Title: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on May 19, 2008, 12:55:43 PM Hello everyone.
I would like to present you map that i have developed recently. I played q3 - cpma a lot a long time ago. I was very impresed by some maps (cpm1, cpm3) made by Jude, they were so playable, with so many tricks. An idea to create this map was always in my head, now finaly an idea is in blitzkrieg.pk3. Blitzkrieg is a very simple map, with no special effects, that's because i'm an engineer not an artist. I'm sure it's not free of bugs. But what i'm also sure i that blitzkrieg is very very playable map, it's free of "camperplaces" and rooms that you never enter to. Those who like triks will not be disapointed. Please take look. My request to take a look is especialy addresed to dmn_clown, as he seams to be local guru. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: TRaK on May 19, 2008, 02:56:29 PM Your pk3 doesn't work; the maps, scripts, levelshots, etc, folders must be in the root of the pk3 file, not in a subdirectory.
So, where your pk3 is currently -blitzkrieg.pk3 --blitzkrieg ---maps ---scripts ---levelshots Should be: -blitzkrieg.pk3 --maps --scripts --levelshots I looked at your map. Gameplay does look interesting, I'll have to try it out ingame. As you said, it is quite plain. Main thing I would recommend would be to avoid obvious repeating textures like that metal tile texture in the upper portions of the map. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: cosmo on May 20, 2008, 05:31:27 AM Wow what a nice arena styled map. I gave it a run against bots and I fell in love with the gameplay. That's exactly how maps should feel when playing FFA. I'm not sure if I discovered all the tricks but what I found was enlightening.
I like the idea of spawning with plasma gun or rocketlauncher. In the beginning I had the feeling of too many items/weapons but finally I think it's okay. The area next to Red Armor and Railgun is highly frequented (by bots at least). Maybe placing the Lightning Gun somewhere else or remove one of the Rocketlaunchers... but I'm not sure. Maybe weapon balance is perfect. Now the textures: crap. :( You're using the same textures which were changed from lowresolution great looking into high resolution fucked off looking by fromhell when releasing 0.76 and several maps suffer from this. As TRaK said use this checker metal texture only for trims and stairs. Add more details and features and try to stay to a 'themed' layout. I know it's hard because OA lacks texture artists so mappers have to do their own which can be quiet boring and time consuming. Great work! [EDIT:] I forgot to mention the lightning could be a bit brighter in broad areas and your teleporters should be more than just a rectangle in the wall. ;) Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Fitacus on May 20, 2008, 02:55:20 PM Any screenshots?
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: sago007 on May 20, 2008, 03:30:07 PM Very impressive gameplay. I don't normally like 1 on 1 maps (and i consider this a 1 on 1 map), I also have a dislike for teleporters (mostly two way teleporters but still). However I really liked the map with a lot of z-axis movement without placing all action on the lower parts.
I don't consider the texturing especially bad not that I care that much as long as it is not directly ugly. Yes there was some repeating metal but it was only the teleports and jumppads that I thought was undertextured. I thought that the simple texturing fitted the simple architecture very well and still mixed some clear colors. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: pulchr on May 21, 2008, 06:11:28 AM i played a short game versus a bot and had a lot of fun. as others have mentioned the textures could need some variation. jumppads could need a texture that tells "hey, jump here" and imo the teleporter texture should move around or something.
i don't know if i was unable to jump high enough, but i had to plasmaclimb to get one power-up, can't remember now which one. also i played it as tourney and it didn't appear to have a fraglimit. very nice map, could be great with some adjustments! well done! Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on May 21, 2008, 06:20:49 PM Update:
TRaK: New pk3 (attached) works fine. cosmo: I don't like this textures very much too, but I can't make better. The last guys I'm making map for are bots, if they to offen go to Red Armor and Railgun area that means there is something wrong with them, not with map. Insuficient light problem is fixed. Teleporter is no longer only rectangle in the wall. pulchr: Jumppads now have texture that may be interpreted as "hey, jump here". Fitacus: There will be no screenshots, please launch game to see the whole map. Thanks to all for your opinions. I'm looking forvard for more. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: fromhell on May 21, 2008, 08:58:17 PM My request to take a look is especialy addresed to dmn_clown, as he seams to be local guru. don't count on that though, he's been absent for quite some time.Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: cosmo on May 22, 2008, 03:36:30 AM boczeq, are you going to release that map under GPL? If yes maybe it's possible to do some teamwork to polish the optics a bit. As sago said simple textures can add to the feeling of the map but it should be 'themed'. At the moment it feels a bit shuffled. (I haven't test the second version yet)
Bots are stupid but a mapper can influence them by adding weighted bot entities. Your map doesn't have structures bots cannot handle just have them wander other areas as well. ;) Btw: Any reason why it has a German name? :D Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: pulchr on May 22, 2008, 11:34:05 AM Quote "This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION." i guess this README.TXT rules out the GPL question cosmo had edit: very fun map, just had another go at it ;) Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on May 24, 2008, 08:16:09 AM Quote boczeq, are you going to release that map under GPL? Yes. The newest version with GPL license is in the attachment.I have included .map file too. Quote Any reason why it has a German name? Word "blitzkrieg" comes from German but now it can be considered as international. In my opinion it's perfect name for map on whith there are 40+ frags in 10 min 1 on 1 game.I have some suggestions for any one who wants to upgrade blitzkrieg. When I was in high school I have played q3 for thousands of hours, I think I understand this game. Room arrangement and item placement came from this unrerstanding and can be considered as final. Lithtning, textures, and bots sux. If any one can do something to fix it, please do it. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: qubodup on May 29, 2008, 11:15:37 AM Any screenshots? in the pk3(http://xs127.xs.to/xs127/08224/blitzkrieg559.jpg.xs.jpg) (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs127&d=08224&f=blitzkrieg559.jpg) Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: imike24 on September 04, 2008, 02:53:25 AM cool.
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Thanks for the spam I missed that map topic, may08, is it playable / final / comes with OA ? :P Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on September 28, 2008, 06:34:34 AM Hello everyone,
I have retextured my map and changed some details. New version is attached. Here are the screenshots: http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=1945.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=1945.jpg) http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=2843.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=2843.jpg) http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=3742.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=3742.jpg) http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=4720.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs431&d=08390&f=4720.jpg) Please take look. I'm waiting for your comments. Best regards, boczeq Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: qubodup on September 28, 2008, 08:07:53 AM Hm , I didn't like the textures on the screens and wanted to check out how it looks in-game.
I put the pk3 in .openarena/baseoa/ and used /map blitzkrieg But I get "Can't find map maps/blitzkrieg.bsp" Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: PsYthe on September 28, 2008, 08:10:17 AM Same here. I tried opening the pk3 in PakScape but it seems to be corrupted.
I'm excited to test! >:D Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: epicgoo on September 28, 2008, 08:23:27 AM it is better than taking lsd
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on September 28, 2008, 01:47:31 PM Hello,
Thanks for answers. I fixed pk3 file. I have also recorded demo with some tricks that can be performed on my map. I will buy a beer every one who manages to repeat those tricks (exactly as on my demo) and posts his demo in 24h form now. Best regards, boczeq Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Cacatoes on September 28, 2008, 02:50:00 PM Just to mention : I cant play your demo, baseoa/baseq3 mismatch, didn't investigate why ... other demos do work.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on September 28, 2008, 03:02:28 PM Hello,
I have put the demo in baseoa/demos directory. Everything works fine on my computer. I have the pure openarena-0.8.0 instaled. Best regards, boczeq Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: qubodup on September 29, 2008, 02:51:37 PM I put it in baseoa/demos and can't play it too.
PS: the map looks wierdly textured but plays pretty sweet! Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: PsYthe on September 29, 2008, 03:04:44 PM I like it. It's pretty great for 1v1, otherwise not so sure.
I only found a few tricks, pretty much the gap over the broken floor. Unless other tricks count as rocket jumping... Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on September 30, 2008, 12:32:25 PM Hello,
This should solve all demo problems. I have added it to YouTube. The quality is very poor but this is YouTube's fault. It starts from jump pad. Here is the link. http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=3v-Aiag4bj4 (http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=3v-Aiag4bj4) The new contest begins now. Every one who manages to repeat those tricks (exactly as on my demo) and posts his demo in 24h form now will get a beer. Best regards, boczeq Update 03.10.2008 Hello, No one has won the contest. I know that some of you don't like how my map is textured. I have to admit that I hate texturing maps and I have no will of retexturing it. Sorry. I will put blitzkrieg in Development\SVN Commits thread. We will see what happens. Thanks for all comments. Best regards, boczeq Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on October 03, 2008, 04:53:38 PM Maybe you can download the .map files at the SVN and take a look on how they're texturized, and later you can try if "this" ceiling and "this" wall(s) and "this" floor matches and so on. That's how I've learned to texturize my maps.
Title: blitzkrieg3 Post by: Neon_Knight on November 06, 2008, 02:17:14 PM This is an awesome 1on1 map!!!
Unfortunately it has some missing textures, and the remaining ones sucked, but I have retexturized the map, (oa_dm3 style m3n!!!) and now is the s**t. ^^ Credits, of course, goes to boczeq for map making. I only made the retexturizing. New version. (3-final2) I felt guilty about the lack of detail of this map, so I've improved it visually: - HUGE brush fixing. Now the map runs like heaven. r_speeds @ higher details < 8000. - DETAIL!!! This one looks even better than its old version. And still runs well. - Changed player_start spawnpoints to player_deathmatch with initial flag on. - Removed the ceiling, making it as an open-air map. a2 changes: - Added a trim in the upper parts of the outside area. - Redone item/weapon placement: * Lower floor weapons: Shotgun, Plasma Gun, Railgun. * Upper floor weapons: Grenade Launcher, Lightning Gun, Rocket Launcher. - Redistributed ammo, shards & health. Added RA & MH. - Changed teleporter destinations. Fog teleporter goes to RG area. (former LG area) Lower teleporter goes to GL area (former RL & NG area) and Upper teleporter goes onto the ledge between RG area and the PG floor (formerly the RL floor) - Lights made as models. - Minor detail changes. final changes: - Replaced teleporters with portals. - Other minor changes. final2 changes: * Brought back the teleporter and the weapon/item placement of Blitzkrieg2. * Some computers aren't there anymore. * Added many details over the map. final3 changes: - Botclip. - Lighting lowered, so the map isn't that overbright anymore. That made the map compillable again without -nocollapse. final4changes: - Moved LG's place. - Reduced jumppad's trigger size, so there's place to drop. - Some computer protectors (the glass at RL area and the ledge over one of the PCs in YA/SG/RG area) were removed, in order to make jumping to areas easier. - Moved a health near to a teleporter's destination a bit far. - Teleporters and destinations are back to the old blitzkrieg placement. - Improved botplaying. They shouldn't get stuck in borders now. - Playerstarts lifted a bit from the floor. They shouldn't bounce when they spawn. - Minor changes. (http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/6125/blitzkrieg34.th.jpg) (http://img682.imageshack.us/i/blitzkrieg34.jpg/) (http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6903/blitzkrieg35.th.jpg) (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/blitzkrieg35.jpg/) (http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/6365/blitzkrieg31.th.jpg) (http://img187.imageshack.us/i/blitzkrieg31.jpg/) (http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6059/blitzkrieg32.th.jpg) (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/blitzkrieg32.jpg/) (http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/9735/blitzkrieg33.th.jpg) (http://img11.imageshack.us/i/blitzkrieg33.jpg/) Download: here (http://www.onykage.com/files/armageddonman/published/mine/blitzkrieg3-final4.zip). Thanks to onykage for the hosting. :) Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: cosmo on November 07, 2008, 04:48:19 AM Looks themed and less chaotic now. I give it a go later today.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on November 08, 2008, 09:48:11 AM Last version here (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1809.msg19040#msg19040).
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: sago007 on November 08, 2008, 01:45:56 PM As stated earlier I think this map is gameplay wise the best map I have played in OA.
I like the retexturing and got only two comments: There are too much light on the water in some places especially here (screenshot with r_gamma=1.0): (http://brie.ostenfeld.dk/~poul19/public_files/blitzkrieg_water.jpg) Not really noticeable during gameplay but still: (http://brie.ostenfeld.dk/~poul19/public_files/blitzkrieg_skybox.jpg) Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on November 08, 2008, 01:47:18 PM I don't know how to make it invisible. :/ (I mean, doesn't show)
It happens with my LavaArena also. And yes, I thought I've chosen the most brilliant light. :/ Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: sago007 on November 08, 2008, 02:08:34 PM I don't know how to make it invisible. :/ (I mean, doesn't show) It happens in many of OA's stock maps too. There exists techniques for removing it by making bsp cuts, but they are not always possible (they are impossible in this case so don't even try). dm4ish has an even worse problem that is a lot harder than this.It happens with my LavaArena also. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: fromhell on November 08, 2008, 10:48:51 PM And yes, I thought I've chosen the most brilliant light. :/ don't test your maps in windowed mode or r_overbrightBits 0 Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Noob Sauce on November 09, 2008, 03:34:01 PM Uh, i'm having trouble finding the DL link for this map.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on November 09, 2008, 04:06:47 PM It's attached in this (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1809.msg19089#msg19089) post.
Title: blitzkrieg2 Direct download Post by: Neon_Knight on November 23, 2008, 08:58:43 PM Updated blitzkrieg2, with direct link here (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1809.msg19040#msg19040). :)
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: WilgoX on November 24, 2008, 01:21:25 AM nice map
Title: Licensing problem with blitzkrieg2... Post by: Neon_Knight on January 30, 2009, 11:21:05 PM An up, since it has a licensing problem. :/
Boczeq have released his map here under GPLv3, (maybe he didn't know about GPL) I've asked him if I could re-release the retexturized map under GPLv2, and he answered that we can do whatever we want with his map. I want to include it in the SP, but I have my own doubts. :/ This is his mail: Quote Hello, I like how you retexturized my map. You can re-release blitzkrieg under GPLv2. You can do whatever you want with this map. When will be next version of OA? Best regards, Filip Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Cacatoes on January 31, 2009, 04:23:18 PM Why are you in doubt ? Seems clear he is okay for GPLv2.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on January 31, 2009, 05:24:08 PM Since in this forum we had problems with issues referring to licenses in the past.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: bill----- on February 03, 2009, 11:33:28 PM Very nice! I fooled around with the original .map and the brushes did not lend themselves to coherent texturing, so extra kudos to you because of what you had to work with. Looks *much* better now, lighting too. Structurally, the holes in the ceiling are interesting, but I feel like the edges should be trimmed with another texture, and maybe the shape of the holes changed (more square?) so they seem like part of the architecture of the building. Now that the texturing looks so good, the holes take away from the good appearance you've given the map! Noticed the extra NG ammo on the platform with the YA. Afraid of running out? :-) The GPL3 vs GPL2 issue is a problem. I don't know that a later message from the author to try to undo his earlier declaration that the map was under GPL3 would work legally. GPL2 is what OA wants, but imagine a case where some work is under GPL3, and someone makes a derivative work because something about GPL3 gives them reason to do so, and then after they have made the work and distributed it under GPL3, then the author changes the license to the original work. What is the status of the derivative work? Not Good(tm). Maybe better, though it would be a pain in the ass, would be for the original author, boczeq, to release a similar map under GPL2 with some non-trivial changes that would be enough for an impartial third party to consider it to be different. Maybe change the shape of the ceiling holes. :-) Don't know for sure though. Need a better legal mind than mine. Or, another pain in the ass, but perhaps the best available option under the circumstances: Make a -ish variant from scratch that passes the fromhell test, release that under GPL2, and eliminate any doubt. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Cacatoes on February 04, 2009, 01:07:07 AM Quote I don't know that a later message from the author You can't really undo, but this is not necessary.to try to undo his earlier declaration that the map was under GPL3 would work legally Nothing prevents you from submitting your work to several licenses, no matter how restrictive each one is/was. The author is always able to give new modalities under which his/her work can be used, but can't really get them back once given. The result would be 2 distinct branches of the map ; where you couldn't inject work added to GPLv2 version to GPLv3 version and vice versa. (except if these changes are dual licensed too) So OA could decide to maintain the GPLv2 version. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 13, 2009, 10:17:12 AM I was felting very guilty about the lack of detail of my retexturization, so I took the map and shifted a bit it's graphics, without changing the gameplay (only few structural changes for the sake of vis)
- HUGE brush fixing. Now the map runs like heaven. r_speeds @ higher details < 8000. - DETAIL!!! This one looks even better than its old version. And still runs well. - Changed player_start spawnpoints to player_deathmatch with initial flag on. - Removed the ceiling, making it as an open-air map. To do: - Hinting, hopefully it will reduce r_speeds even more. - Clipping, may be annoying to get stuck in the lights on the walls. - Botplay improvement. - Add even more detail. (Patches specially) - Any other suggestion? Download link & screens in this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1809.msg19040#msg19040). Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: pulchr on July 13, 2009, 11:40:20 AM looking much better, good work neon!
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Falkland on July 13, 2009, 12:03:18 PM Since this map is supposed to be a 1v1 map :
- MH is lacking - Nailgun should be removed Personally I don't like this map , since items are too sparse and gameplay seems to be confused. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 13, 2009, 12:07:01 PM I'd like to note that the weapon/item placement is the same as the first version. I'll be making changes later.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 18, 2009, 12:25:26 PM Uploading screens and download file. I'll edit when both of them are uploaded.
These are the changes of a2: - Added a trim in the upper parts of the outside area. - Redone item/weapon placement: * Lower floor weapons: Shotgun, Plasma Gun, Railgun. * Upper floor weapons: Grenade Launcher, Lightning Gun, Rocket Launcher. - Redistributed ammo, shards & health. Added RA & MH. - Changed teleporter destinations. Fog teleporter goes to RG area. (former LG area) Lower teleporter goes to GL area (former RL & NG area) and Upper teleporter goes onto the ledge between RG area and the PG floor (formerly the RL floor) - Lights made as models. - Minor detail changes. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 18, 2009, 12:45:45 PM Uploaded the map and the screenies. Enjoy. ^^
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Graion Dilach on July 18, 2009, 01:39:24 PM - Added a trim to most of the walls. I corrected it. The map sure looks better... although this was my favourite map with Nailgun. Well, if I need it, I play an older version. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 18, 2009, 01:41:53 PM I was going to decide if (outside of 1on1) I should put back the Nailgun, but instead of PG or SG.
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 29, 2009, 11:15:11 AM Final version...
- Replaced teleporters with portals. - Other minor changes. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Udi on August 21, 2009, 02:10:01 AM I liked Blitzkrieg2 more than Blitzkrieg3. Here's the reasons:
Sorry to criticize the map after it is final and not while it was under development, but I didn't watched the topic after Blitzkrieg 2 :(. Title: blitzkrieg3-final2 ready to go ^^ Post by: Neon_Knight on October 28, 2009, 07:36:51 AM Uploaded the latest version.
* Brought back the teleporter and the weapon/item placement of Blitzkrieg2. * Some computers aren't there anymore. * Added many details over the map. Head to this post for links and screens: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1809.msg19040#msg19040 Title: blitzkrieg3-final3 Post by: Neon_Knight on November 14, 2009, 06:06:17 PM Final3, I hope it's the definitive one.
- Botclip. - Lighting lowered, so the map isn't that overbright anymore. That made the map compillable again without -nocollapse. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on November 18, 2009, 03:17:10 PM Hello,
I have just tried playing on blitzkrig3. General remarks are: I like how it looks. Certainly better than I made it. I don't like other changes. Here is what and why: 1. Teleports exits are placed badly. Now teleports are defensive, may be used to run to completely different place on the map, and camp. Before, in original blitzkrieg, teleports were for counterattack. 2. Green health packs and lower yellow armor are placed to high, and can not be accessed form lower ground. This is bad, it should be at least 2 easy ways to access such important thing as yellow armor. Rail gun is placed higher to, but it may be ok. 3. This weapon should be there, as shown by red arrow. Now it is on save position, you can get it for free. On the position I had selected you may get a rocket while trying to grab a weapon. (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/38cc3b0652.jpg) (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/) 4. There is no way to jump down as shown by red arrow. The same thing happens with other jump pads areas. This is bad. There should at least 3 ways to get in an out of any room in the map. The more entrances/exits the better. (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/df84ce08f4.jpg) (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/) 5. Tlephort exit shown on the picture is placed badly. There is no choice if to take health pack or not, you have to always take it when using teleport. In original blitzkrieg there was a choice, and even a threat of telefrag if chosen to take health pack. Usually the one with armor wants health packs, so he should have to pay in time for getting it, giving the one with no armor time to weapon up. (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/c52578baca.jpg) (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/) Thats all for now. Sorry for ruthless critic. But I wanted Blitzkrieg to be perfect, and I'm emotionally attached to it :). There were 4 simple rules when I was creating the map: 1. You should be able get form anywere to anyware very quick. 2. Positions with bonuses are pain in the ass to defend, camp. 3. At least 3 ways in or out form any room. 4. Counter attack teleports. Map is released under GPL license, so everyone can change whatever he wants, but as a player I hope you consider my opinion. I'm open for your explanations and discussion. Best regards, boczeq Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on November 18, 2009, 03:39:25 PM No drama, it's your map after all. ;)
I'll be doing those changes. Title: blitzkrieg3-final4 done. Post by: Neon_Knight on December 04, 2009, 02:54:22 PM Done final4. No structural changes, still, all the changes requested by boczeq were done:
- Moved LG's place. - Reduced jumppad's trigger size, so there's place to drop. - Some computer protectors (the glass at RL area and the ledge over one of the PCs in YA/SG/RG area) were removed, in order to make jumping to areas easier. - Moved a health near to a teleporter's destination a bit far. - Teleporters and destinations are back to the old blitzkrieg placement. Also, the following: - Improved botplaying. They shouldn't get stuck in borders now. - Playerstarts lifted a bit from the floor. They shouldn't bounce when they spawn. - Minor changes. Screenshots and download link are here: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1809.msg19040#msg19040 Now time for a break. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: boczeq on December 05, 2009, 05:36:28 AM Hello,
final4. I played it for an hour. I love it. It's perfect. I have discovered some new tricks, enabled by Neon_Knight changes. I also notice that plasma gun is more handy now. I like it. I'm looking forward to play it on some server. Thanks to everybody that helped. Neon_Knight you are the best. Thank you. Forgive me, but I wouldn't be myself if I haven't found the bug. There is small typo in 3 line of readme file :) Best regards, boczeq Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on December 10, 2009, 12:45:32 PM Thanks man, the credit also goes to you for creating an awesome map. :)
Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 23, 2016, 04:29:23 PM Doing some changes at blitzkrieg3 for OA3 at FH's request.
The fog at the chamber near the Shotgun area: should it be less dense or directly rid? Also, the texture used for the teleportals is savdm6ish/#Teleport, there's also liquids/tele. Strangely both of them have surfaceparm water. While I keep searching for ther alternatives, I'll leave to you the question: should these teleportals be replaced by something else such as the "spark" teleporters in am_mckinleyish, by Q3-style teleporters like those on Cosmo's maps (oa_koth2 for example), or be left as they are? Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Gig on July 25, 2016, 03:35:34 AM For the fog, I suppose you may change it to another one, less dense, if you need. However I would not completely remove it for the simple reason there are only few OA maps actually using the fog (without counting death pits or player-unreachable places)...
I don't know the reason why the shader used for that teleporter does contain "surfaceparm water".... however, it doesn't seem to actually cause problems... does it? For me, you may just continue using it. In case you want to change it to a better looking teleporter, I always found those in pul1duel-oa (those with the purple vortex which emits sound) very cool, but they use more brushes... Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on July 25, 2016, 08:58:11 AM I definitely agree in that even Q3 exploits a lot of features OA hasn't exploited it yet (or did, but have been removed "at external request" cofcof*foginctf_compromise*cofcof).
Title: blitzkrieg3-oa3 version 1 Released! Post by: Neon_Knight on August 11, 2016, 09:47:41 PM First version since inclusion in official OA packages.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uz26jfbka4sbcf0/z_blitzkrieg3-oa3-a1.pk3?dl=0 Features: - (Mostly) Reworked brushwork. - Reworked lighting. Still needs improvement. - Support for FFA, 1on1, LMS and Possession. - Includes .info file (is it alright?) - Less "obstructive" fog. - Newer texture for teleporters. Screenshots (taken from 0.8.8 ): (http://i.imgur.com/SN01n15l.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/B4fsg9ul.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/S9KimbUl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/80bikLcl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/XYYL2AOl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/PxgC11pl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/8Wp3JNYl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/2AJP9OXl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/NoVXDZUl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/80qs6rOl.jpg) Title: Re: blitzkrieg3-oa3 version 1 Released! Post by: sago007 on August 12, 2016, 12:27:18 AM - Includes .info file (is it alright?) I have not tested it. But at the moment values with spaces must be quoted:Code: auther "boczeq & Neon_Knight" Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Neon_Knight on August 12, 2016, 04:32:35 AM Noted for next releases. Thank you!
What about the values in "gametype pos"? Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: sago007 on August 12, 2016, 11:19:27 AM Noted for next releases. Thank you! I would not put the fragLimit under 90. 20 seconds is not a long time to hold the flag even on a small map.What about the values in "gametype pos"? The current default value of 300 may be way to high. I play with 90. It gives a reasonable game. It is not unusual for a bot to reach more than 20 seconds before I see the flag for the first time. Title: Re: New map: blitzkrieg Post by: Gig on September 01, 2016, 01:22:42 AM Hi!
Seems good to me... Quickly tested in Possession mode. Maybe bots go where there is the white flag too rarely? Maybe one may remove flares from those red trims (see first screenshot)... And maybe this could be chance to update the logo in those textures of the second and third screenshot, but I don't know if OA3 logo will be the same of 0.8.8, and if someone is planning to make a big job to update all logos in all textures in an organized way... |