OpenArena Message Boards

OpenArena Contributions => Development => Topic started by: sanssecours on June 01, 2007, 07:05:01 AM

Title: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: sanssecours on June 01, 2007, 07:05:01 AM
Hi to everyone

I made a little Makefile that will download the newest content from the svn-server and update the game-files. In the moment it works for Ubuntu although it may work for every Unix version if OpenArena is installed in /usr/share/games/openarena/ or if you specify the directory where the pk3 files are installed on your system.

To use:

if you haven't downloaded the svn source:

0. Download the svn source - for howto:
if you already have done it:

1. Put the Makefile into the directory where you downloaded the svn source
2. if you dont't use ubuntu(7.06): look where your pk3 files are and change the line

       PAK_FOLDER = "/usr/share/games/openarena/baseoa/"

if the pk3 files are not installed inside the folder "/usr/share/games/openarena/baseoa/".

For example if you use OS X and installed OpenArena inside the "Applications" folder in a folder called "Open Arena" and your pk3 files are in baseoa in this folder then change it to

      PAK_FOLDER = "/Applications/Open Arena/baseoa"

3. open a terminal and go to the directory where you downloaded the svn source

then type or insert following line into the terminal

       make clean all; sudo make install

Now the only thing you have to to do get the new version and install it is point 3.

I hope this helps someone.


P.S Please excuse my bad English. You may have already guessed it: I'm not a native speaker :)

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: dmn_clown on June 01, 2007, 12:59:09 PM
all:  $(BUILD_FILE)
-     chmod u+x $(BUILD_FILE)
-      svn update && ./$(BUILD_FILE)
- cp *.pk3 $(PAK_FOLDER)   
- rm -f $(PAK_FILES)
all:  $(BUILD_FILE)
+       svn update && sh $(BUILD_FILE)
install:  $(PAK_FILES)
+       mv *.pk3 $(PAK_FOLDER)

a few things:

1.) not everyone has the game data in /usr/share/games/
2.) you won't be able to play on the pure servers if you do that   
3.) you should only use the svn if you intend to contribute  :)
4.) you've overcomplicated the process:

sh && mv *.pk3 /path/to/baseoa/

Assuming you have write permissions to the folder, if not:
sh && sudo mv *.pk3 /path/to/baseoa/
assuming you use sudo.

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: sanssecours on June 01, 2007, 01:56:55 PM
3.) you should only use the svn if you intend to contribute

Oh it may sound stupid but i thought it's also for checking out the new features. Guess then I just have to wait for the next release :(

sh && mv *.pk3 /path/to/baseoa/

I tried it with a very similar command("./" instead of "sh ") but it didn't get to the second part so I thought I just write a little makefile.

Thanks for the help dmn_clown.

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: dmn_clown on June 01, 2007, 06:05:01 PM
Considering the majority of the servers are pure servers running from the svn only makes sense if you want to contribute which is what I'm trying to say.

./ will only work if the file is executable, sh works regardless  (*nix CLI tip)

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: sanssecours on June 02, 2007, 01:17:34 AM
./ will only work if the file is executable, sh works regardless  (*nix CLI tip)
Nice Tip. Thanks.

Considering the majority of the servers are pure servers running from the svn only makes sense if you want to contribute which is what I'm trying to say.

If contributing in this context means something like playing on the servers, I think it would maybe be a bad idea since I am a super lousy player (usually I keep constantly losing against bots which are skilled "Hurt Me Plenty":) ). Or did you mean something different?

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: dmn_clown on June 02, 2007, 07:19:17 AM
The project needs models, maps, textures, music, sound effects, etc. 

Here is the roadmap:  (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Roadmap

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: sanssecours on June 02, 2007, 10:47:29 AM
The project needs models, maps, textures, music, sound effects, etc.

If I would be good at doing any of the these areas you described above I would definitely do it. That means I never did any of these and I am also not good at painting.
The only thing that comes to my mind that maybe I could help is translating docs or something different into German(my native language). Other contributions that don't involve artistic-al talent are maybe also possible but a look on the roadmap tells me that there are none. By the Way: Thanks for your great contributions to Open Arena.

Title: Re: Makefile SVN (Ubuntu maybe Debian, Mac OS X)
Post by: dmn_clown on June 02, 2007, 11:41:38 AM
Not for the next release (0.7), but we could always bump up the translation paks to say 0.9 from 2.0.  Just something to think about :)