HELPMENU for X-treme Battle v0.50a7 Version
accuracy [id] - displays the weapon accurcy. the client-id is optional
autorecord - starts demorecording with automatic generated filename
ccommands - displays a commandlist for teamcaptains (TEAMGAMES ONLY)
chasecam <id> - same as follow
clearaccu - clear your accuracy stats (WARMUP ONLY)
credits - displays the credit infos of this mod
currenttime - displays the current system time
drop <item> - rl, rg, pg, sg, gl, lg or bfg for weapons
rockets, slugs, cells, shells, grenades,
lgammo, bfgammo or bullets for munition
all will drop 1 item from all if you have
help - displays this little commandlist in your console
items - displays the current ON/OFF status of the powerups
players - lists infos about the players.
ready - sets your status to READY to start a match
scores - displays the current scores
settings - displays the current gamesettings
showips - displays the ips of all connected clients
speconly - toggles client's involvement in the 1v1 queue
stats - displays the current stats for all playing clients
streaks - shows your Hits-In-A-Row stats
talk <id> - same as tell
timeout/in - calls a timeout\timein during a running match
unready - sets your status to UNREADY to start a match
(c) 2ooo-2oo5 by ^CHAMPi^ all rights reserved
www.xbattle.deMy custom battle.cfg:
cg_predictItems 0
cg_damageDraw 0
cg_altGrenades 1
cg_altLightning 1
cg_altPlasma 0
cg_deadbodyfilter 1
cg_enableBattleHUD 1
cf_statusbar 22x22
cf_WeaponSwitch 22x22
cf_Scores 10x10
ch_Ranking 0
ch_WarmupInfoHide 4
model sarge
cg_enemymodel ""
bind [ cg_enemyModel hulk
cg_useScreenShotJPEG 1
s_ambient 0
ui_console 0
ch_crosshaircolor red
cg_drawCrosshair 5
cg_autoAction 2