Title: Player model SDKs Post by: fromhell on October 02, 2008, 11:14:58 PM This one's for the skinners who fear opening the .blend files.
(http://openarena.ws/crap/sdks.jpg) http://openarena.ws/crap/oasdks.zip I didn't have the time to put the rest of the models in the package though. It takes a while putting things in a stance, aligned parts, and have wires exported and groups merged and .objs tested :( Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: Timedude on October 06, 2008, 05:27:25 AM Hey, I was wondering if anybody was going to make some skins! Glad to see it's starting to happen. I'd make some myself if I understood how...
-Timedude Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: chaoticsoldier on October 06, 2008, 07:17:23 AM I'd make some myself if I understood how... Me too. Could anyone direct me to a good tutorial or something? I wouldn't mind dabbling in this. Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: bongmaster on July 26, 2009, 06:04:36 AM hi sorry to dredge up this topic , but the link in the 1st post is dead.. i'm looking into making player models for OA and would like to get together the bits needed.
Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: Snickersnack on July 27, 2009, 08:32:47 PM I think that sdk was more geared towards skinning. If you want to make player models, the Blender source files would probably be more interesting. You can find those on the subversion.
http://openarena.ws/svn/source/assets/models/ The Blender export script pinned to the top of this forum would also be of interest. The export process is a little tricky so feel free to ask questions. :) Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: bongmaster on July 28, 2009, 09:02:13 AM I think that sdk was more geared towards skinning. If you want to make player models, the Blender source files would probably be more interesting. You can find those on the subversion. http://openarena.ws/svn/source/assets/models/ The Blender export script pinned to the top of this forum would also be of interest. The export process is a little tricky so feel free to ask questions. :) Thanks :) tho i dont think the blender files will be of any use to me. I use Max, and Gmax (it has the md3 exporter). I have to bake the anims in max 1st because i dont seem to be able to bake anims to mesh from the bones in gmax... Also until blender stops looking like a 747 cockpit i wont be touching it with a 7ft barge pole ;) Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: Marble of Doom on July 28, 2009, 11:09:46 AM ...until blender stops looking like a 747 cockpit i wont be touching it with a 7ft barge pole ;) I agree, Blender's ui definitely takes some getting used to and I still haven't found a good tutorial. Looks like I'll be sticking to Art of Illusion! Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: steauengeglase on August 07, 2009, 09:29:21 PM Just for anyone wanting to start out with Blender. Though it is just a set of general video tutorials, not related to Q3 modeling, I found this pretty useful in demystifying Blender (Noob to Pro put me to sleep and other video tutorials didn't bother explaining the whys and hows). http://gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html (http://gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html).
Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: Neon_Knight on November 30, 2009, 01:17:22 PM Lucky you, I was searching for stuff in my backups and found this baby. ^^
I remembered that I was going to make some MKish skins (y'know... with Assassin I wanted to make the ninjas we all know and love -to rip their spine- :D) and I've just uploaded it. Enjoy. :) http://www.onykage.com/files/armageddonman/dev/oasdks.zip Title: Re: Player model SDKs Post by: Neon_Knight on November 19, 2011, 02:24:55 PM Bump!
With the recent changes in the player skins, are these SDKs apt for skin creation? |