Title: Detail thing i noticed... Post by: fromhell on March 21, 2013, 01:45:20 PM Even with r_detailtextures set to 0, the detail stage in a shader still gets its texture loaded and switched despite not rendering anything from it.
Any way around this in the shader loader code, like parsing a shader in reverse to omit disabled stages completely for the final shader load? This would make OA run a bit faster in r_detailtextures 0 (but not r_vertexlight 1, as that mode already reduces everything to one stage). Title: Re: Detail thing i noticed... Post by: Jakash3 on March 21, 2013, 10:45:24 PM I modified tr_shader.c a bit to do a conditional for each R_FindImageFile in the ParseStage function, not loading the image if (r_detailTextures is false and the detail label was already detected).
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