Title: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on November 13, 2010, 07:33:53 AM some screens from a map in the making. after working quite a lot on pul4ctf i felt that i had to do something else for a while.
this is meant as a fun ffa map - mindless fragging. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-b7-a.jpg) there are jump pads and launch pads all over the place. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-b7-b.jpg) it's mirrored and if mirrored again it could be turned into a ctf map as well. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-b7-c.jpg) the platform with stripes goes up and down between the four floors. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-b7-d.jpg) the orange wall texture is a placeholder but i kinda like the colours :) Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: Cacatoes on November 13, 2010, 07:40:04 AM man man man you already know what I think of these things :D Very good work ...
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: andrewj on November 13, 2010, 08:10:16 AM It looks great, very distinctive ;D
However it also looks completely symmetrical, and my gut feeling is that that is not ideal for FFA maps (for CTF maps, definitely, but not FFA). I wish I could be more helpful and say more precisely what's wrong, but I can't explain it right now. Maybe it's just me :) Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: Gig on November 13, 2010, 08:28:51 AM Maybe it could be good for Harvester, placing the skulls receptacles in two platforms on the upper level, and the skull generator on the lower level...
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: pulchr on November 13, 2010, 08:29:36 AM However it also looks completely symmetrical, and my gut feeling is that that is not ideal for FFA maps (for CTF maps, definitely, but not FFA). i've got an idea on how to make it a bit more interesting in layout. that will also remove the mirrored thing. will have to look though, if it's really a good idea :D Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: Udi on November 13, 2010, 10:23:53 AM Pretty colours :D! It looks fun!
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: Neon_Knight on November 13, 2010, 10:27:15 AM Maybe it could be good for Harvester, placing the skulls receptacles in two platforms on the upper level, and the skull generator on the lower level... Or Double Domination, with one point in the single platform and the other in the very upper level. :PTitle: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: fromhell on November 13, 2010, 09:10:16 PM Multiply it by two and color it appropriately, and you've got a good stand-in for bubctf1
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: WingedPanther on November 13, 2010, 11:08:09 PM I think it looks good. I kind of like symmetry in maps, especially space ones.
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: Neon_Knight on November 14, 2010, 06:50:12 AM Since remakes are going to be cut from the later full releases, this one can act as the wrackdm17 replacement.
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: pulchr on November 17, 2010, 06:02:20 PM (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-c1-a.jpg)
i added an extension to one platform. two launchpads hurls the player to the surface and then sliding up the wall. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-c1-b.jpg) the floor texture on the sloping surface has a slippery surface that the players can slide up/down. a texture with less grip will be used later. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-c1-c.jpg) there's a quad at the top and the little jump on the way down can be used to drop down to the horizontal teleporter. Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: BlankBruno on November 17, 2010, 07:55:34 PM Personally, I like the look of this map and would love to try it out. I tend to play CTF almost exclusively, but this would get me away from that for a while at least. :)
Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: sago007 on November 18, 2010, 11:45:20 AM i added an extension to one platform. two launchpads hurls the player to the surface and then sliding up the wall. Sounds like a fun idea!the floor texture on the sloping surface has a slippery surface that the players can slide up/down. a texture with less grip will be used later. there's a quad at the top and the little jump on the way down can be used to drop down to the horizontal teleporter. Title: Re: pul1ffa - untitled Post by: pulchr on November 30, 2010, 04:44:40 AM i've been kinda stuck on this one for some time - but yesterday i began work on more final brushwork again. the next posted version will have changed a lot when it comes to the general layout. i've also decided to name the map "hit the ground running" :)
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: AmDDRed on November 30, 2010, 12:31:23 PM Maps looks very cool. Kind of a Warsow style.
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Gerbil on December 05, 2010, 08:52:21 PM pulchr makes some of the greatest maps, can't wait to play this one :)
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Thor001 on December 06, 2010, 08:49:31 AM Yep is very funny :) Is it downloadable?
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on December 06, 2010, 03:28:02 PM thanks gerbil, i hope i won't let you down on this one :>
thor - it's not ready yet. i'll upload something when it reaches that stage. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Thor001 on December 06, 2010, 03:45:25 PM ok :)
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: PigCell on December 10, 2010, 01:20:06 PM I see where you got the slidy-slope idea from, definitely an underused mechanism. The theme is very appealing, too. You might want to consider extending some of those yellow pillars beyond the top level, so players there are not completely open (don' t know if there' s a railgun or not).
Title: pul1ffa - hit the ground running - more images Post by: pulchr on April 15, 2011, 08:01:26 PM some recent images of this map. it's very different from the last version i posted images of. the map is not mirrored down the middle anymore.
(http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-a.jpg) the pyramid shape in the center of the image is an indoor area, with four entrances. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-b.jpg) there's a flat area on top of the pyramid with a bfg. above it there's a 16-ton weight hanging in the air. when a player reaches the top of the pyramid an alarm goes off and any player that shoots a trigger (bright red in the images) will drop the weight. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-c.jpg) this area is somewhat untouched from the earlier versions. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-d.jpg) this is the entrance to the indoor area from below. when a player goes up the jump pad the hatch will open. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-e.jpg) two entrances to the indoor area. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-f.jpg) main area indoors. players going down the teleporter vortex near the slippery slope will drop down from the teleporter exit up in the ceiling. on the far side there's a display showing if any players are up at the bfg. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-g.jpg) this is the hatch where players come up from the lower entrance. pushing the lever between the two displays "hatch closed" will open the hatch and instead show "hatch opened". (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-h6-h.jpg) main area from the opposite direction. note that this is a pure fun map. it's probably not very balanced and the bots will not understand the weight - how to get there and neither use the slippery slope. so bot-play will probably not be that fun :/ i will try to make a playable version as soon as i can - but the shaders and texture folder is in a real mess at the moment... Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: chaoticsoldier on April 15, 2011, 08:48:47 PM That looks really nice and I bet it will be fun. Can't wait to try out that slippery slope :)
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: BlankBruno on April 16, 2011, 07:21:57 AM Beautiful map in my opinion. Looks *very* fast paced and complex enough to allow several different fighting styles. I'm looking forward to trying it too. :D
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: fromhell on April 16, 2011, 07:29:36 AM When that weight goes down, we need to hear a
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Bane on April 16, 2011, 01:03:41 PM I have to say this map looks like it would be fun. I like the weight idea it seems just so wrong , but at the same time so right. >:D
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: dbX on April 16, 2011, 01:42:18 PM When that weight goes down, we need to hear a This kind of reminds me of Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on April 17, 2011, 06:02:58 PM here's a playable beta download: pul1ffa-h7 (http://www.pulchr.se/downloads/pul1ffa-h7.zip) (8mb)
the map is available in four gametypes (free for all, team deathmatch, elimination, last man standing). there is bot support - but the bots are not optimized at all, do not expect wonders with them :P bots can't even use some of the jumppads properly - bots also tend to go all suicidal, lemming-style, at times... weapons, health and other pickups need to be better placed in this map - so thoughts on that are most welcome. some other things are still missing - such as a fat sound when the weight comes down... and some graphics. but not anything that should hinder gameplay. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Peter Silie on April 17, 2011, 11:03:58 PM Looks well and seems playable.
But it seems, that you tried it with 125 fps physics. some pads are difficult for use. Maybe it is just me, because i am not realy waked up ;D Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on April 18, 2011, 12:39:27 AM yes, i've used 125fps. jump pads are not completely adjusted yet (bots doesn't use some of them) and i haven't tested for lower frame rates yet.
it might be hard to get the long range jumps to work with all frame rates - but of course the intention is that all should be able to use them :) Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: WingedPanther on April 18, 2011, 08:31:35 PM I like it. It's got lots of fun stuff to play with, and lots of ways to screw up :)
Title: pul1ffa - hit the ground running - beta j0 Post by: pulchr on May 08, 2011, 01:05:12 PM another little update. a couple of things i've added or changed - in no particular order:
(http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0-a.jpg) here i added a small passageway in front and behind the teleporter. the bots had a lot of problems with the slippery surfaces. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0-b.jpg) doors... temporary textures on them though. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0-c.jpg) removed the portal-screen and redesigned the area near the hatch. added some crates at the top floor. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0-d.jpg) made the ramp connect to the rest of the map. more crates. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0-e.jpg) the weight button goes red with a cross to show that the weight has gone down. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0-f.jpg) it goes green with a circle when it is ready to be dropped down. the current beta can be downloaded here: pul1ffa-j0.zip (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j0.zip) Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Cacatoes on May 08, 2011, 04:40:35 PM Haven't tried but these improvements may be very welcome, I was a bit disappointed for the feeling it gave with 085 default physics (maybe coz I didnt play the map a lot). Very good work as usual ;)
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Gig on May 10, 2011, 04:15:44 PM Tested a bit...
For the sliding part: you are a genius! ;D ;D ;D I think I used "accurate" physics... do you think that with "fixed 125" it would be even better? Maybe it's just that I did not read the rest of the thread carefully and did not explore the map enough... but I can't figure out how to reach the top of the pyramid... However, do you plan to re-texture those yellow boxes? And where is the hatch control, what about drawing some sort of "track" ("rail"? I can't find the right word) where the lever moves? Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on May 11, 2011, 01:01:19 AM I think I used "accurate" physics... do you think that with "fixed 125" it would be even better? i don't know what the different physics do - i've played with /com_maxfps 125 using /devmap to load the map. but i noticed that 60fps suited the left launch pad better for sliding up the ramp. at least i think it was the left, could've been the right one :> but I can't figure out how to reach the top of the pyramid... do a double rocketjump - if you have the health/armour to do it... since it's a bfg up there i didn't want people running up there too much. However, do you plan to re-texture those yellow boxes? yep! And where is the hatch control, what about drawing some sort of "track" ("rail"? I can't find the right word) where the lever moves? good idea, should be easy. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Gig on May 11, 2011, 02:00:53 AM i don't know what the different physics do - i've played with /com_maxfps 125 using /devmap to load the map. Com_maxfps is not the only thing to check when talking about game physics... for more info:(DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Game_physics (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Tweak#Tweaking_online_gaming_parameters (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Graphic_options#Framerate Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on May 12, 2011, 07:46:52 AM i've played with the frame rate dependent settings when starting a local server and pmove_float and pmove_fixed set to 0.
played a round or two with the other settings (fixed framerate 91/125 and accurate physics) and they worked fine apart from the fixed framerate 91 which was really unpleasant to play with. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on May 31, 2011, 03:30:55 AM the latest version is now pul1ffa-j6 and can be downloaded here (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j6.zip). note that i haven't saved the textures as jpeg yet and that's why the pk3 is so large.
in this new version i've added a new section called the 'pope plateau'. it's supposed to solve two questions raised by popejo. 1 - how to get up on top of one of the platforms that couldn't be reached unless you rocket jumped or spawned up there. 2 - 'it kind of leads from nowhere to nowhere'. the new part can be reached from a jump pad, stairs and by sliding on the pyramid wall. at the top of that plateau there's a jump pad sending the player across the map and landing on the platform mentioned in the first question. i also moved the lightning gun there. some other changes (from the J2 version): * teleporter sound effect (not finished yet). * changed the controlpanel a bit - size and texture (not finished yet). * made the nodrop brush cover the kill_trigger. * removed one rocket launcher (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j6-a.jpg) this is the new section - see previous posts for reference. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j6-b.jpg) entrance from the middle section. a jump pad takes you up top. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j6-c.jpg) boxes and a sliding jump? (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j6-d.jpg) even more jump pads and launch pads! the shards are floating - it seemed like a possible camping spot for some players - so there's not that much powerups here. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-j6-e.jpg) new location for the lightning gun that was previously placed at the end of the ramp structure. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Gig on November 06, 2011, 05:12:10 AM Hi! Is the map completed? Is it ready to be committed? Next OpenArena version is imminent...
Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on November 07, 2011, 07:57:15 AM hi!
no, the map is not finished yet. the map layout is done but it lacks sound effects, a texture and i have not yet packaged the source files used for textures and sounds. here's the latest version (pul1ffa-k3) (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-k3.zip) if you want to playtest this version. some images from the previous K2 version: (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-k2-a.jpg) new path connecting the upper and middle levels. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-k2-b.jpg) redesigned launch pad and the new see-through floor. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-k2-c.jpg) the railgun is now placed on a small elevated platform. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-k2-d.jpg) some small changes to the pope plateau. (http://www.pulchr.se/random/pul1ffa-k2-e.jpg) shader changes so that the teleporter, jump pad and door lights are purple instead of green. there's also a little more room above the teleporter exit so that the light doesn't look that odd. Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Gig on November 07, 2011, 04:04:08 PM I'm playing without sounds... I find the map nice and funny.
Maybe you could also add DDM and/or DM points. ... so you think no way to finish it in time, eh? :-/ Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: pulchr on November 07, 2011, 05:35:38 PM there's no point in rushing this map out of the door. see this thread (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4074.0) for reference.
there's also a lot of new textures in this map that is only used here and would definately count as "bloat". Title: Re: pul1ffa - hit the ground running Post by: Gig on November 08, 2011, 01:36:09 AM Okay, okay... it is only that it looked like "ready" to me... :)
I never intented to put in a badly unfinished map... but it did not look that way. :) |