The map has been scaled down to better suit the Openarena gameplay, and might make a decent CTF with a bit of work, but as of now its still only a beta.
http://dodownload.filefront.com/9872511//c812d7bda9ca7ed6471015d436c83c03ccb6aad358c9f01c42883cfd93f60a27978e9df65b8d27db Unfortunately at this stage you will have to type "/map spacefighter_factory" in the console to get it to work. Major problems: 1. THIS MAP HAS NO WEAPONS. AT ALL. I simply cannot get them to show up in game. I can get weapons working in any other custom map for OA, just not this one. And its driving me insane. I have a hunch that the map file is corrupted in some way connected to the previous game. 2. This map has no bot support. Even though it only has 13,000 planes, and apparently the limit is 30,000, bspc gives me a max_map_planes error. If anyone wants to have a go at solving these issues, go for it. (http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg159/whitewolfw2/shot0007.jpg) Title: Re: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: kit89 on March 23, 2008, 07:31:01 AM Nice idea.
But needs great improvements when it comes to performance. 50 frames per second, r_speeds no lower than 9000, & r_showtris shows that areas of the map are getting rendered even though they are impossible to see. Are all the fighters patches? On a side note: I do like the graffiti on the walls. :) Title: Re: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: whitewolf on March 23, 2008, 06:22:21 PM Quote But needs great improvements when it comes to performance. True. Once I get the vis sorted out better it should improve....and the brush-heavy girder in one of the rooms will have to be replaced with a shader. Yes, the fighters are all patches, and some of them may have to go for performance sake, but I would like to hear what fps a few other people are getting before I start cutting too many things out. Quote On a side note: I do like the graffiti on the walls. Smiley Haha yes, I could't resist putting that on the wall....I dont think the people at Jk3 files really got it though.. Title: Re: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: kit89 on March 24, 2008, 03:05:46 AM Most very modern computers will be able to get a respectable frame rate, but older computers will struggle.
So when it comes down to it, you can't rely on the frame rate. Your best option is to use r_speeds. I suggest keeping the the range between 2000-10,000. Though lower is naturally better. In my Mini Arena map the r_speeds don't go above 8,000 & stay around the 3000-5000 mark. Which gives an excellent FPS, for all machines. :) Title: Re: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: Gerbil on April 09, 2008, 08:23:36 AM Its a very pretty map, but it needs weapons hehe. Perhaps a way to get up to the upper command bridge part?
Title: Re: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: whitewolf on April 29, 2008, 07:18:54 PM I dont believe in weapons. Violence is not the answer. ;) Just kidding. I will have another go at implementing weapons sometime soon, but like I said they are not showing up. And hmm maybe that is where the megahealth should be placed. Perhaps I should make a teleporter to allow the player into that room.
Title: Re: MAP: Spacefighter Factory Post by: Neon_Knight on February 21, 2011, 03:19:53 PM New link, not sure if it's the latest version:
http://www.onykage.com/files/armageddonman/rftvh/spacefighter_factory.pk3 |