So I have an
alpha Quake 3 Arena
CTF style map I've been working on for two-three days. The name may convince you its more of a TDM/FFA map but I liked the way the editor looked when I cloned my map and had that symetrical feel going
smDM04_alpha2EDIT: Textured.
Pretty much the only thing I'm looking for is to hear if its TOO spacious and to show me where some spots dont flow. EDIT: Read last post by me concerning second alpha. I'm looking for item placement feedback, gameplay etc..... anything you can think, write please!!
I have platforms with stairs/ramps going to them in some spots that I'll be putting weaopns/items on and dead-end nooks that will have some 50 healths there. You'll know what I mean when you see them...
Obligitory screenies:
Editor Shots - The link is fixed now.
Copy and pasted from Map-Center. Using ONE iD texture but this is an alpha and not yet ready to be released. I will be retexturing when it's ready so it can be fully GPL compliant.