OpenArena Message Boards

OpenArena Contributions => Maps => Topic started by: baronofhell on March 15, 2007, 04:00:21 PM

Title: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 15, 2007, 04:00:21 PM






Still working on bugs, hope to upload a beta version in a couple of days.


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Blaenk on March 15, 2007, 04:30:09 PM
Haven't tried it, but it looks pretty cool. The screenshots look pretty dark, is that how it really is?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: fromhell on March 15, 2007, 10:25:14 PM
I like this map.

Is that a skybox captured from Celestia?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Blaenk on March 15, 2007, 10:49:16 PM
Cool, leileilol is happy for once! Good job baronofhell! :D I should try it soon, er, after I get my new parts, my computer's crashing as it is.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 16, 2007, 08:27:46 AM
I used the regular space skybox and pasted a screenshot of the earth from Celestia on the bottom image. Tried rotating the skybox to give the map a real feel, but in vain :(

I'll try to post the pk3 soon, it's still buggy.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Czestmyr on March 16, 2007, 08:35:48 AM
WoW! That looks pretty cool. Simple yet attractive architecture and layout. The lighting is ok, in my opinion. Can't wait to test-play this one. Count me in.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: gavinyog on March 16, 2007, 10:52:32 PM
count me in too! oh, and don forget to tell me how to use it for windows!!

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 17, 2007, 12:25:11 AM
The link to the pk3 below: (

The map is still buggy with gaps in brushes showing. Still in beta stage.

Suggestions are welcome on items and weapons placing.

@gavinyog: just put the file in your OpenArena\baseoa folder and in game hit the "~"  key and type "map suspended"


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 18, 2007, 04:17:45 PM
where did you get fire2.wav?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 18, 2007, 04:20:03 PM
I took the file1.wav and amplified it and saved it as fire2.wav, is that a problem :s ?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 18, 2007, 05:04:01 PM
No, no problem, it just sounded familiar and I couldn't quite place it.

The only problem I have (Other than the things you've already mentioned) is the 11.6 meg aas file.  On your next bspc compile try  -optimize -aasopt it will remarkably shrink the file size.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 18, 2007, 05:13:35 PM
I tried a regular bspc without -forcesidesvisible and the bots did nothing other than jumping off. The -forcesidesvisible made the 11mb aas file.

thanks for the tip.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 18, 2007, 07:36:53 PM
Yeah, I am beginning to think that there are issues with the bspc tool and oa.  Our maps can't be that fubared to need -forcesidesvisible for every map.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: fromhell on March 18, 2007, 09:25:03 PM
This map looks fancy, could use some touches of flare lights in some places however, and some contrasted lighting probably stuck as lights under the platforms lighting the areas above the players only a little to give more depth. Just make little light blocks (that have flares) under the platforms like this)
You don't have to use these light colors though

Looks cool with 16x anistropy at 1280x960x32!

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 18, 2007, 10:06:38 PM
Another tip - the common shader (Unless you are using one of the mirrors in it) doesn't need to be distributed with the map.  All of the nodraw/clip/hint info is stored in the bsp.

Also if you take fromhell's advice, (Which would look nice) check the oalite.shader from the svn first.  There are quite a few flared lights in it.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: gavinyog on March 19, 2007, 05:25:07 AM
i copy from c:/ drive to openarena/baseoa folder but did mot work?!
!! and the thing look like this: i go to start at the bottom right of windows, go to look for files or folders, type openarena.
           then i pressed one of the files containing baseoa, i then paste the file i copied to there. then i open OA the game, in the console i typed 'map suspended' (without the ( ' ) sign). the game then wrote that it cannot find the map. and maybe all the problems i had is due to
me downloaded the game from

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 19, 2007, 07:27:28 AM
Another tip - the common shader (Unless you are using one of the mirrors in it) doesn't need to be distributed with the map.  All of the nodraw/clip/hint info is stored in the bsp.

The reason why I did this was, when I copied just the pk3 file to another laptop with just the OA installation (without the svn stuff) and launched the map, the grates did not work and I could see through the platforms from below (any idea why this happens?). I checked the pak0.pk3 and the common shader was missing. So I thought the common.shader was required in the pk3.

@fromhell - Great idea, I'll add the lights.

@gavinyog - probably, uninstall OA, then download it from this site. Launch OA and check if it is working by typing 'map kaos' which is a map already in OA. Then download suspended.pk3 and put it in 'C:\program files\openarena\baseoa'. Then try 'map suspended' again. If that doesnt work send me a message and I'll try to walk you through the process.


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 19, 2007, 08:42:44 AM
That is probably because the grates didn't have shaders written for them in 0.6.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: pio on March 19, 2007, 09:37:48 AM
wow looks trippy

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Blaenk on March 19, 2007, 04:23:56 PM
That is probably because the grates didn't have shaders written for them in 0.6.

That is the reason.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 20, 2007, 10:34:25 AM
I've added some lights, all blue.



Link below: (

If you think blue is too sober, I can try changing the color :)


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 20, 2007, 12:19:34 PM
Are you using the -flares switch in the bsp stage with q3map2?
-fs_game baseoa -skyfix -meta -flares

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 20, 2007, 12:35:11 PM
I do but doesnt seem to work. Can you give me the complete command line?

this is what I'm using in gtkradiant

[q3map2] -meta "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt -fast "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -fast -super 2 -filter -flare "[MapFile]"

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: fromhell on March 20, 2007, 01:03:39 PM
do you have r_flares set to 1 ingame?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 20, 2007, 01:16:13 PM
I set r_flares to 1 in game and lights look the same with or without r_flares. Did you try the map? I'm not sure what I should expect. What's the difference with or without flares?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 20, 2007, 01:43:04 PM
I do but doesnt seem to work. Can you give me the complete command line?

this is what I'm using in gtkradiant

[q3map2] -meta "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt -fast "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -fast -super 2 -filter -flare "[MapFile]"

-flares should be in the bsp stage so in Radiant ->: Build > Customize and get something like this:

[q3map2] -meta -skyfix -flares "[MapFile]" 
[q3map2] -vis "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -fast -super 2 -filter "[MapFile]

the -skyfix flag is a definite must use as iD coded around a bug in the nVidia drivers and that enables the correct behavior
 -fast is not useful for vis (But great for testing) and -saveprt is only useful if you want to view the portal info for your map.  (Would be nice if someone could get oamap to build on windows as it removes the need for the -flares switch) also try -bounce 6 in the light stage as that will brighten the map a little and get a little more realistic lighting.

Personally, I suggest writing a batch script to build your maps with as Radiant just adds more overhead to an already CPU hungry process (And the current build of Radiant leaves a lot of zombie processes).  As I use Debian GNU/Linux here is a sample of a shell script that I use, it shouldn't be too difficult to convert it a .bat.:

cd /path/to/q3map2/
./q3map2.x86_64 -v -connect -game oa -fs_basepath "/path/to/oa/" -fs_game baseoa -skyfix -patchmeta -meta -flares -samplesize 4 "/path/to/craptastic/maps/" && ./q3map2.x86_64 -v -connect -game oa -fs_basepath "/path/to/oa/" -fs_game baseoa -vis -hint "/path/to/craptastic/maps/" && ./q3map2.x86_64 -v -connect -game oa -fs_basepath "/path/to/oa/" -fs_game baseoa -light -fast -cpma -dirty -dirtmode 1 -dirtdepth 128 -bouncegrid -bounce 6 -samples 2 -shade -thresh .5 "/path/to/craptastic/maps/"
echo "finished"

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 20, 2007, 08:51:00 PM
Looks good with the flares on, thanks for the compile code. Hopefully this is the final version. (


@tw3k: Dude, can you check with Red to see if he can host this map in beer garden? Would love to see it in action.


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: tw3k on March 21, 2007, 03:02:04 AM
@tw3k: Dude, can you check with Red to see if he can host this map in beer garden? Would love to see it in action.

I e-mailed Red, not sure if he checks e-mail on vaca tho ;D

If not I'll ask him on the server once he gets back.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: gavinyog on March 21, 2007, 03:23:56 AM
baronofhell recieve my message??

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 21, 2007, 07:21:39 AM
@tw3k: Thanks man.

@gavinyog: yup, replied just now.

I forgot the map file, here is the full zip file. (

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Kojiro_S on March 21, 2007, 09:46:24 AM
For some reason, all the maps with added light effects are running a bit (just a bit) jerky on my computer, whereas the last no-light version of the map runs smoothly. They are still perfectly playable. Just wanted to mention that, in case there's something else to polish.

I'm using 0.6.0.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 21, 2007, 10:59:24 AM
I compiling the map again with some tweaks. I'll post the pk3 when it's done.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: tw3k on March 21, 2007, 11:47:52 AM
overwrote last url plz

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 21, 2007, 12:13:00 PM
@Kojiro_S: Can you try this one and see? (

overwrote last url plz

The recent is the same one with the map file included. Do you still need the old one?


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Kojiro_S on March 21, 2007, 01:06:33 PM
Doesn't run jerky anymore. Nice job with the map.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: tw3k on March 21, 2007, 01:26:54 PM

The recent is the same one with the map file included. Do you still need the old one?

nope, updated link is just fine thx

btw; red put transylvania in rotation ;D

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 21, 2007, 06:06:31 PM
you have a brush on the second tier that has the grate texture on both visible sides.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 23, 2007, 07:30:43 AM
Are you referring to this?


I've corrected it in this, can you try now? (

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 23, 2007, 03:04:01 PM
nope, this is what I was talking about. 

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: tw3k on March 23, 2007, 03:20:08 PM
they are all, the decks, transparent when you look up with picmips 5

fun map

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: fromhell on March 23, 2007, 03:22:20 PM
it's also weird that you can shoot rockets through them

the map looks great ( though the fire appears to be broken

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 23, 2007, 03:42:02 PM
@dmn_clown: gotcha, I've fixed it and I'm compiling it now, will post it after it's done.

it's also weird that you can shoot rockets through them

the map looks great ( though the fire appears to be broken

I wanted to be able to shoot through the platforms and someone above or below :) , and Thanks! Weird that the fire is broken, it works fine for me, unless you're using version 0.6.0 :D

The fire is broken when I run it in the 0.6.0 version of OA, but is fine with the svn version.

@tw3k: Is the fire texture broken for you?

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 23, 2007, 04:08:47 PM
@baron - sweet, I want to integrate this into the project.

@fromhell - The fire is only broken if you have the transylvania pk3 loaded up due to the way the engine loads shaders (The sfx2 script in suspended doesn't have the fires he used in transylvania.  The transylvania script is loaded first which makes the engine ignore the suspended sf2 shader).  You can shoot through the grates because he used clip instead of caulk, makes it more of a skill level as there won't be any splash damage {-;<

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: tw3k on March 23, 2007, 04:11:44 PM
@ the b: which flame g

I'm not sure about the flame texture i'll have to look again. It's sure ain't as pretty as the screenies ;D

I can drop through the solid thing under the quad damage.

I could also hit some rails trought the platforms but some of them miss. I thought it was the holes in the grate and a chance shot. I didn't try any splash damage weapons.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 23, 2007, 09:23:30 PM
I'm not sure about the flame texture i'll have to look again. It's sure ain't as pretty as the screenies ;D

I can drop through the solid thing under the quad damage.

Nothing really is, right? :D

I'm able to stand on the quad damage platform :s

@clown: The compile is done, hope there isn't any more bugs. (


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 23, 2007, 10:38:35 PM
I didn't notice any.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: Sindwiller on March 24, 2007, 01:14:36 PM
Not bad! Best OA map by now ;)

I'd personally change this texture. Looks very rough and improper. Ask me, if you need textures :)

Low scale is eeeeevil. Change it, please.

Missing texture? (though I've got the last pk3, not the zip. Too lazy to rename it :P)

Speaks for itself.

I'd also change the lighting a bit. More shadows, more contrasts. Maybe stronger lightsource outside. And I'd give it a more dirtier look.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: fromhell on March 24, 2007, 01:20:16 PM
I think that texture is fine, though it could use a detail texture overlay (yeah we need more of those :( )

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: dmn_clown on March 24, 2007, 02:16:24 PM
He used a texture that is not available in 0.6 hence the missing texture.

Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: baronofhell on March 26, 2007, 07:10:05 AM
Not bad! Best OA map by now ;)

I'd personally change this texture. Looks very rough and improper. Ask me, if you need textures :)

Low scale is eeeeevil. Change it, please.

Missing texture? (though I've got the last pk3, not the zip. Too lazy to rename it :P)

Speaks for itself.

I'd also change the lighting a bit. More shadows, more contrasts. Maybe stronger lightsource outside. And I'd give it a more dirtier look.

"I'd personally change this texture. Looks very rough and improper. Ask me, if you need textures :)"

Do you have a texture for it or can you suggest one?

"Low scale is eeeeevil. Change it, please."

I'll try something else there :)

"Missing texture?"

Like Clown said, svn.

"Speaks for itself."

Shaders were not written for grates in 0.6.0, so svn again.


Title: Re: New Map (Suspended)
Post by: pio on March 28, 2007, 12:10:22 PM
anyone hosting this at the mo?