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Author Topic: Come play today on ROFL YO QUIERO FOLLAR  (Read 27614 times)
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Cakes 73
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« on: May 28, 2010, 12:24:44 PM »

I set it up as a try.

We were planning to try different kind of modes which aren't commonly played:
CTF Elimination, Domination, Last Man Standing, and so on.

This server was my test server because it hasn't the best ping, so please deal with it, if people like these matches (the few tries we did were satisfying) then I'll switch it to some more reliable server hopefully, like tomorrow, under another name.

So this friday, from now, you can come and have a test. We'll try to be there and play.

(server located in France)


Edit: changed topic name
Edit2: changed again
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 04:53:51 AM by Cacatoes » Logged

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 34
Posts: 625

« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 01:29:54 PM »

i would appreciate if someone could add this map to the rotation. it would be interesting to see what players think about the gameplay.
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2010, 03:41:42 PM »

I'll think about it, though, if it's a team games server, 1vs1 maps wouldn't fit.

We were only 4 to play this evening, matches were fun. I got some ideas to set it up well so I'll do that later.

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 0
Posts: 24

« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2010, 04:25:06 PM »

I was there and it was fun!  Grin

the game modes:
1. CTF Elimination: a combination of last man standing and CTF, its fun and fast, because its faster than CTF I think a higher target goal would be appropriate here like ~16 or so... Though, with many players, ppl. might get bored fast when they die soon and they have to wait long for the score.

2. Harvester: we couldn't figure out how it works - there was a red and a blue skull ...

3. Overload: Very Cool, you have to destroy the enemy flag (aka sphere). It involves some other strategies compared to normal CTF, as you cannot intercept the enemy flag carrier - so you really have to split your team in defending and attacking forces.
I could really think of this mode to play more often, maybe in alternation with CTF on the ROFL CTFISHES server? :-) (is there an option for mode cycles?)
One thing though, I think the points for damage to the spheres is to high, at the end of the match we had like 2000+ points. You still get points for frags, defense, etc., but of course they just don't compare to the damage points. So maybe 1/10 or 1/50 would do here as well?

4. Domination: we didn't try that out (at least when I was there), hopefully next time, can someone suggests some compatible maps?

5. Thanks Caca for the test server, next time hopefully with better pings. ;-)

« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 04:51:34 PM by faoa » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
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Trickster God.

« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2010, 04:33:50 PM »

@faoa: Overload is the mode where you destroy the crystal. Harvester is easy: you kill someone in the enemy team, a skull appears in the middle. You take the skull and bring it to the enemy base for scoring. Also, am_underworks2 and hydronex2 AFAIK are compatible with DOM, I don't know if ctf_inyard have the controlpoints. I haven't the game here to test.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 04:53:00 PM by |TXC| Neon_Knight » Logged

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 0
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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2010, 04:50:53 PM »

Thanks Neon Knight, I already thought so that I probably mixed them up - I will edit my post.

Harvester sounds interesting, hopefully we will try that next time, along with your suggested DOM maps.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
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Trickster God.

« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2010, 04:53:13 PM »

Oops... made a mistake, it was hydronex2, not harvester2. Fixed.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 45
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« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2010, 05:31:04 PM »

2. Harvester: we couldn't figure out how it works - there was a red and a blue skull ...
See also: DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Gamemodes#Harvester]Manual/Gamemodes#Harvester.

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 12:34:46 PM »

Mesdames, mesdemoiselles, messieurs,

I said I would do, so I did. I arranged a few things:
- This server with various game modes is now called ROFL Callvote custom game?, which, I admit, sounds awful, but is relevant of what you are likely to type if you want to play there and use its full potential. Ya know, you can't have fantasy names because game browser isn't good enough at informing the player of what you will find in the server, that's why lastly we all saw server names like "Instagib" or "Normal CTF" and so on.
- I switched ROFL For Beginner Players and ROFL Callvote, so, ping is worse on the first (it's still okay) and ping is slightly better on second, which is good because I'm in the mood to play on the second. Sorry for beginners, hopefully they won't notice the difference.
- I had fun with votecustom.cfg, to prepare vote changes with right parameters for map, ammunition, g_gravity, g_speed and sometimes g_rockets and g_instantgib. You can now call a vote, it will prepare the game and load the map with right settings, here is what the file looks like:
votecommand "game1"
displayname "oa_ctf4ish - ONE FLAG"
command "g_gametype 5 ; vstr settings0 ; map oa_ctf4ish"
votecommand "game2"
displayname "oa_ctf4ish - CTF ELIMINATION - no rail - less health"
command "g_gametype 9 ; vstr settings2 ; map oa_ctf4ish"
votecommand "game3"
displayname "oa_ctf4ish - DOUBLE DOMINATION"
command "g_gametype 11 ; vstr settings0 ; map oa_ctf4ish"
votecommand "game4"
displayname "oasago2 - OVERLOAD"
command "g_gametype 6 ; vstr settings0 ; map oasago2"
votecommand "game5"
displayname "oasago2 - HARVESTER"
command "g_gametype 7 ; vstr settings0 ; map oasago2"
votecommand "game6"
displayname "oasago2 - DOUBLE DOMINATION"
command "g_gametype 11 ; vstr settings0 ; map oasago2"
votecommand "game7"
displayname "pul1ctf - DOUBLE DOMINATION - INSTAGIB - Speed++ - Gravity--"
command "g_gametype 11 ; vstr settings7 ; map pul1ctf"
votecommand "game8"
displayname "pul1ctf - CTF ELIMINATION"
command "g_gametype 9 ; vstr settings0 ; map pul1ctf"
votecommand "game9"
displayname "ps37ctf3 - OVERLOAD"
command "g_gametype 6 ; vstr settings0 ; map ps37ctf3"
votecommand "game10"
displayname "ps37ctf3 - CTF ELIMINATION"
command "g_gametype 9 ; vstr settings0 ; map ps37ctf3"
votecommand "game11"
displayname "ps9ctf - CTF ELIMINATION"
command "g_gametype 9 ; vstr settings0 ; map ps9ctf"
votecommand "game12"
displayname "oa_reptctf11 - DOUBLE DOMINATION - ALLROCKETS - Gravity--"
command "g_gametype 11 ; vstr settings12 ; map oasago2"
votecommand "game13"
displayname "mlctf1beta - CTF ELIMINATION"
command "g_gametype 9 ; vstr settings0 ; map mlctf1beta"
votecommand "game14"
displayname "wrackdm17 - LAST MAN STANDING - 1RG - 150LG"
command "g_gametype 10 ; vstr settings14 ; map wrackdm17"
votecommand "game15"
displayname "wrackdm17 - ELIMINATION - 1RG - 150LG"
command "g_gametype 8 ; vstr settings15 ; map wrackdm17"
votecommand "game16"
displayname "mlca1 - ELIMINATION"
command "g_gametype 8 ; vstr settings0 ; map mlca1"
votecommand "game17"
displayname "steel - ELIMINATION"
command "g_gametype 8 ; vstr settings0 ; map steel"
votecommand "game18"
displayname "am_galmevish - ELIMINATION - 1RG - 150LG"
command "g_gametype 8 ; vstr settings18 ; map am_galmevish"
votecommand "game19"
displayname "am_underworks2 - TEAM DEATHMATCH"
command "g_gametype 3 ; vstr settings0 ; map am_underworks2"
votecommand "game20"
displayname "oa_shine - TEAM DEATHMATCH"
command "g_gametype 3 ; vstr settings0 ; map oa_shine"
votecommand "game21"
displayname "pul1duel-oa - 1VS1"
command "g_gametype 1 ; vstr settings0 ; map pul1duel-oa"
- I didn't know how to display long text strings, so I used several variables and I don't know if I did well, but here is the result on votecustom.cfg:
votecommand "print_maplist"
displayname "Print the maplist"
command "vstr txt1;vstr txt2;vstr txt3;vstr txt4;vstr txt5;vstr txt6;vstr txt7;vstr txt8;vstr txt9"
votecommand "reset_settings"
displayname "Reset Elimination ammo and weapon settings to default ?"
command "vstr settings0"
- The server.cfg contains these additions:
set settings0 "elimination_startHealth 200; elimination_startArmor 150; elimination_railgun 20; elimination_lightning 300; g_gravity 800; g_speed 320; g_rockets 0; g_instantgib 0"

set settings2 "vstr settings0; elimination_railgun 0; elimination_startArmor 0;"
set settings7 "vstr settings0; g_instantgib 1; g_speed 450; g_gravity 700;"
set settings12 "vstr settings0; g_allrockets 1; g_speed 450; g_gravity 700;"
set settings14 "vstr settings0; elimination_railgun 1; elimination_lightning 150;"
set settings15 "vstr settings0; elimination_railgun 1; elimination_lightning 150;"
set settings18 "vstr settings0; elimination_railgun 1; elimination_lightning 150;"
set txt1 "say game1: oa_ctf4ish - ONE FLAG;say game2: oa_ctf4ish - CTF ELIMINATION;say game3: oa_ctf4ish - DOUBLE DOMINATION"
set txt2 "say game4: oasago2 - OVERLOAD;say game5: oasago2 - HARVESTER;say game6: oasago2 - DOUBLE DOMINATION"
set txt3 "say game7: pul1ctf - DOUBLE DOMINATION - INSTAGIB;say game8: pul1ctf - CTF ELIMINATION;say game9: ps37ctf3 - OVERLOAD"
set txt4 "say game10: ps37ctf3 - CTF ELIMINATION;say game11: ps9ctf - CTF ELIMINATION;say game12: oa_reptctf11 - DOUBLE DOMINATION- ALLROCKETS"
set txt5 "say game13: mlctf1beta - CTF ELIMINATION;say game14: wrackdm17 - LAST MAN STANDING;say game15: wrackdm17 - ELIMINATION"
set txt6 "say game16: mlca1 - ELIMINATION;say game17: steel - ELIMINATION;say game18: am_galmevish - ELIMINATION"
set txt7 "say game19: am_underworks2 - TEAM DEATHMATCH;say game20: oa_shine - TEAM DEATHMATCH;say game21: pul1duel-oa - 1VS1"
set txt8 "say EXPL: /callvote custom game17"
set txt9 ""
- Finally, here is the map list in a more readable format:

  • game1: oa_ctf4ish - ONE FLAG
  • game2: oa_ctf4ish - CTF ELIMINATION
  • game3: oa_ctf4ish - DOUBLE DOMINATION
  • game4: oasago2 - OVERLOAD
  • game5: oasago2 - HARVESTER
  • game6: oasago2 - DOUBLE DOMINATION
  • game7: pul1ctf - DOUBLE DOMINATION - INSTAGIB
  • game8: pul1ctf - CTF ELIMINATION
  • game9: ps37ctf3 - OVERLOAD
  • game10: ps37ctf3 - CTF ELIMINATION
  • game11: ps9ctf - CTF ELIMINATION
  • game12: oa_reptctf11 - DOUBLE DOMINATION- ALLROCKETS
  • game13: mlctf1beta - CTF ELIMINATION
  • game14: wrackdm17 - LAST MAN STANDING
  • game15: wrackdm17 - ELIMINATION
  • game16: mlca1 - ELIMINATION
  • game17: steel - ELIMINATION
  • game18: am_galmevish - ELIMINATION
  • game19: am_underworks2 - TEAM DEATHMATCH
  • game20: oa_shine - TEAM DEATHMATCH
  • game21: pul1duel-oa - 1VS1

The principle of the server is there is no map rotation, you /callvote custom game3 to start a map with its eventual settings to make it more fun.

Some other players and I will try to play there tonight, so you're welcome Smiley

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 0
Posts: 90


« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 05:04:14 AM »

is this server ROFL A FEW DM MAPS [Tux Family]

if not please post times your server will be on

OPEN ARENA!!!!... it's cool

-PWNAGE- Anonymous Browsing
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Cakes 73
Posts: 1427

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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2010, 05:08:16 AM »  ROFL CALLVOTE CUSTOM GAME?  oasago2  0 of 12

Almost always on Wink

While I'm at it, please help me to find a name for the server .. Cheesy

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 0
Posts: 24

« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2010, 02:48:31 PM »

Late reply to second test round (from 29 May 2010) and some suggestions:
uh, it was quite empty again  Sad, we were 3 ppl at the max. so it was not really possible to test those game modes...

During our play, I noticed several connect and disconnect messages from players. I think they were put off by the ~30MB music1.pk3. So my suggestions would be to vastly reduce this pk3 by:
- remove the music (sorry, I know you like it Caca  Wink )
- remove the custom maps or put them in separate .pk3's so they are only downloaded when the maps are actually played
- else? (I don't what else is in there)

But besides this server, how about adding some of these modes to the ROFL CTF 4 Fishes serverRoll Eyes (I beg you)
The fishes server has a rather large and regular player base and I don't think most of them would be put off by adding other modes. IMHO by adding other modes it would be way more interesting, because playing the same map in the same mode over and over again can get quite tiresome.
Soooo my suggestion would be to keep the one map (OA_CTF4ISH) and add the following modes:
- Double Domination
- CTF Elimination (without rail only)
- Overload
and maybe (but I'm not so sure about these)
- Harvester
- Last man standing (without rail)

thanks and see you on the field Wink
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2010, 05:32:49 AM »

Yes, it's quite empty, and I lost a bit of my will to play other game modes these days.

About the music, yes I can remove it. That was an experiment. Some people can download 30MB of texture packs or a map package, so I thought they could do for music (which is a more original initiative). Maybe the FTP host isn't fast enough. Nevermind, I'll make things easy and remove it.

The custom maps are already in their own package, and there are very few custom maps running on the server.

I can improve CTF4Fishes server, I'll think about it. One thing about this server: brightskins are almost necessary ... and the second thing is: texture paks recently made by Udi are very welcome. The server is unpure and I personnally use these, but I think rare are ones which are aware of this (OMG I cheat Cheesy). However I wouldn't like to make these mandatory downloads, because the server has to be very accessible (to allow a constant renewing of its player base).
Now I can indeed improve the voting system and provide other game modes.
However I also feel the success of a server also depends on if it will stay listed amongst CTF servers or not. If there was a way to switch back to a setup (reinitialize the server configuration) once every player left I'd be happy. On the other hand, when there are changes, people can switch back the server to its right map, I already noticed that, so not all is lost :p.
I'll think about gamemodes, some are too similar or wouldn't really apply here (like LMS), I'll do the appropriate Wink

Thanks for the feedbacks.

Todo: Walk the cat.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
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Trickster God.

« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2010, 05:52:06 AM »

LOL @ the name. Tongue

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 0
Posts: 24

« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2010, 02:47:26 PM »

just a quick thought:
Because the map is always the same, wouldn't it be sufficient to just allow "Change gamemode" votes?
This way you could spare those ugly and tedious to setup custom votes Wink .
(Some customization would still apply, like exclusion of modes and CTF Elem without rail but I guess this would be still easier then making all custom?)

I tried to change the game mode to DD today (I hope you don't mind), but failed at doing so (nothing changed), just in case you noticed and wondered...
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2010, 05:47:48 PM »

That's okay, you can change it, most people who know the server a bit will change it back to CTF if they want.
I didn't have time yet to configure the game modes, and had an issue with latest OAX so Custom Votes didn't work.
Normally, every vote is already possible, even game type change through normal vote, though there are a few parameters (elimination_ variables) which have to be set up to use custom amount of ammo for each weapon.

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 0
Posts: 24

« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2010, 12:49:23 PM »

hm, tried again today:

It is not possible via \callvote ... (gametype is not listed as an option)

I can do \g_gametype 11, but then it says I need to restart. \map_restart doesn't work (it says "Server is not running"), if I try it via nextmap then it is CTF again...
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2010, 12:09:28 PM »

Indeed sorry, votes were limited. Changes are made, I'll restart the server when I can.

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 0
Posts: 1

« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2010, 11:38:45 PM »

That was a fun server Smiley
only one I could connect to so far.
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2010, 04:59:18 AM »

Right, I changed it yesterday.
I thought it hadn't any success. How is that you can't connect to other servers ?

There is some lag issues I can't solve on this server, so I wanted to investigate a bit more.

I may put it back as it was, my intention yesterday was to make a more classic CTF server with a decent map rotation and some brightskins. (But right now I have left it in a rather funky and not so funny state).

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes -58
Posts: 263


« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2011, 03:48:57 PM »

Cacatoes can you add bright skins to your server ASAP its getting to be unplayable and a bit weird to be a good server with no skins

and can you please change this 12 player limit

the server gets populated quick nowadays  and a 12 limit isnt really going to keep players on spectate

Mega Rules The World ! Mega Rules The World
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2011, 06:18:54 AM »

0) This topic is about Yo Quiero Follar, which is kinda down, so I don't know which server you're talking about.
1) I'll think about making the server unpure (allrockets already is, instagib isn't), so that people can use brightskins.
2) More than 12 players ingame has a risk the game turns too chaotic. For some time there were 16 slots. I'd prefer if players were spread amongst several servers rather than accumulating on one.

Todo: Walk the cat.
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