Posts a lot
Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« on: December 18, 2007, 06:32:08 PM » |
Textures without source: textures/base_floor:
achtung_clang.jpg clangdark.jpg clangdark_ow.jpg clangdark_spot.tga clang_floor2.jpg clang_floor3b.jpg clang_floor3blava.tga clang_floor3bstairtop2.jpg clang_floor3bstairtop.jpg clang_floor512.jpg clang_floor.jpg clanggrate2.jpg clanggrate.jpg clangspot2.tga cybergrate2.tga cybergrate3.tga diamond2c.jpg diamond2cspot.tga diamond2.jpg dirt.jpg floor3_3dark.jpg floor3_3dark_ow.jpg floor3_3dark.tga hfloor3.jpg metalbridge06.jpg metaltechfloor01final.jpg - has duplicate .tga with source metfloor1.jpg pjgrate1.tga pjgrate2.tga proto_grate4.tga proto_grate.tga proto_grill.jpg proto_rustygrate2.tga proto_rustygrate.tga rusty_pentagrate.tga skylight1.jpg skylight1_lm.jpg skylight_spec.tga tilefloor7.jpg tilefloor7_owfx.jpg tilefloor7_ow.jpg
geolight_glow.jpg geolight.tga jaildr1_3.blend.jpg jaildr1_3.jpg light1.blend.jpg light1blue.blend.jpg light1blue.jpg light1.jpg light1red.blend.jpg light1red.jpg light5.jpg patch10_pj_lite2.blend.jpg patch10_pj_lite2.jpg patch10_pj_lite.blend.jpg patch10_pj_lite.jpg proto_light2.jpg proto_lightblue.jpg proto_light.jpg proto_lightmap.jpg proto_lightred.jpg runwayb.jpg runway_glow.jpg runway.tga wsupprt1_12.jpg xlight5.blend.jpg xlight5.jpg
basic1_1.jpg cable.jpg cable_trans.tga flat1_1.jpg metal14_1.jpg plate2_5.jpg support1_1.jpg surface2.jpg x_support2.tga x_support.tga
dark_tin2.jpg deeprust.jpg dirty_pewter_big.jpg dirty_pewter.jpg metal2_2.jpg pewter.jpg pewter_shiney.jpg pewter_spec.jpg proto_fence.tga spidertrim.jpg tinfx.jpg tin.jpg xred1_2.jpg yellow_rustb.jpg yellow_rustb_v1.jpg yellow_rustbx128.jpg
bluemetal1b_shiny.tga bluemetal2.jpg bluemetal2_shiny.tga bluemetal3b.jpg bluemetal3.jpg bluemetalsupport2c_1.jpg bluemetalsupport2c.jpg bluemetalsupport2e2.tga bluemetalsupport2e.jpg bluemetalsupport2fline.tga bluemetalsupport2ftv.tga bluemetalsupport.jpg c_met5_2.jpg c_met7_2.jpg comp3env.jpg comp3.jpg concrete_dark.jpg concrete.jpg concrete_ow2.tga concrete_ow.tga concretepipe01.jpg metalblack03.jpg metalblackbloody.jpg patch10_beatup2.jpg patch10_beatup3.jpg patch10_beatup4_alpha.tga patch10_beatup4.jpg patch10.jpg patch10rusty5.jpg redmet4small.jpg redmet.jpg rusted3.jpg rusted.jpg shiny3.jpg shiny3.tga shinybluemetal1.jpg
textures/detail: - derivitives of sourceless images
d_met2.tga d_met.tga d_rock.tga d_scale.tga d_stone.tga d_wood.tga
blocks15_blue.jpg blocks15_c.jpg evil2cglow.jpg evil2ckillblockglow.jpg killblock_i.jpg killblock_j.jpg killblock.jpg killblock_k.jpg killtrim.jpg largerblock3blood.tga pulpywalla.jpg smblk3b3dim_wall.jpg wetwall.tga - derivitives of sourceless image windowevil2c_killblock.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image xblocks10.jpg
ceilingtech02_c2.jpg ceilingtech02_d.jpg ceilingtechplain.jpg
largeblock3b3broke.jpg largerblock3b3dim.jpg largerblock3b3dim.tga largerblock3b3.jpg largerblock3b3x128.jpg metalbridge06b_blood.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image metalbridge06brokeb.tga - derivitives of sourceless image metalbridge06broke.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image metalbridge06.jpg pent_metalbridge06.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image q1metal7_97.jpg q1metal7_99_broke.jpg q1metal7_99.jpg q1metal7_99spot.tga q1metal7_99stair2.jpg q1metal7_99stair3.jpg q1metal7_99stair.jpg xstepborder5.jpg
border7_ceil39blend.jpg border7_ceil39.jpg ironcrosslt2_10000_blend.jpg ironcrosslt2_10000.jpg ironcrosslt2_1000_blend.jpg ironcrosslt2_1000.jpg ironcrosslt2_5000_blend.jpg ironcrosslt2_5000.jpg pentagram_light1_3k_blend.jpg pentagram_light1_3k.jpg
baseboard08_d.jpg baseboard09.jpg baseboard10_f.jpg blocks17g_stairtread.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image border7.jpg km_arena1tower4_a.jpg km_arena1tower4.jpg metaldemonkillblock.jpg metalsupport4g_1.jpg metalsupport4g_2.jpg metalsupport4i_bit.jpg metalsupport4i.jpg metalsupport4j.jpg metalsupport4.jpg pitted_rust3_black.jpg pitted_rust3_dkred.jpg pitted_rust3.jpg pitted_rustblack.jpg pitted_rust.jpg pitted_rust_small.jpg q1metal7_12.jpg q1metal7.jpg stucco7bord1.jpg tower_front.jpg tower_top.jpg wood2.jpg xian_tourney_trim.jpg
gold_brick.jpg iron01_e.jpg oct20c.jpg pitted_rust3blood2.jpg proto_brik.jpg proto_brik.tga skull2.jpg skull4.jpg slateroofc.jpg streetbricks10.jpg streetbricks11.jpg streetbricks14.jpg streetbricks.jpg
gc4_greydark_ao.jpg gc4_greylight_oa.jpg hfloor3_grey.jpg hfloor3_grey_lite.jpg
anocable_oa.jpg anodm2_grey0.jpg anodm2_grey0_jumper_blend.tga anodm2_grey0_jumper.tga anodm2_grey1.jpg anodm2_grey2.jpg anodm2_grey3.jpg anodm2_oalogo.jpg ano_floor1_128.jpg ano_steelplate.jpg ano_techfloor1_dark.jpg ano_techfloor1_purple.tga ano-trim2.tga b_concrete_trim_bottom.tga b_lamp.tga b_trim_metal.tga clangstairs.jpg
bounce_concrete.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image bounce_largeblock3b.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image bouncepad01_block17.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image bouncepad01_block18b.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image bouncepad01_diamond2cTGA.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image bouncepad1q1metal7_99.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image clangdark_bounce.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image metalbridge06_bounce.jpg - derivitives of sourceless image mirror.jpg mirrorkc.tga - derivitives of sourceless image xian_dm3padwall.jpg
textures/sfx/130boom: - rendered images with no source
dpexplosion4_0000.tga dpexplosion4_0001.tga dpexplosion4_0002.tga dpexplosion4_0003.tga dpexplosion4_0004.tga dpexplosion4_0005.tga dpexplosion4_0006.tga dpexplosion4_0007.tga dpexplosion4_0008.tga dpexplosion4_0009.tga dpexplosion4_0010.tga dpexplosion4_0011.tga dpexplosion4_0012.psp dpexplosion4_0012.tga dpexplosion4_0013.tga dpexplosion4_0014.tga dpexplosion4_0015.tga dpexplosion4_0016.tga dpexplosion4_0017.tga dpexplosion4_0018.tga dpexplosion4_0019.tga dpexplosion4_0020.tga dpexplosion4_0021.tga dpexplosion4_0022.tga dpexplosion4_0023.tga dpexplosion4_0024.tga dpexplosion4_0025.tga dpexplosion4_0026.tga dpexplosion4_0027.tga dpexplosion4_0028.tga dpexplosion4_0029.tga
chapthroat.jpg chapthroatooz.jpg pjwal2k.jpg skin5.jpg skin6move.jpg skin6thrust.jpg surface8.jpg
pjrock16.jpg pjrock17.jpg pjrock1.jpg pjrock21.jpg pjrock6.jpg
models/weaphits/rlboom: - rendered images with no source
rlboom_1.jpg rlboom_2.jpg rlboom_3.jpg rlboom_4.jpg rlboom_5.jpg rlboom_6.jpg rlboom_7.jpg rlboom_8.jpg Models without source: models/mapobjects/out:
bfgam.md3 grenadeam.md3 lightningam.md3 machinegunam.md3 plasmaam.md3 railgunam.md3 rocketam.md3 shotgunam.md3
large_cross.md3 large_sphere_1.md3 large_sphere_2.md3 large_sphere.md3 medium_cross.md3 medium_sphere_1.md3 medium_sphere_2.md3 medium_sphere.md3 mega_sphere_1.md3 mega_sphere_2.md3 mega_sphere.md3 small_cross.md3 small_sphere_1.md3 small_sphere_2.md3 small_sphere.md3 Sound bites without source (some may be simple recordings in which case they should be removed from this) sound/items: - no definition as to what constitutes source (voice recordings not included)
damage2.wav damage3.wav electro.wav flight.wav holdable.wav invisibility.wav kamikazerespawn.wav l_health.wav m_health.wav n_health.wav poweruprespawn.wav protect3.wav protect.wav quaddamage.wav regeneration.wav regen.wav respawn1.wav s_health.wav telein.wav teleout.wav use_nothing.wav wearoff.wav
am_pkup.wav ar1_pkup.wav ar2_pkup.wav ar3_pkup.wav menu1.wav menu2.wav menu3.wav menu4.wav nightmare.wav silence.wav w_pkup.wav
dr1_end.wav dr1_strt.wav
pt1_end.wav pt1_strt.wav
fry.wav gibimp1.wav gibimp2.wav gibimp3.wav gibsplt1.wav gurp1.wav gurp2.wav land1.wav watr_in.wav watr_out.wav watr_un.wav
change.wav noammo.wav weapon_hover.wav
bfg_fire.wav bfg_hum.wav
grenlf1a.wav hgrenb1a.wav hgrenb2a.wav
lg_fire.wav lg_hit2.wav lg_hit3.wav lg_hit.wav lg_hum.wav
buletby1.wav machgf1b.wav machgf2b.wav machgf3b.wav machgf4b.wav ric1.wav ric2.wav ric3.wav
fstatck.wav fsthum.wav fstrun.wav
hyprbf1a.wav lasfly.wav plasmx1a.wav
wstbactv.wav wstbtick.wav
railgf1a.wav rg_hum.wav
rockfly.wav rocklf1a.wav rocklx1a.wav
vulcanf1b.wav vulcanf2b.wav vulcanf3b.wav vulcanf4b.wav wvulfire.wav wvulwind.wav
1shot_greg_01.wav 1shot_greg_03.wav ambience03.wav clack.wav curnt2.wav demonwind01.wav drone6.wav drops.wav electro.wav fan4.wav fan.wav fire1.wav fire2.wav firesoft.wav growl1.wav growl2.wav growl3.wav jumppad.wav lava_amb_01_quiet.wav machinerydrone01.wav machinerydrone02.wav monitor_02.wav neonhum.wav portal01.wav portal02.wav suck1.wav telein.wav teleout.wav tim_drone1.wav tim_machine.wav tim_pump.wav waterfall.wav wind1.wav wind2.wav
x_ancientsdrone.wav x_drowning.wav x_forbidden.wav x_ominous.wav x_rumbledrone.wav
There may be more, these are just the obvious ones.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 09:08:26 PM by dmn_clown »
Cakes 1
Posts: 187
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 09:13:16 PM » |
remove everything lol you need to decide on either one of the following a) accept any kind of media as long as it is free to modify and distribute b) require gpl (so you assume that source is what the original author gave you) c) require gpl with some acceptable form of source (so for md3 he needs to provide blend, for jpg/png/tga -> xcf or psd ...) d) stop the development of openarena
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Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2007, 09:51:52 PM » |
you need to decide on either one of the following a) accept any kind of media as long as it is free to modify and distribute b) require gpl (so you assume that source is what the original author gave you) c) require gpl with some acceptable form of source (so for md3 he needs to provide blend, for jpg/png/tga -> xcf or psd ...) d) stop the development of openarena
a + b + d are bad ideas, a suggests cc, b is lazy d is just assinine c I can agree with.
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 12:24:41 PM » |
we're already doing c for it already, when available.
this is preposterous when the matter is sound and texture. If you think this is a huge problem then go witchhunt Nexuiz because that's where this 'evillair' problem stems from.
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support code development on github
Posts a lot
Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 03:19:03 PM » |
we're already doing c for it already, when available. Really? Where are these definitions? They aren't on the wiki, they aren't on the website. this is preposterous when the matter is sound and texture. Bullshit. Every image editor in use today has the ability to save a layered image and every sound editor has the ability to save a project when editing a recording or are you saying that your insinuation in is incorrect? All of the rendered images were rendered in programs that have the ability to save projects, yet no source project for the rendered images. If you think this is a huge problem then go witchhunt Nexuiz because that's where this 'evillair' problem stems from. Just because someone is willing to point out a flaw in your reasoning doesn't mean they are on a witch-hunt.
Cakes 2
Posts: 582
Give to life what you expect back
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 06:18:06 PM » |
Updated the thread here in regards to evillair licensing.
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
Cakes 0
Posts: 29
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2007, 06:31:06 PM » |
Bullshit. Every image editor in use today has the ability to save a layered image and every sound editor has the ability to save a project when editing a recording or are you saying that your insinuation in is incorrect? All of the rendered images were rendered in programs that have the ability to save projects, yet no source project for the rendered images. Why is having a Photoshop psd such a big deal in terms of textures? The output of an image is completely viewable unlike source code. Because you cannot add a drop shadow to an existing layer?
Cakes 2
Posts: 582
Give to life what you expect back
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 06:57:33 PM » |
Bullshit. Every image editor in use today has the ability to save a layered image and every sound editor has the ability to save a project when editing a recording or are you saying that your insinuation in is incorrect? All of the rendered images were rendered in programs that have the ability to save projects, yet no source project for the rendered images. Why is having a Photoshop psd such a big deal in terms of textures? The output of an image is completely viewable unlike source code. Because you cannot add a drop shadow to an existing layer? The importance has to do with the GNU GPLv2 (or later) license. The license allows (us) to use material for free (as in freedom) and you are allowed to change/edit the source as long as the terms of the license are applied. One of these terms is that the source of the material should be available to anyone, that's why it is important. Source code is perfectly viewable, it's another story if the read can understand it or not.. What needs to be defined is what is the source for an image for instance, there is no way determining an artist creating a single-layered file in multi-layer program, or a multi-layered image which is flattened to one layer before releasing as (for instance) .psd files. In my opinion, and with research I've been doing lately, it seems to me as it would be enough to include a copy of the license the media will be licensed under but again, this needs to be properly checked and consistent throughout. Most of the media I have found, both sound and images, does not contain any layered sources, trackers, not even meta-data. Still they are released under GNU GPL, even included in official Linux releases world-wide.
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
Cakes 6
Posts: 636
Shoot him..
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 07:28:23 PM » |
When it comes to media creation in general it is extremely difficult to define a source.
What should be defined is what classifies as a source file. For textures & Sound.
Textures: Source files will vary. If there is a .psd or .xcf format for a texture then it would be classified as the source file. However if it doesn't have a layered format(for reasons that vary, ie it didn't need it). Then the next highest quality source should be classified as the source file. Any images used in the creation of a texture should also be noted as a source file.
Sound: Sound formats vary greatly from what package you are using. However with sound you are more likely to have the source files. Sound formats like .ogg & .mp3 are compressed and rarely the original file unless at a high bitrate & are recordings. Individual files used to create the final sound should be classified as source files. Midi files & Midi like formats should also be classified as source files. In short the original sound/music files used to create the new sound/music file should be the source files.
This is my view on the subject.
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Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 09:06:58 PM » |
Updated the thread here in regards to evillair licensing. I read that, thanks. Unfortunately, that doesn't cover the rendered images that should have the saved project file with them. Individual files used to create the final sound should be classified as source files. Midi files & Midi like formats should also be classified as source files. In short the original sound/music files used to create the new sound/music file should be the source files.
I agree, usually the saved project file does this, as an example when adding channels to an existing wav file in audacity you can save this information in the .aup format and meet the requirements of the GPL. It's not that difficult nor is it preposterous.
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2007, 04:23:56 AM » |
Okay, so let's see what the requirements actually are.
"The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it."
It isn't as clear as you think. For example, a PSD file and preferred? I'd need to pay lots of bucks to be able to even OPEN it so I can edit it. Note that GIMP's PSD support is very poor... also, textures... they usually need some manual step at the end (retouching, cloning pixels, resynthesizing) that can't be properly represented in most layer-based image editing apps. I remember this one Windows image editing app that let you work on a low-res image all the time, but remembered everything you do (like a huge undo history) and in the end could apply all these changes to the original image in high quality... I forgot the name of that program. If a texture was made with that program, the undo history file would be the source... but if it wasn't, the image you get with "Save as..." in a portable format (JPG, PNG, TGA, whatever) would be the source. That JPG is lossy doesn't matter here - the GPL can't be interpreted in a way that saving an image as JPG and closing the app means the image would be undistributable. Same goes for video files - if you make a video file of, say, 2 minutes 1024x768 30fps as intro movie for a game... you can't be required to provide 8.1GB of "source code", possibly even more original footage. It's very acceptable to delete it when you are done, and IMHO not in the conflict with the GPL. However, the case of the video is more questionable than the JPGs... everyone can open JPG files in anything and edit them, contrary to for example TGA, so one could say that a high-quality JPG is "the source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it.". Also, note that opening a JPG, doing nothing and saving again with the same quality factor doesn't reduce its quality, if the converting app is correctly programmed.
BTW, speaking of image editing apps - very often I need to "flatten image" or "merge visible layers" in GIMP before I can apply a filter, so it applies correctly to the result of merging some layers. Because of this, the resulting image is often single-layered... and it would be pointless to provide an XCF file.
Now to the MD3 files... why can't these BE the source? Lots of modeling apps open and save MD3. Nothing prevents you from modeling something from scratch and saving it as MD3 only, thinking that if you want to do any changes, you can just open the MD3 again, change it and save it. Case closed.
WAV files... here it gets philosophical. What is the "source" of a wav file sound effect? Sometimes it's easy... like "Freepats Bass Drum, pitched up by 10 halftones". In other times it's easy too... "this .IT file" (but here it gets recursive, as .IT files contain samples that are just like sound effects...). What's the source of an audio file that was created by mixing something in audacity, exporting to WAV (to collapse everything to one track for the subsequent steps - see image editing, basically the same issue), open it in mhwaveedit, apply dynamics compression, some reverb and an equalizer manually, and finally a fade-in and a fade-out? Okay, now we have the problem with multitrack editing software described - what about the original sound effects/samples? What's their source? The hardware (microphone, table, bottle, whatever) used to make the sound? Do we have to sell the announcer person as a slave to someone who asks for source? Obviously not. So we can assume the WAV files ARE the source... especially sound effects often need some manual steps AFTER collapsing it to one track. Obviously, you guys don't know much about audacity if you really thought you can avoid that step before doing extra effects...
In case of music, there are often good reasons to not distribute and keep the WAV file - namely, their size. Also, you can't do much with the WAV file anyway that you can't do with the Vorbis file. The "interesting" part got lost during regular editing, namely when the file got collapsed to a single track to be able to properly apply some effects. The Vorbis file thus is just as good as the WAV, and there's nothing better that can be regarded the source.
Now let's see if the GPLv3 clarifies this a bit - it was made by the same people, so maybe it clarifies it... and indeed:
"The Corresponding Source for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities."
Now, the files you specified aren't "generated" from another file, but there were manual steps to them. In other words: either the aforementioned files already ARE the source, or source doesn't EXIST AT ALL for that TYPE of files. In the latter case, open source projects would be restricted to script generated textures and sounds and could not use anything photographed/recorded... and I doubt that's the intention of the GPL.
EDIT: this forum software sucks and cuts off at the " of the GPL.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 04:30:04 AM by divVerent »
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2007, 04:28:58 AM » |
Now reusing this post for an addition...
the issue is that the GPL isn't really made to apply to media. And the GFDL is not compatible to the GPL.
Basically, what we'd need is a clarification of the GPL to include media as their own source, or require source in some cases:
images: file IS the source, as long as it's in a quality setting that allows further editing (a badly compressed down JPEG would then not be okay any more)
sounds: same rule, but sound files typically aren't compressed that badly as it would hurt the ears
music: depends on the type of the music - recorded from orchestra the "classical" way: score (no matter in which format, as long as it can easily be viewed - good formats include JPG, PDF, TIF, MID, and files by free music notation or tracker software; commercial formats like Cakewalk should NOT possible as only provided source code, but in that case it would be ideal to bundle BOTH the proprietary format AND an exported MID or PDF). Note that this source file does not allow you to reproduce the music in the same way - much of it is up to the interpretation of the conductor and the orchestra. Also, note that the score does not need to follow a specific format, but should be exactly what the orchestra used - even if it's just written instructions in a foreign language, doesn't matter. If it was all improvised, of course the source requirement can't apply and the source may be left out. In any case, the names of the performing people, including the conductor, need to be listed. Anonymously recorded orchestra music can't be allowed. - exported from free MIDI synthesizer or tracker software: the input file for that software, of course. - exported from non-free MIDI synthesizer or tracker software: the input file for that software, plus a file readable by similar free software that contains score even if it means a quality loss in that file (example: Cakewalk project -> MID file, or even PDF). Here, BOTH files are required. - exported from MIDI synthesizer or tracker software, but added manual steps in the end (fading, dynamics compression, etc.): see orchestra (that is, ANY file that allows you to view the score with free software suffices, even if not machine readable)
The PDF files required by these points need not have a source code on its own, as it already IS considered the source.
I think this interpretation would fit with the existing GPL (both v2 and v3), and just clarify it - but it's a bit more restrictive than I interpret the GPL. Maybe GPL v4 should contain such a requirement.
No idea how to write it in legalese, but as an algorithm...
Source code of a file F is: 1. if F is a derived work of files F1, F2, ..., Fn, the source code has to additionally include sources of F1, F2, ..., Fn if applicable to them 2. if F is generated from input I using a free generating software G, then I with G(I) = F is the source 3. if F is generated from input I using a non-free generating software G, then I with G(I) = F, accompanied with an approximation I' for a free generating software or a manual generating process G' where G'(I') ~ F. Input files for a manual process must be human readable, and viewable using free software 4. if F has been generated by a process G manually using input I, then I with G(I) ~ F is the source. Input files for a manual process must be human readable, and viewable using free software 5. if F has been made by a process G manually without any pre-written input (so G is actually the artistic process), the source requirement does not apply Any file that has a source code can be left out, as its own source code has to be distributed (so only "leaves" of this tree are required).
Now let's apply this to a texture. Textures typically are made in image editing apps. Typically they are made without any pre-written input, so there is no source requirement (rule 5).
What about a sound effect? Basically, the same applies.
For orchestra music, either 4. or 5. is the case, depending on whether there has been a score or whether it's improvisation. Let's provide the score as PDF. This PDF is human readable using free software (xpdf), and thus fulfills the requirement.
For tracker or MIDI music, either 2. or 3. is the case, depending on the software being used. Additionally, for tracker files, samples must provide source if applicable, according to 1.
For manually "finished" tracker music, I'd assume that 5. applies, as an artistic process happened in the end. I'd additionally make 1. apply, as the result would be a derived work of the input file. Here, we'd get some sort of "incomplete" source, just like with the approximation requirement of 3. Actually, here we see that the rules can probably be generalized and simplified, as the case of the finished tracker music can be constructed in multiple ways - for example, you can go over 1. to get the tracker file, but you'd also get it via 4.
For a library or an executable, 1. applies. For the .o files the library consists of, source code has to be provided due to 2. If a non-free compiler was used, an approximation to the source has to be provided that either can be processed by a free compiler (this can be the very same source, if the program was compiled using Visual Studio but also would compile in GCC), or is human readable (well, source code in most languages fulfills that anyway, so it counts).
For a Word document, I'd say rule 3 applies and requires you to supply an approximation that can be read by free software. Typically, this is the Word Document itself, as long as some free word processor can at least approximately read it, and if not, this would be a text or a PDF file.
Are there any loopholes in this?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 06:21:43 AM by divVerent »
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Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2007, 09:51:01 AM » |
Note that GIMP's PSD support is very poor... That is misleading, the problem with opening a psd in the GIMP comes from the lack of support for layer styles and the various layer effects and can be mitigated by converting layer styles to individual layers, unless of course there is a serious problem with your particular version of the GIMP, in which case you need to file a bug against your version of the GIMP. Inexpensive older copies of photoshop can be picked up on ebay, last time I checked full version Photoshop 7 was selling for ~$50US. Hardly a lot of money, within any reasonable budget, and its not the GIMP. they usually need some manual step at the end (retouching, cloning pixels, resynthesizing) that can't be properly represented in most layer-based image editing apps. That depends on how the texture is made but I have no problem with: filter > other > offset or ctrl + shift + o and cloning/blending when working with someone else's image files. very often I need to "flatten image" or "merge visible layers" in GIMP before I can apply a filter, so it applies correctly to the result of merging some layers. Because of this, the resulting image is often single-layered... and it would be pointless to provide an XCF file. You are using a poorly written filter, file a bug against it. There is no technical reason why that filter requires the absence of an alpha channel beyond poor design. Same goes for video files - The intro roq has a .blend file, I'm not particularly worried about it. What's the source of an audio file that was created by mixing something in audacity, exporting to WAV (to collapse everything to one track for the subsequent steps - see image editing, basically the same issue), open it in mhwaveedit, apply dynamics compression, some reverb and an equalizer manually, and finally a fade-in and a fade-out? Okay, now we have the problem with multitrack editing software described - what about the original sound effects/samples? What's their source? The hardware (microphone, table, bottle, whatever) used to make the sound? Do we have to sell the announcer person as a slave to someone who asks for source? Obviously not. So we can assume the WAV files ARE the source... especially sound effects often need some manual steps AFTER collapsing it to one track. If mhwaveedit allows you to save a project than the source would be the mhwaveedit project file(s) and not the wav itself. Now to the MD3 files... why can't these BE the source? Last time I checked the blender md3 import plugin did not import tags or animation's properly which would be counter to the spirit of what software libre is supposed to be (e.g. someone being able to have full access to everything that you did without having to recreate, code wise this particular situation would be exactly the same as someone providing a completely working binary but missing a header file). Now let's see if the GPLv3 clarifies this a bit - it was made by the same people, so maybe it clarifies it... and indeed:
"The Corresponding Source for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities." Except that you can't apply any of the terminology, definitions, or clarifications from v3 to anything licensed under v2, you have to move to v3 to use those clarifications and definitions and I don't see that happening within this project no matter how much I would like to. the GFDL is not compatible to the GPL. The FDL is also a non-free license when used with the invariant sections clause (search the debian-legal archives for the full explanation). It's a bad license, avoid it. Basically, what we'd need is a clarification of the GPL to include media as their own source, or require source in some cases:
images: file IS the source, as long as it's in a quality setting that allows further editing (a badly compressed down JPEG would then not be okay any more) You are showing your inexperience working with images by being willing to accept single layer images as their own source, it is far easier to work with a multi-layered image when creating a derivative than it is to work with a single layer image and you get higher quality results (you already know that but sometimes it never hurts to restate, plus it allows you to check the legality of textures i.e. no non-free basis for the texture most people will never do that but there is always one that will attempt it). sounds: same rule, but sound files typically aren't compressed that badly as it would hurt the ears Again: If mhwaveedit allows you to save a project than the source would be the mhwaveedit project file(s) and not the wav itself. Reason: what if all I want to do is tighten your reverb without affecting any other portion of the sound bite a tiny smidgen? I can't do that with just your wav I have to recreate it from scratch. If all you have is a recording then .wav obviously acts as its own source, once you add channels, reverb, etc. to the wav then the project file(s) from the last program you used to edit the sound bite should be the source, possibly including the original recording (there are very few GPL compatible sound libraries so it is not a bad idea to do that anyway).
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2007, 03:35:29 AM » |
"You are using a poorly written filter, file a bug against it. There is no technical reason why that filter requires the absence of an alpha channel beyond poor design." No, not that, and it isn't the alpha channel. Let's for example look at the edge detect filter. Assume a light grey image with a dark grey filled circle layer on top of it. Edge detect applied to the layers individually does nothing. Edge detect after merging the layers emphasizes the circle. Basically, for many filters, filter(mix(layer1, layer2)) is NOT the same as mix(filter(layer1), filter(layer2)). This is not a bug in the filters, but comes from what the filters do - see my edge detect example. For audio, the very same holds (a typical filter where this isn't the same is dynamics compression). "If mhwaveedit allows you to save a project than the source would be the mhwaveedit project file(s) and not the wav itself." mhwaveedit is a single-track audio editor. There is no such thing as a project file in it. And I do prefer it for many tasks, simply because it is much less annoying to use than audacity (like, trying to find a range that loops well, or simple fading). "Last time I checked the blender md3 import plugin did not import tags or animation's properly which would be counter to the spirit of what software libre is supposed to be (e.g. someone being able to have full access to everything that you did without having to recreate, code wise this particular situation would be exactly the same as someone providing a completely working binary but missing a header file)." That's a Blender bug then. MD3 is really a usual format. "Except that you can't apply any of the terminology, definitions, or clarifications from v3 to anything licensed under v2, you have to move to v3 to use those clarifications and definitions and I don't see that happening within this project no matter how much I would like to." Not quite. The part I cited is just an explanation of a term that should be obvious anyway. Source code is the input for a compiler, that is, a program that automatically generates the resulting "object code". would also tell you the same. Basically, what I am saying is that the way from source code to object code is an AUTOMATIC one. Manual image editing is NOT a way to convert source to object code. Even worse for you, source and object code have to be executable by a computer... and I've never seen a computer execute an image or sound file (unless there's a buffer overrun exploit with shell code inside...). So basically, one can argue - and I suppose lawyers would do so - that the GPL's source requirement can't apply to media files AT ALL. "You are showing your inexperience working with images by being willing to accept single layer images as their own source, it is far easier to work with a multi-layered image when creating a derivative than it is to work with a single layer image and you get higher quality results" Of course I know this. But the ORIGINAL AUTHOR may have been forced to flatten the image ALREADY, by the problems I stated above. Just like a music or sound effect author may have been forced to render the music to a wav before further processing. In these cases, the multilayer image would NOT be the source of the result, but an intermediate step of the artistic process. And the GPL requires no such intermediate steps to be provided. The GPL is not there to let the original author jump through hoops just to make "source code" from nothing. If he codes a .o file in a hex editor, he isn't forced by the GPL to write a corresponding C program for it (but to convince a judge that he REALLY made it in a hex editor ).
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Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2007, 07:40:27 AM » |
No, not that, and it isn't the alpha channel. Let's for example look at the edge detect filter. Assume a light grey image with a dark grey filled circle layer on top of it. Edge detect applied to the layers individually does nothing. Edge detect after merging the layers emphasizes the circle. Basically, for many filters, filter(mix(layer1, layer2)) is NOT the same as mix(filter(layer1), filter(layer2)). This is not a bug in the filters, but comes from what the filters do - see my edge detect example. For audio, the very same holds (a typical filter where this isn't the same is dynamics compression). I see what you are saying in this example (I was thinking of the poorly designed texturizer plugin which will not work if there is an alpha channel) but you can also emphasize the circle in other ways that do not require flattening the image, give better results, and would allow saving a high quality xcf (see below). mhwaveedit is a single-track audio editor. There is no such thing as a project file in it. And I do prefer it for many tasks, simply because it is much less annoying to use than audacity (like, trying to find a range that loops well, or simple fading). That's a personal preference, but you could still save the audacity project (see below). That's a Blender bug then. MD3 is really a usual format. From what I understand it's a limitation in python, there are very few free modeling programs that will completely import all of the meta information contained in an md3 (one that I know of). Not quite. The part I cited is just an explanation of a term that should be obvious anyway. Source code is the input for a compiler, that is, a program that automatically generates the resulting "object code". would also tell you the same. Basically, what I am saying is that the way from source code to object code is an AUTOMATIC one. Manual image editing is NOT a way to convert source to object code. Even worse for you, source and object code have to be executable by a computer... and I've never seen a computer execute an image or sound file (unless there's a buffer overrun exploit with shell code inside...). So basically, one can argue - and I suppose lawyers would do so - that the GPL's source requirement can't apply to media files AT ALL. <snip> The GPL is not there to let the original author jump through hoops just to make "source code" from nothing. If he codes a .o file in a hex editor, he isn't forced by the GPL to write a corresponding C program for it (but to convince a judge that he REALLY made it in a hex editor ). You're missing the point, releasing media source in a project such as this is so that others may use and expand upon it, either in this project or in projects of their own without loosing sound/image quality. You can't keep the same quality if all you have to work with are "finished" sound files and flattened images. So it really boils down to, are you doing something so someone else can build upon it or are you just copying the commercial attitude with a less restrictive license? I would hope that it is the former and not the latter because libre gaming is seriously lacking content that can be used to create something without making yet another clone. You'd be very surprised about what isn't obvious when it comes to software licensing. Joerg Schilling's Cdrtools comes to mind as an example. He felt that his name needed to be spammed throughout the console (and practically embedded in every cd burned that used his programs) because of his interpretation of the GPLv2. Also, in the American Legal system where it is not so much what the license says but how well the lawyer can explain to a judge that knows next to nothing about software licenses what the license means and how it would apply (Effectively individuals are paying their copyright lawyers to educate the judge, giving Americans the best justice money can buy ). Besides, if you don't want to distribute source, but want to use the GPL, you can always use v3 and write your own restrictions/definitions as part of the license (the license allows that).
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2007, 02:50:17 PM » |
"I see what you are saying in this example (I was thinking of the poorly designed texturizer plugin which will not work if there is an alpha channel) but you can also emphasize the circle in other ways that do not require flattening the image, give better results, and would allow saving a high quality xcf (see below)."
There are many more filters this applies to. Of course, for a simple circle, it would be ridiculous to use edge detect for it. But my example still stands - what is the "source" of the resulting file? The two layers are not the source, as it can't be "compiled" to the resulting image. The final product isn't the source because you say it. So an image made that way would be impossible to use in a GPL project? A music file that got a manual dynamic compression after flattening would be impossible to use in a GPL project? For sure not.
"You're missing the point, releasing media source in a project such as this is so that others may use and expand upon it, either in this project or in projects of their own without loosing sound/image quality. You can't keep the same quality if all you have to work with are "finished" sound files and flattened images."
Of course. But the GPL simply does not define what source is for media files, and there is not even a clear definition. IMHO it would be great if the GPL could get the necessary extensions/explanations to be able to fully work for media files. But currently, it doesn't, and "lives" in the world of software. Some people are even so radical and say that the GPL can't apply to media files AT ALL, which would render ANY media file GPL-less - and not distributable as part of GPL software.
Feel free to write a license that also fulfills the requirements of free media, and not just free software. But inevitably, it will be GPL incompatible, but it may once REPLACE the GPL. Or, tell the FSF about these problems, maybe they'll be addressed in GPLv4.
Cakes 6
Posts: 636
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« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2007, 04:33:39 PM » |
Of course. But the GPL simply does not define what source is 1. any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin: Which foods are sources of calcium? 2. the beginning or place of origin of a stream or river. 3. a book, statement, person, etc., supplying information. 4. the person or business making interest or dividend payments. 5. a manufacturer or supplier. 6. Archaic. a natural spring or fountain. Source is defined in the Dictionary, as the origin of something. It doesn't matter what it is, be it code or media. In short source is the foundation, if you create a texture that uses 5 different images then those 5 different images are the source. How they are implemented to create the final output is also the source. The definition of source is very clear. What we classify as source is unclear.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 04:35:24 PM by kit89 »
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2007, 05:17:28 PM » |
"How they are implemented to create the final output is also the source." Herein exactly lies the problem. This step is often a MANUAL one. And I doubt the GPL then requires the author to teach anyone who asks about, e.g., image retouching. Neither is it humanly possible to "describe" that process exactly. The GPL also doesn't require you to work as slave for anyone who asks, as YOU are the source of the image file A line has to be drawn somewhere, somehow. And IIRC there have been no court decisions on that yet. A strict way to interpret the GPL would be that it requires source CODE - and anything that has no code form thus can't be covered by the GPL, and therefore is unlicensed (i.e. warez) when part of a GPL project. That would basically mean that GPL games can use procedural textures/content ONLY. BTW, trick question: which license is the file COPYING (with the GPLv2) under? Can it really be included as part of free software?
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Cakes 1
Posts: 1324
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2007, 10:10:39 PM » |
The GPL also doesn't require you to work as slave for anyone who asks, as YOU are the source of the image file. Actually this is flat out wrong. The GPL does require you to be a slave to someone else. The analogy goes something like this, I scratch your back, you are required by the terms of the license to scratch mine. I release source, you use parts of my source in your project, you are forced to release your changes in a similar format to mine. If you don't want want to release source, help out the state of libre gaming, etc. then don't use the GPL as a license use cc-by-nd or something equally stupid. BTW, trick question: which license is the file COPYING (with the GPLv2) under? Can it really be included as part of free software?
Amusing, here's one for you: which license is the only license to be truly free?
Cakes 1
Posts: 187
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2007, 01:15:17 AM » |
The GPL also doesn't require you to work as slave for anyone who asks, as YOU are the source of the image file. Actually this is flat out wrong. The GPL does require you to be a slave to someone else. The analogy goes something like this, I scratch your back, you are required by the terms of the license to scratch mine. I release source, you use parts of my source in your project, you are forced to release your changes in a similar format to mine. If you don't want want to release source, help out the state of libre gaming, etc. then don't use the GPL as a license use cc-by-nd or something equally stupid. does he mean "if you are the original author and released your artwork under GPL and if someone asks you for the source you dont need to dig your computer for the every single file you used to create the artwork" so if someone releases a md3 model under GPL, he doesnt need to give you the blend, max, or maya source files. .... he is not violating anything. but he is an ass I want my blend file! I can use md3 importer but what if it is animated I will lose all bones ,pretty useless. this is against the spirit of the GPL
Cakes 0
Posts: 26
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2007, 04:55:15 AM » |
gpl sucks lol.
Cakes 2
Posts: 582
Give to life what you expect back
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2007, 11:08:09 AM » |
gpl sucks lol.
Without it you wouldn't play Open Arena for free.
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2007, 11:33:04 AM » |
does he mean "if you are the original author and released your artwork under GPL and if someone asks you for the source you dont need to dig your computer for the every single file you used to create the artwork"
so if someone releases a md3 model under GPL, he doesnt need to give you the blend, max, or maya source files. .... he is not violating anything. but he is an ass I want my blend file! I can use md3 importer but what if it is animated I will lose all bones ,pretty useless. this is against the spirit of the GPL
I meant neither of these. I meant: if the file has a source, given from how it's made, the GPL entitles anyone (who has the "binary") to get the source. If the file was made in a process that doesn't necessarily produce some "source code", the GPL can't require any. Example: if I open Blender, model something, and make a screen shot of Blender with that model, but never saved the model as it was just for demo purposes, I can still distribute the screen shot under the GPL (e.g. as texture for computer screens on some OA map). The .blend file that you people may want to see NEVER EXISTED. IMHO the problem is just that the GPL fails to enforce things it should enforce. A bug in the license... but OA is doing nothing wrong.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 11:51:28 AM by divVerent »
Cakes 1
Posts: 187
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2007, 12:00:44 PM » |
I am waiting for some q3 engine mod that will have a diff(against openarena.exe) file as its source author may pretend he/she hexedited openarena.exe
Cakes 0
Posts: 11
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2007, 12:41:22 PM » |
Hehe... if the diff is small enough, we'd have to believe him. If every second byte of the executable changed, no chance