OpenArena Message Boards

OpenArena Contributions => Maps => Topic started by: Akom74 on September 09, 2017, 07:19:44 AM

Title: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 09, 2017, 07:19:44 AM
Hi everyone.

I'm here to give you the Beta Version of the tribute map to the original for Q3A from ZTN.

I've followed the layout of the last version from Quake Champions.

Here some screenshot:





Unfortunately there are some little bug, first of all the texture set and the lights...

By the way, you are free to download the PK3 from the following Link:
(copy and paste in the browser)

I hope you enjoy my work and tell me what do you think about the map.


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: carca55gr1nd3r on September 09, 2017, 08:28:03 AM

looks awesome

maybe more brighter for now the map appears to dark to me. But however nice brushwork ;)

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 09, 2017, 10:26:03 AM
Yes, it's a bit dark...

About playability ? Have you tryed with BOTs ?

In my try BOTs roam all the map and it's not that simple to frag them.....  xD


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: carca55gr1nd3r on September 09, 2017, 11:18:02 AM
Yes played with bots ... and it was okay for me ... some times I fail to see them because they stay at dark areas.

But was fun to play and the movement flow was also there ... need more test and also test play with humans....

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 10, 2017, 02:13:59 AM
Can you insert a couple of screenshots of that dark areas ?

Just to see where to place more lights.


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: carca55gr1nd3r on September 10, 2017, 10:28:22 AM
Can you insert a couple of screenshots of that dark areas ?

Just to see where to place more lights.


Acctually I like abient light at your map before make changes try to compile with the LIGHT Stage: -gamma 1.4  ;)

However here the shots:

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 10, 2017, 02:51:32 PM
Thanks, i think to add some lights in some way... :P

Even tha OA symbol (in the ceiling) need more light :)

A question: the texture set i've used (see screenshots), is the same you see in your PC ?

Remember to use the map in a clear installation of OA.


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: carca55gr1nd3r on September 10, 2017, 06:01:56 PM
Textures are the same at here  8) ... I just used r_lightmap 1 to get shots that shows the light issues in a better way  8,

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: fromhell on September 10, 2017, 06:40:58 PM
There's nothing much to be done about losing color precision if broadly applying a color calculation on lighting is affecting the gradients and banding (such as, well, gamma)

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Gig on September 11, 2017, 01:23:04 AM
Given a quick walk around the map. Seems nice.  :) I will test fighting later.

In the meanwhile, the place of the screenshot is quite dark, I didn't notice there was a cornice there..

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 13, 2017, 02:24:30 PM
Hi everybody.

I've modifyed some lights and changed a couple of item placement.

Here are some screenshots:





Here is the Link to download the latest version as the Final Version (...i hope).


- added some lights.
- modifyed the rocket ammo room.
- changed a bullet ammo box near the plasmagun.
- some minor things...

In the PK3, in the Source folder, you can find the original .map file.


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Neon_Knight on September 13, 2017, 02:27:50 PM
Cool! :)

Downloading! (And OFC since the source is there, adding the map to the Mappack. :)

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Gig on September 14, 2017, 12:39:51 AM
Quickly tried with two bots. Nice!

The map looks good, maybe it may deserve some better looking jumppads.

Maybe it's still a bit too dark and a bit claustrophobic, but probably it was just that I had just played that large and completely bright (no light phase) beta CTF map by NeonKight ( just before this one.

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: carca55gr1nd3r on September 14, 2017, 02:56:12 PM
nice done the light fits perfectly  :)

Hope ya will not hate me now by my next comment  :-\

I have not pay attention at the first version ... so may be you know that feeling: You feel that something do'sent feels right but you do not know what it is.

But now I got it: there is a unbalance at architecture in my opinion:

the ceilings has a different thickness and the thin one appears to thin to be frankly  xD (don't hate me .... don't hate me .... don't hate me ...... :(.)

EDIT: see the first picture ... maybe it can be fixed here by put the flat pool area a little bit deeper and add two or three steps to connect the levels.

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 14, 2017, 03:02:34 PM
Neon_Knight have already added the map to the Mappack, i don't know if i have to edit the map.

BTW, in the PK3 it's present the original .map file if someone want to modify the map.


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Neon_Knight on September 14, 2017, 03:28:09 PM
You shouldn't stop working with your map just because I've added the source to the repo! :O

The repo is meant to have the sources so everyone can contribute to the project in the same way SVN has worked for main OpenArena all of these years. In fact plenty of the sources in the repo (especially my own) haven't been worked at all or are unfinished!

Keep releasing versions of Blood Run! I'll update the repo after every new version is released. Or you can do it as well, if you know how to work with GIT.

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 14, 2017, 03:35:14 PM
I think to apply the Egyptian texture set, as Fromhell was mentioning that is too much gothic themed maps.... xD


Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: carca55gr1nd3r on September 14, 2017, 04:09:46 PM
wow the change was fast done ... have just make a minor change to fix the ceiling:




Changed map file:


EDIT: Maybe the jumps over the gap requires some more effort but I am still able to manage it.

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Neon_Knight on September 14, 2017, 04:25:27 PM
I think to apply the Egyptian texture set, as Fromhell was mentioning that is too much gothic themed maps.... xD

Well, we already have the egyptian textures in the OACMP with Sock's permission for GPL to Nexuiz included in the pack. Couple those with the acc_dm5 pack and see what could possibly happen! I think there are a few natural textures in the organics folder as well.

Title: Re: [MAP] Bloodrun
Post by: Akom74 on September 14, 2017, 11:07:42 PM the moment i don't think to edit this map again...

I have other ideas for other map.

Hoping time let me do it...  xD