Title: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 04:51:09 AM Hi,
I'm not a regular player but still do enjoy OpenArena in terms of both community and the game itself. I was once hosting a dedicated server here in Poland (ISP: UPC) and it was doing rather good - back in the times of 0.7.6, I think. Unfortunately, due to bandwidth and server hardware restrictions, the limit was 12 players at its best. It was CTF on space maps, with oasago somewhere in the maplist, too. Now, I have some new hardware sitting here, mostly idling. Thus, I figured I would run a server for you all to come and play at. I don't want to fire it up blindly, so I'm asking for opinions on what gametype you would enjoy the most. What has especially motivated me is that I recently saw some whining on the forums about the lack of proper CTF servers. Of course, I will run whatever everyone demands, but, to be honest, I have no clue about Harvester, Overload or Double Domination :) I don't know the planned capacity yet - I will not be able to devote all the server's bandwidth to the game, but according to the ISP's data, I should have about 1Mbps of upload here. I'll most probably need to employ some QoS to handle the gameplay and the rest on one machine, so perhaps some 500Kbps for OA... If you have an idea on what number of players this could take on, let me know in this thread. So I call it a startup. Have a vote on what gametype you would like to play and, possibly, on which maps! (I'd be most glad to offer official maps only, but if the need arises, I may introduce some additional ones to be downloaded from an accompanying web server.) Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: chaoticsoldier on November 14, 2010, 05:12:56 AM I would like to vote for Elimination, but you left it out. :'(
Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: Gig on November 14, 2010, 05:15:29 AM If it is possible to edit the poll, he could place it in the place of the "No, not at all" option....
Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 05:30:00 AM Alright, here it is.
Also, I am wondering about employing ExcessivePlus in there. Does the mod need to be installed on client side or just on the server would be enough? Unlagging weapons would be a surely cool thing. Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: chaoticsoldier on November 14, 2010, 05:40:48 AM If it is possible to edit the poll, he could place it in the place of the "No, not at all" option.... Probably not necessary. Mine will likely be the only vote cast for it. ;)Plus I won't be able to play on the server anyway because I'm on the other side of the world, so I don't know if I should really be voting. (I just noticed there are also no CTF Elimination or Domination options either.) Anyway, this is a generous offer. I like the idea of getting a consensus before launching the server. I hope it starts something good. Also, I am wondering about employing ExcessivePlus in there. Does the mod need to be installed on client side or just on the server would be enough? Unlagging weapons would be a surely cool thing. The ExcessivePlus mod can be used server-side only or client-side.Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: Gig on November 14, 2010, 05:42:40 AM If it is possible to edit the poll, he could place it in the place of the "No, not at all" option.... Probably not necessary. Mine will likely be the only vote cast for it. ;)Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: Bane on November 14, 2010, 06:03:59 AM I would like overload. Also TheWanderer it is basically you going to the enemy base and shooting at there large crystal thing until if blows up.
Title: Re: Want a server? Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 06:37:08 AM Good!
I'll put up a test server shortly to check what the pings will be like for all players interested in this. I think, due to the lack of a better idea, that the test server will resemble the old setup (space maps, CTF) for the time being. Then, as the voting ends, the proper settings will be introduced. Right now, I'm pondering the need for a management system for this. The game used to run on its own with OpenArena's dynamics being the only thing keeping everything in order. However, I'm open to suggestions for how managing it should be organized - I am unable to spend hours in front of the stdin pipe, so should I employ some kind of bot, like B3, to keep an 'eye' on it? Or does it seem to you as superfluous as it does to me? (SupeR are using it, hence the mere thought of it) Also, I think these forums are a nice place to discuss the possible changes and the future of the server throughout its lifetime once I get it up and running, right? Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: Cacatoes on November 14, 2010, 06:48:58 AM From this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=3690.msg31697#msg31697),
Quote Upload Bandwidth in Mbits x 1024 x 1024 / 8 / sv_maxrate sv_maxrate = 25000 most of the time.Note: the 1st multiplication by "1024" converts the Megabits to Kilobits. The 2nd multiplication by "1024" converts the Kilobits to bytes. The division by "8" converts the bytes to bits which is how Q3 and OA state the minrate and maxrate. I got no good advise, I'd encourage you too for not using extra pk3s. Finding gametypes and a server configuration which brings people isn't easy. You plan to run version 085 ? Edit: I rarely tried gametypes other than DM and CTF so, like others wanted above, more original ones may be worth trying. Will be the opportunity for you to discover them ;) Edit2: I don't know what is that B3 bot you talk about, some bot checking the logs to act like police ? My feeling is it's worse than superfluous but also is not so much desirable, ehe. And you'll always find some feedback in this thread about your server if you ask for it, of course ;) Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 08:26:23 AM I'm planning to run whatever the current version is. It's 0.8.5, right?
Also, I think I didn't quite get the bandwidth thing. sv_maxrate is in bytes? I can do the math, but what confused me was: Quote The 2nd multiplication by "1024" converts the Kilobits to bytes. I think it converts it to bits...Let's see what we have here for 500Kb/s, assuming sv_maxrate = 25Kilobytes per second. The calculator says: 2.6 players Woohoo! Is it just me or this game is uber-expensive on the bandwidth? I'll have to throw 1.2Mbit/s at this, it seems, for any sensible results... Or can I cut down the rates, too? Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: Cacatoes on November 14, 2010, 08:37:49 AM Oh you're right I didn't even check the formula :D lol
Maxrate is since the start in bits. Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 08:48:51 AM Actually, every website out there tells me that "sv_maxRate is number of bytes per second", so that would make it 25KB/s.
What makes me wonder is that I used to run a server on a crappy link, had 256Kb/s upload (yeah, kilobits) so it translates to 32KB/s which would hardly allow one player, and... it ran with 6 people on it. Thus, we shall see how it goes with 8 players max on the raw link without QoS for now. This is my home PC so I tend to use it for various purposes... Setting up a game in progress. I just need a few moments to make a VPS, port redirections, and remind myself of how to configure this thing. Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: Cacatoes on November 14, 2010, 09:01:53 AM Probably that formula was overly simple, bandwidth usage depends on the sv_fps settings of your server, usually 20, but I'm not at all in a maths mood right now lol. This bandwidth usage, if in KBytes, would be a max, but in practice the usage may be much less than that. Another point to consider is network usage is higher when settings like pmove_float (which is enabled by default on OA 0.8.5) are enabled.
Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 10:03:25 AM I started the server as "Slash CTF", - it has 8 player spots and minimum 4 players with bots on difficulty level 3, and runs my favourite map. Let's test this.
(The name is a tribute to the old server which I used to host.) EDIT: Why would it not show up in the game's server browser while it does appear on dpmaster.deathmask.net? Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: Cacatoes on November 14, 2010, 10:32:08 AM I see it in the ingame browser, maybe you have a filter like "only human players" and "no empty servers" on.
Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: St0n3*r on November 14, 2010, 10:54:08 AM One people just report me same mistake :
it seem one of mine server : *rocket VS insta (http://dpmaster.deathmask.net/?game=openarena&server= : can be seen in dpmaster and in game with "show empty server : on" BUT IT DONT APPEAR with "empty server : off" even if players are on 0_O I haven't that on other servers.. any idea? Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: TheWanderer on November 14, 2010, 11:03:40 AM Sorry St0n3*r, I have no idea about that. If it runs a custom game engine or mod, it could be a bug in its implementation.
However, my server is not seen by me probably because I run it behind PAT on an internal IP in my network, and the PAT is only effective from outside (no LAN->LAN translation occurs due to no routeback). That's alright - I will keep connecting to it via the IPv4 address and hope we can all get rid of this when IPv6 arrives :) Anyway, I invite all y'all to test this server and see what we can squeeze (or, actually, Sid :P ) out of it. If it runs stable with 8 players max, I might increase it to 10 or even 12. And perhaps I'll invest in a better net link if it's going well in the future. Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: St0n3*r on November 14, 2010, 05:07:02 PM Ok thanks! :)
Look forwatd to play on it ^_^ Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: Cacatoes on November 14, 2010, 06:31:19 PM @Stoner, this could be related with the fact you use an older version of your server binaries. Older versions do not implement g_humanplayers (means: the server doesn't send "hey, I got x players connected !") to the clients, and so if no response the filter assumes there is 0 player. Even if you don't use the 085 patch.pk3, you can update your server binary (the openarena_ded file) and it should work ;)
Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: Gig on November 15, 2010, 05:26:28 AM You can find the latest binaries here (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=1933.0).
Title: Re: Want a server? Have a voice! Post by: abused on November 19, 2010, 01:31:00 PM the best option is of course a server that allows in game voting changing the game-mode.
see the excessive mod for an example of what i mean... pretty sure supeR has it enabled. |