OpenArena Message Boards

id Tech 3 => cgame/game/ui => Topic started by: gme on July 26, 2011, 09:25:11 AM

Title: How to make a mod?
Post by: gme on July 26, 2011, 09:25:11 AM
I'v been researching for the past couple of days on how to make a OA mod but I can't find any good tutorials.
I have downloaded OAX ( and changed some of the RL setting and ran the bat files to make the .qvm files, put it all into a .PK3 file loaded up the mod but nothing changed.

Can someone help please.

(I did check the resource thread but alot of them have been removed.)

Thank you.

Title: Re: How to make a mod?
Post by: sago007 on July 26, 2011, 10:42:42 AM
The qvm files must be in a folder named "vm" inside the pk3-file. If the pk3 file is in a mod folder. The mod must be loaded. If the pk3 file is in baseoa it must start with a letter after 'p'.

Title: Re: How to make a mod?
Post by: gme on July 26, 2011, 11:24:41 AM
The qvm files must be in a folder named "vm" inside the pk3-file. If the pk3 file is in a mod folder. The mod must be loaded. If the pk3 file is in baseoa it must start with a letter after 'p'.

I got it now, I zipped up the entire oax file and the .qvm files were down 3 or 4 dir.
To fix it I just did the same as you would with any mod but only had the vm file by it's self in the PK3 file.

Title: Re: How to make a mod?
Post by: jangroothuijse on March 04, 2014, 11:59:19 AM
In the multiplayer menu, how do you disable seeing the regular OA servers? Is there some kind of game/mod identification process going on?

Title: Re: How to make a mod?
Post by: Suicizer on March 04, 2014, 02:19:09 PM
How to make a mod; perhaps read something similar to this article first. (

Title: Re: How to make a mod?
Post by: jangroothuijse on March 04, 2014, 02:26:17 PM
How to make a mod; perhaps read something similar to this article first. (

Hmm...i should have started my own thread...its a very specific question.

I do not see in the code how servers are queried for a certain game; i just wondered if someone would happen to know how it works.

Even if i just knew the identification string of OA itself, i might be able to find it in the code. (yes i tried searching for OA and some alternatives...)

Title: Re: How to make a mod?
Post by: grey matter on March 04, 2014, 04:37:32 PM
Do you want to filter an entire engine like OpenArena (GAMENAME_FOR_MASTER, HEARTBEAT_FOR_MASTER, PROTOCOL_VERSION etc.) or just "baseoa" (GAME_VERSION etc.), the default gamecode?
servernode_t.gamename from q3_ui/ui_servers2.c should be equal to the server's fs_game, but this is unreliable to detect mods. You might need to patch the engine (client/cl_main.c), or extend the game to include a cvar (game/g_main.c, CVAR_SERVERINFO) which you filter in q3_ui.