OpenArena Message Boards

OpenArena Contributions => Models => Topic started by: seven on October 27, 2010, 06:04:24 PM

Title: It is possible to add an animated md3/ase/3ds model to map?
Post by: seven on October 27, 2010, 06:04:24 PM
It is possible to add an animated md3/ase/3ds model to map?

Title: Re: It is possible to add an animated md3/ase/3ds model to map?
Post by: hkn on October 28, 2010, 07:42:46 AM
Im actually working on some new Mapmodels (to use in my currently WIP map).

AFAIK, the poly mesh (in MD3) can't have animations used as mapmodel. Actually i think that having only static structures is better for gameplay.

If you want to put more "life" in your maps, the shader language can bring many posibilities without move any vertex.

Title: Re: It is possible to add an animated md3/ase/3ds model to map?
Post by: pulchr on October 28, 2010, 08:27:36 AM
you can also add some life by moving brushes. at least you can do that in gtkradiant - i'm not sure how you would do that in blender or other modeling programs.

Title: Re: It is possible to add an animated md3/ase/3ds model to map?
Post by: fromhell on October 28, 2010, 07:12:44 PM
Models are baked in the map permanently iirc, including MD3s. Animated mapmodels would need a new entity.

The fan map is a func_rotate brush with a big fan md3 attached to it :) now if only cgame could lerp those angle changes (the choppy fan spinning when you're standing on it)

Title: Re: It is possible to add an animated md3/ase/3ds model to map?
Post by: Gig on October 29, 2010, 06:43:25 AM
The "NV 15 - NVIDIA bunker" map contains an example of nice moving decorative thing. The model is not "animated", but is moved without rotating (I suppose like if it was a moving platform)...

The "Via Arena" map, instead, has got various rotating decorative things...

You can also download "via_arena" bundled with a more extended version of it (q3_via_arena)

Note: These maps are for q3a, and if you use them with OpenArena without having a q3a2oa texture compatibility pack, you will see many "missing textures".