« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2007, 08:33:51 AM » |
Thanks TheBeast, seems like your little fix did the trick.  It's amazing how many more maps show up!!! I'm almost overwhelmed! >_< Glad my little problem lead to someone doing something amazing for us all here in the OpenArena community. :E P.S. I noticed when any of the maps first begins to load they all show this weird background with an orange triangle on the right side...  Didn't notice that until I installed your fix.
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #76 on: August 29, 2007, 08:48:23 AM » |
Loading Arena file : scripts/dubneoc.arena Loading Arena file : scripts/blahblah.arena[/b]
These are just debug messages I stuck in there for now so that I could use it to help if someone had issues during the testing. 173 arenas parsed 3 arenas ignored to make count divisible by 4[/b]
These messages were already in the system. This is for the single player mode (non-skirmish). Each tier is 4 maps, so if the total of single player maps is not divisible by 4, it will knock off however many maps it takes to make it divisible by 4. It wants to make sure that all of the tiers have 4 maps.
Lesser Nub
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Posts: 142
« Reply #77 on: August 29, 2007, 08:52:32 AM » |
i didn't pack your qvm into pak0.pk3, instead i simply renamed to pak8.pk3 and dropped it into baseoa.
Doh! I changed the instructions to do that instead of all the other crap I was sugggesting... I R NOOB... (Noone get mad at my caps, please.... I really was yelling at myself :-) P.S. I noticed when any of the maps first begins to load they all show this weird background with an orange triangle on the right side...  Didn't notice that until I installed your fix. ...So, don't have a cow when it looks different. Acts a little different, etc. The main thing you want to check out is if all of the maps are showing up. I will build one for OA as soon as I am totally sure that all issues have been addressed.
:-) That was some extraneous code that I was fiddle-farting around with (and incomplete...) Here's a new .zip file that should remove that annoying little problem...
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 09:52:16 AM by theBeast »
« Reply #78 on: August 29, 2007, 10:00:13 AM » |
These messages were already in the system. This is for the single player mode (non-skirmish). Each tier is 4 maps, so if the total of single player maps is not divisible by 4, it will knock off however many maps it takes to make it divisible by 4. It wants to make sure that all of the tiers have 4 maps. the strict 4 maps to a page thing did make me think it was for non-skirmish, but i thought it better to check. That was some extraneous code that I was fiddle-farting around with (and incomplete...) Here's a new .zip file that should remove that annoying little problem... nice one. thanks again. 
« Reply #79 on: August 29, 2007, 10:06:00 AM » |
is this going upstream to ioquake3?
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2007, 10:14:29 AM » |
Yep. I posted it there before I created the test file... :-)
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #81 on: August 29, 2007, 01:23:23 PM » |
Here's another test file. This one also has the patch for automatically mapping unknown bot names. Try selecting skirmish and then select a map that you know used to have bot <nameblank> previously (and you had to manually add the bots)
Might as well get as much tested as I can :-)
« Reply #82 on: August 30, 2007, 09:47:48 AM » |
theBeast, could you make a diff file of your fix. i'd like to apply it to some mods. thanks. 
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #83 on: August 30, 2007, 11:44:19 AM » |
I'll put one together based on the OA code. The one that I have is based from the ioquake code and can be found at I'll post an update when I get the other one finished. If it would help at all, I would be more than happy to put the code in the mods for you if the mods are out there in svn. It's not a huge task, but does involve about 60 lines of code kind of all over the place in ui_startserver.c and 2 lines in ui_gameinfo.c
Mike Dolan
Cakes 0
Posts: 8
« Reply #84 on: August 30, 2007, 04:36:45 PM » |
This is probably pretty basic, and should've already been answered elsewhere . . . but what is the maximum number of maps that can be opened in Open Arena? I finally put the last of the map packs into my baseoa folder, and some previous favorites are disappearing! At least the thumbnails no longer show up in the Skirmish list.
Will somebody answer this??
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #85 on: August 31, 2007, 01:55:35 AM » |
what is the maximum number of maps that can be opened in Open Arena? I finally put the last of the map packs into my baseoa folder, and some previous favorites are disappearing! At least the thumbnails no longer show up in the Skirmish list.
Will somebody answer this??
First, make sure that you have read all of this thread. It will give you insight into why the maps are disappearing. That said... The default as of the 0.7.0 release is 64 maps. Any more than that and memory will be getting overwritten. With the changes that I have recently worked on, there's no hard limit other than the size of the names of the maps (script/mapnam) all combined cannot be over 2048 characters. There's also a hardcoded limit of 1024 cvars, so this will also cause a limit to what you can use (based on all of the different stuff that you have... Maps, Bots, macros, etc.) So, the real bottom line is, who knows... Everyone's system will be different based upon what all is in their baseoa directory. I can tell you this, if you want more maps to show up, use the testqvm that I posted and see the difference. ... i'd like to apply it to some mods.
One thing I forgot to mention... I don't know much about mods and mission pack, but if the mods are based on the mission pack stuff, it has a different menu system, so this fix would not apply. Mission Pack also has a different issue with the max number of maps--The problem of overwriting memory does not exist, but I think there is a hard-coded limit of 128 maps. This is compiled from the ioquake source without the OA changes... ...I will build one for OA as soon as I...
Here's a ui.qvm file based on the OA source with the changes that I have been working on. While I was tinkering, I also added the ability to use mouse wheel to move a page left/page right on the map list (Same as clicking on the left or right arrow). This should work for Skirmish and for Multiplayer/Create Server. This should make it quicker (and hopefully easier) to get to a map that is waaaay down the list... You can also use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down the list of servers on the multiplayer page. As before, the simple way to try this is to download the file to your baseoa directory and then rename it to pak8.pk3. When you are done testing it, just delete the file and everything will go back to the way it was. Having the ui.qvm file in this pak file might end up causing issues for you on pure servers. Try it, I haven't... It's mainly here to test the functionality... Please feel free to give me any and all negative feedback you have. The only way to make things better is to know there's a problem... :-) Thanks... beast
« Last Edit: August 31, 2007, 02:09:32 AM by theBeast »
« Reply #86 on: September 02, 2007, 02:18:31 AM » |
Thanks again, TheBeast.  Mouse-wheel scrolling was one of those things I was hoping for but never asked about.  Beats clicking the "right arrow" 30 times.  Any chance of being able to make 6 or even 8 map screenshots visible at once? :O Would make scrolling through 100 maps much easier. 
« Reply #87 on: September 02, 2007, 02:45:01 AM » |
fantastic work theBeast. mouse wheel scrolling through the maps is something that openarena's desperately needed. i noticed that the up and down arrows work better too, before i had to put my mouse well to the right of where they were on the screen to click on them, now i can click on them directly. there is a slight problem though, i can't see the up and down arrows until i put my mouse over them. screenshot 
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #88 on: September 02, 2007, 03:19:37 AM » |
fantastic work theBeast. mouse wheel scrolling through the maps is something that openarena's desperately needed.
Thanks... i noticed that the up and down arrows work better too, before i had to put my mouse well to the right of where they were on the screen to click on them, now i can click on them directly. there is a slight problem though, i can't see the up and down arrows until i put my mouse over them.
There was a width problem that I corrected that was forcing the arrows too far to the right. (Well, the activate area anyway... The arrows themselves were okay...) Attached is a new that will fix the arrow problem. Thanks again, TheBeast.  Mouse-wheel scrolling was one of those things I was hoping for but never asked about.  Beats clicking the "right arrow" 30 times.  Any chance of being able to make 6 or even 8 map screenshots visible at once? :O Would make scrolling through 100 maps much easier.  You're welcome... I'll look into what it would take to change the number of maps per page. Not sure on that one.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 03:34:24 AM by theBeast »
« Reply #89 on: September 02, 2007, 04:00:17 AM » |
that's fixed it theBeast. the arrows work perfectly now. another great piece of work. 
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 04:01:59 AM by hyp3rfocus »
« Reply #90 on: September 02, 2007, 07:18:41 AM » |
So I finally gave the newest testqvm a go and I just have to say "Wow," I'm so glad you decided to join up with the OpenArena team and make such amazing changes, TheBeast.  There is really not enough I can say to thank you! Everything that I've so far seen as a pitfall with OpenArena you have came around and fixed and made it even better, beyond my expectations! There are now an enormous amount of things that even the original Q3A can't top! Now, with that, I have another suggestion... Heheh. I love how you made the bot list auto-populate, it makes it so much easier for me to pick a level and start skirmishing... The only problem is I noticed the list always seems to auto-populate in a pre-determined order [Grism, Kyonshi, Major, Merman, etc.] Would there be a way of randomizing this? Or, even more complex, a type of randomization that leaves out particular bots if others have already been selected. [For example, if "Dark" has already been populated into the list then it will not put Tanisha, Sly, Angelyss, or Rei in -- basically only populating with 'unique' bots] Or, if randomization seems out of the question, is there a way I can edit the order of population? For example, maybe I would rather have it with [Dark, Kyonshi, Penguin, Tony] instead of [Grism, Kyonshi, Major, Merman], so I would be able to change some values somewhere to get it to do that. I'd prefer randomization, but I'm a beggar and just throwing suggestions out as usual.  Thanks again,  I am very excited for the amazing things that have happened with OpenArena in the past week or so. :E Kapow!
Lesser Nub
Cakes 0
Posts: 142
« Reply #91 on: September 02, 2007, 10:53:58 PM » |
I have created a new thread in Development since this thread no longer seems to be on-topic with the Map-Pack. HereI've added some bot stuff that you might find interesting. So, go look and download the new file... Test, test, test... Plz..... Thanks...
« Reply #92 on: September 03, 2007, 08:14:56 AM » |
In regards to the map pack: There's a map named "ut_subway," which does not show up under skirmish and doesn't seem to have any items at all. I looked inside the .pk3 and it is made for "ut_ctf, ut_ffa," and a few other "ut_" game modes, which doesn't seem to match OpenArena.  I even changed it from "ut_ctf" to "ctf" in the .arena file but still no items show up. Also, the BlackTown map "xpac_bt," is the only map in the entire pack that seems quite sluggish, and has a few places where you can fall "out" but not off of the map. (Like I'm *outside* the map, able to walk *around* it, I don't think that was implemented on purpose.)
Cakes 2
Posts: 582
Give to life what you expect back
« Reply #93 on: September 03, 2007, 10:08:41 AM » |
In regards to the map pack: There's a map named "ut_subway," which does not show up under skirmish and doesn't seem to have any items at all. I looked inside the .pk3 and it is made for "ut_ctf, ut_ffa," and a few other "ut_" game modes, which doesn't seem to match OpenArena.  I even changed it from "ut_ctf" to "ctf" in the .arena file but still no items show up. Also, the BlackTown map "xpac_bt," is the only map in the entire pack that seems quite sluggish, and has a few places where you can fall "out" but not off of the map. (Like I'm *outside* the map, able to walk *around* it, I don't think that was implemented on purpose.) The ut_subway works fine in multiplayer Free For All, CTF and TDM (even 1on1 if you want). Only thing is that the spawn points may be too close to the enemy flags at times, but the map plays well (in multiplayer anyway). As for the BlackTown map it's more a demonstration of what the engine can do compared to a playable map, pretty much like the summer/winter maps. Again, it does feel a bit creepy running around in that film'noir setting, even though it's not my personal preference. Thoose places to jump 'off' are usually something that the map-maker overlooked. Take for instance suction and the old version of suspended, same thing there. Just avoid jumping out there 
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
