i'm working on a ctf-map for openarena and now i've begun to apply textures in parts of the map. my intention was to use textures already in openarena and stay true to the original quake 3 texture names. but there are a lot of textures missing in the ctf-folder so i was thinking of trying to create some of them.
some of the textures i was thinking of are based on textures already created, but where can i find those if i wanted to use them as base for the new ones? and here i mean textures that hasn't been merged yet, so they are still easier to manipulate.
also, some textures are twice the size of others in gtkradiant. are the openarena project aiming for a double size in textures?
The original Q3 textures would be in the Q3 pak files which you get with your copy of Q3, those are copyrighted to id software, but good as a reference if you want to work from them to maintain consistency. As far as OA guidelines for texturing goes, the only thing said is to use the power of two, like 256x256, 512x512, but they do not need to be square.
Anything I need to know before I contribute?
The art direction of Open Arena is about "double" as Quake III Arena:
* quadruple texture resolution, i.e. 512x512 as opposed to a 256x256
* double the polycount of models, instead of 700-900 you'll have 1200-2000 poly players
* Sound is probably mixed in 44khz rather than 22khz, but I dunno about that as 44khz seems to crash Q3A at this moment
Hopefully the detail should still be scalable with texture resolution and LoD's for slower computers (read: my p100 with voodoo2)
Concepts would be loose, so don't expect a remake of Klesk in his original Klesk form, or any direct remakes of any map/weapon/model.
Don't forget this project needs open content! So don't add anything that is already copyrighted (like content from commercial games). Your contribution must be licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)