Title: 'Custom Maps 1' server and hijacking configuration Post by: OmegaPhil on October 22, 2015, 02:52:03 PM I've played OpenArea for a bit now, and after taking some time to configure key/mouse mappings, a different aim cursor etc, I find on some servers (e.g. 'Custom Maps 1') that configuration seems to be hijacked back to the default. Is this normal behaviour, or is there a setting to lock the configuration down? Perhaps its to do with the furious game mode?
Thanks Title: Re: 'Custom Maps 1' server and hijacking configuration Post by: fromhell on October 22, 2015, 04:23:04 PM Are you starting OpenArena with a +set fs_game parameter? Do you have a cfg in baseoa?
Title: Re: 'Custom Maps 1' server and hijacking configuration Post by: Gig on October 23, 2015, 12:52:32 AM When you play with a mod for the first time, a configuration file is created in the mod's subfolder (under your "homepath" folder), copying many infos from your base (baseoa) settings.
After that, your configuration file of the mod becomes (mostly? fully?) independent from your baseoa settings. Example: you change your name from "UnnamedPlayer" to "Alpha" in baseoa (main game), then play a new mod (let's call it "X"): "X" will show "Alpha" as your name. Then you play again in baseoa, and change your name to "Beta". If you play again in "X" mod, you will find your name still as "Alpha". This behavior (works this way since Q3A) allows to have different configurations for each mod (e.g. different key bindings). If you wish, you can rename or delete "q3config.cfg" in a mod's subfolder, to have the mod copy settings from baseoa again (of course, in that way, you will lose any changes you did in that specific mod). See also: (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Using_mods (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Homepath Title: Re: 'Custom Maps 1' server and hijacking configuration Post by: OmegaPhil on October 23, 2015, 02:04:49 AM Thanks both - I don't yet work directly with configuration files (Debian Testing user here) so I haven't made any custom edits - so the answer will be cached (from my perspective) configuration associated with different mods. I will test and fix tonight, thanks.
Title: Re: 'Custom Maps 1' server and hijacking configuration Post by: OmegaPhil on October 23, 2015, 07:04:43 PM I've made a script to ensure the main config is written to all mods, works nicely. 4 hours later and I need to stop...
Thanks for your help. Title: Re: 'Custom Maps 1' server and hijacking configuration Post by: Gig on October 24, 2015, 04:36:19 AM You're welcome.