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News: Future of OA |
on: September 21, 2023, 10:50:08 PM
Started by cheb - Last post by Suicizer | ||
Would be cool to see a fisheye port for Open Arena with Fisheye shader as DoomZ and Cube Engine had.
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on: July 27, 2023, 09:25:45 PM
Started by cheb - Last post by Gig | ||
Hello! Nice to see someone in the forums, after all this time!
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on: July 27, 2023, 12:17:46 PM
Started by cheb - Last post by cheb | ||
Resolved a nasty instability in TSpriteLayer.UnprojectVectorToBitmap (skymp.pas, line 1340+) - in some cases resulted in the y coordinate for sampling the line from the center of the sprite straight down being filled with random noise.
Also fixed another bug right there, was placing a tiny dot sampled from the sprite's center at the antipodal point of the sprite's position The download link stays the same, http://chebmaster.com/downloads/cheskymp.zip Fixed: Code: function TSpriteLayer.UnprojectVectorToBitmap(const vector: TVector3f; out x, y: float): boolean; var v2, forward: TVector3f; aa, sar, ar, ah, ax, ay, aac: float; begin v2:= vector; Normalize(v2); // aa is the angle between forward axis and the vector aa:= arccos(DotProduct(v2, ForwardVector)); if (sqr(v2[0]) + sqr(v2[1])) > float(0.00001) then begin v2[2]:= 0; Normalize(v2); // ar = 0 points upwards, clockwise ar:= arccos(v2[1]) * sign(v2[0]); //ax:= aa * sin(ar); //ay:= aa * cos(ar); // such NASTY instability at downward angles! sar:= sin(ar); if sar > float(0.00001) then begin ax:= aa * sar; ay:= aa * cos(ar); end else begin ax:= aa * sar; ah:= arccos(v2[0]) * sign(v2[1]); ay:= aa * sin(ah); end; if (abs(ax) * 2 > xangle) or (abs(ay) * 2 > yangle) then begin Result:= false; end else begin if flip then x:= (0.5 - ax / xangle) * (image.width - 1) else x:= (0.5 + ax / xangle) * (image.width - 1); y:= (0.5 - ay / yangle) * (image.height - 1); Result:= true; end; end else begin if v2[2] < float(0) then begin x:= (image.width - 1) / 2; y:= (image.height - 1) / 2; Result:= true; end else begin Result:= false; // is antipodal dot. end; end; end; Former, wrong: Code: function TSpriteLayer.UnprojectVectorToBitmap(const vector: TVector3f; out x, y: float): boolean; var v2, forward: TVector3f; aa, ar, ax, ay, aac: float; begin v2:= vector; Normalize(v2); // aa is the angle between forward axis and the vector aa:= arccos(DotProduct(v2, ForwardVector)); if (sqr(v2[0]) + sqr(v2[1])) > float(0.00001) then begin v2[2]:= 0; Normalize(v2); // ar = 0 points upwards, clockwise ar:= arccos(v2[1]) * sign(v2[0]); ax:= aa * sin(ar); ay:= aa * cos(ar); if (abs(ax) * 2 > xangle) or (abs(ay) * 2 > yangle) then begin Result:= false; end else begin if flip then x:= (float(0.5) - ax / xangle) * float(image.width - 1) else x:= (float(0.5) + ax / xangle) * float(image.width - 1); y:= (float(0.5) - ay / yangle) * float(image.height - 1); Result:= true; end; end else begin x:= float(image.width - 1) / float(2); y:= float(image.height - 1) / float(2); Result:= true; end; end; |
on: July 30, 2022, 10:27:09 PM
Started by Gonzo - Last post by Gig | ||
No news about release date so far, sorry...
on: July 04, 2022, 03:55:18 AM
Started by Gonzo - Last post by Gonzo | ||
Erm... Sorry, don't use Discord and stuff. Any news on the release? Thanks.
on: December 12, 2021, 11:40:55 PM
Started by Gig - Last post by Gig | ||
Quake3e just updated their code: while before they automatically scaled up console font to resemble the text size of FullHD in case your resolution was higher than that... now, also considering that at fullhd the text was already quite small, they replaced that mechanism with a cvar (con_scale) which allows users to set their own scale, if they want to enlarge (or shrink, I guess) console font.
(Commit and see their github issue for info). I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds nice. As their project only aims at engine and not gamecode, their change only affects console and not the text in the upper left corner, anyway it may give some hint about how to create our own version, possibly for both console and in-game, maybe something like com_textScale? |
on: March 02, 2021, 01:12:36 PM
Started by Aileras - Last post by Gig | ||
It looks like rdnt cntrl proposed a fix for the cl_guidServerUniq bug mentioned above.
on: January 22, 2021, 02:54:07 PM
Started by pelya - Last post by Gig | ||
Pelya, are you still around?
Being short of space in an Huawei P8 Lite 2017 (Android 8), I realized that OpenArena data pk3 files were stored in the internal storage, despite the OpenArena "Change device configuration" menu saying the SD Card was selected. I tried clearing the App's data from Android settings, and at startup, OpenArena says "No need to download" and immediately quits. I guess I'll uninstall and reinstall... anyway, any idea why the data were in internal memory despite your menu saying the opposite? Note: that phone has got an "archive settings -> default location: internal storage" setting. Not completely sure about what changing it to "sd card" would actually imply: it asks for a confirmation saying "Phone is crypted. Be sure the new archive positision is safe (secure?) before switching positions"... IDK... |
on: December 21, 2020, 02:27:41 PM
Started by Gonzo - Last post by Gig | ||
OA new version will be OA3, a content reboot with more coherent assets quality and art style (which will be more anime-ish). Unfortunately the progress is slow due to many reasons (and covid didn't help). ETA: when it's done. Engine and gamecode development happens pubicly, on github https://github.com/OpenArena and nightly builds for easy testing gamecode (as OAX mod) and Windows binaries are available (here and here respectively). Engine and gamecode will just be an evolution of current ones, while user interface will get a big overhaul (early preview in oax_m nightly builds). At the moment it's not possible to register new users on the forum, however most community activitiy happens in the Discord server. |
on: December 21, 2020, 12:09:32 PM
Started by Gonzo - Last post by Gonzo | ||
Hello, guys!
Are there any news upon the new OA release? Still possible to see it and play? What's the status of the game/forum etc.? I really hope the project isn't dead... Happy frag time to everyone. Thank you in advance. |