Cakes 18
Posts: 372
on a dead horse
« on: September 12, 2008, 02:20:39 PM » |
Yesterday morning I had an idea of a pillar themed ctf map which should be quiet small. So far this is how it turned out. It's a beta2 release: (save link as ...) r_speeds issues forced me to lower the details of my pillars more and more. After a decent hinting everything should be fine now although the pillars don't look that nice anymore. After creating the second base I feel the map isn't that small as intended in the beginning. As the 'gate' itself is pretty poor the way it looks like I'm thinking about to drop it completely and place the second base just at the opposite end of one court. Of course there is a screenshot: 
Lesser Nub
Cakes 8
Posts: 133
Obey 37.
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2008, 11:58:35 PM » |
Awesomeness, great on design (I love the black theme), and the gameplay is fun and a little simple. Played it with bots, was fun. I can't think of anything I don't like about this map. Great job.
Cakes 18
Posts: 372
on a dead horse
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 01:42:34 PM » |
Thanks PsiScythe. I was unhappy with the current layout and changed bases. Flagrooms got deleted and flags are placed where this long empty yard was. Both pillarrooms are closely connected through the 'mid-gate'. Gameplay is very fast now. I hope this is an improvement. Beta3 release: (Save target as ...)
Lesser Nub
Cakes 8
Posts: 133
Obey 37.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 02:29:19 PM » |
Cool. Here's two ups and two downs: Down: - You can rocket jump up to places where stuff is distorted, perhaps a clip is needed for the "ceiling"?
- I can't see chaingun bullets still. :<, not related to your map in particular though, just that the chaingun seems to be unfinished.
Up: - It looks better now without the long hallway, allthough short distance between flags, that just means that it should be playable with huge populations. CTF maps sometimes have the flags rediculously far apart which ruins the fun for larger games, IMO.
- The chaingun is on it, which is cool.
A little more serious though, I would add a Nailgun, it seems like a good map for it with the pillars and all. I was wondering about a type of upper walkway around the outside of the map or inside, would add more exploration without messing with gameplay, I would think. Just a weird lil' idea  .
Lesser Nub
Cakes 2
Posts: 102
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 12:24:50 PM » |
I didn't like the screens, so I tried it and made some: map looks like fast fun, feels a bit claustrophobic (except of course when I'm on the roof) and perhaps an S form would be better than the U form for layout. PS: is all content gpl? need the info for the screens
Cakes 18
Posts: 372
on a dead horse
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 05:13:01 PM » |
Hi qubodup, thanks for the effort you put into the screenshots. You would prefer an S form instead of the U. It would lose versatility and gain a better performance. I'm thinking about that. I always like to have several posibilities in my maps. One or two chokepoints are okay but I'm unhappy if there is just one way everybody has to come through. For my concerns I released it under GPL (as always) but I used TRaKs outstanding textures. There is no use of his 'filth' set but his second texturepack which I believe does not break any lincense as he still has it at his website for download. For the moment I cannot say if this will be alright. I fear I have to retexture the whole map which might be okay as it's a small one. At all the textures are included in OA 0.8 as I'm mapping against SVN version of the game I have to do another checkout and see what has to be done. Let's wait and see. I'm always glad about suggestions. I thought about an upper walkway around the outer court but dropped the idea (Thank you PsiScythe). Maybe get something working. I will have to play a bit.  The nailgun will be added.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 05:19:04 PM by cosmo »
Cakes 0
Posts: 50
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2008, 05:24:16 AM » |
I tried this map, and I've got to say, it's intense! With the chaingun by the flag, and about 4 ways to get to the flag, you're always rushing around to do something different. Which is great! Bots seem to seek out the sprint rune, though. As for adding the nailgun... Egh, idk. Allot of mapper seem to think that they should add the nailgun to their map. And I disagree. Plus, there seems to be no love for the mine launcher... Which is a shame.
Cakes 5
Posts: 203
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2008, 08:23:42 AM » |
O_O It looks cool
Lesser Nub
Cakes 2
Posts: 102
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2008, 06:36:04 PM » |
It would lose versatility and gain a better performance. Oh, I didn't notice there was another way besides taking the U-turn 
Cakes -2
Posts: 308
not so strong
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2008, 10:51:48 PM » |
It looks like a fantastic map, I am looking forward to playing it  It is very interesting  I can't quite decide if I like b2 or b3 better. b3 is solid, but the warps in b2 make it interesting <3 rocket jumps, therefore <3 this map  I tested out the third beta in 071, so some of this stuff might not be valid. -If you rj up from the top platform of the red base, you can see the blue base through the wall -There is no battle suit on the red side, and there is no mega on the blue, making it unbalanced, maybe replace the battle suit on the blue side with a mega, and put the battle suit in the middle room. -This isn't a big deal, but the weapons alternate sides depending on what side of the map your on. ie when looking from the middle to the red base, the armor is on the left, whereas if your looking from the middle to the blue base, the armor is on the right. -personally, when it comes to elevators, I prefer jump pads  They allow for much more flexibility when it comes to gameplay than an elevator. Though I have seen no problems in yours, typically elevators can be buggy.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 10:55:33 PM by Gerbil »
there once was an animal called gerbil he dreamed he was eating his turtle he awoke with a frieght in the middle of the night to find out that he was a squirtle
Cakes 18
Posts: 372
on a dead horse
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2008, 10:33:18 AM » |
Thank you Gerbil,
I appreaciate your suggestions. Gamebalance is important for me. Let's see if people like it in 0.81
Bigger member
Cakes 15
Posts: 161
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2008, 06:35:21 PM » |
Anyone has a link to download the final version of this map? I was only able to find beta versions.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2008, 08:49:41 PM » |
Ask to Cosmo, he's the mapper. 
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2008, 04:52:42 AM » |
Maps is nice to play on 2vs2 or 3vs3. To bad servers with 12 players or 24 players have this map in rotation thus making this map unplayable with all the spamming. U might want to rename the map ctf_gate1tourney or something and take out the nailgun. wtf is the nailgun doing in oa anyway, stupid weapen /callvote kick nailgun 
Cakes 24
Posts: 584
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2008, 04:56:51 AM » |
I wasn't keen on the personal teleporters, that seems like a big no no for CTF maps since a team could grab the enemy flag and (with luck) land very close to their own flag. But I haven't played the map much yet, so maybe that makes for interesting gameplay.
A couple minor complaints: - in the small rooms with lifts, one corner is a lift and the other isn't but they both look like lifts. - there are some powerups sitting on what looks like a jumppad but it isn't.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2008, 06:25:22 AM » |
Maps is nice to play on 2vs2 or 3vs3. To bad servers with 12 players or 24 players have this map in rotation thus making this map unplayable with all the spamming. U might want to rename the map ctf_gate1tourney or something and take out the nailgun. wtf is the nailgun doing in oa anyway, stupid weapen /callvote kick nailgun  Learn how to counterattack Nailgun, Mines and Chaingun and stop crying.  Ah, and read this. 
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2008, 11:07:25 AM » |
Maps is nice to play on 2vs2 or 3vs3. To bad servers with 12 players or 24 players have this map in rotation thus making this map unplayable with all the spamming. U might want to rename the map ctf_gate1tourney or something and take out the nailgun. wtf is the nailgun doing in oa anyway, stupid weapen /callvote kick nailgun  Learn how to counterattack Nailgun, Mines and Chaingun and stop crying.  Ah, and read this.  I know how to counterattack duh. And I read what u linked, Every game went trough a development stage, with input from players. No players no game. So that article is nice and all, but wrong.  If a game doesnt want player-input then say that instead of putting feedback in the trashcan. OA is still a BETA version right? Dont tell me to shut up in so many words, its not nice. bad dev attitude:D
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2008, 11:36:48 AM » |
One thing is to receive players feedback. Another one is to make the game strictly based on what players want. In what concerns to me, I hear suggestions, but I only take those which I think are nice ideas for the map. For example, I won't take out nails, mines and/or chains from my maps. Same with water and hazards. I can make some changes, for example raising water in McKinleyish, but going far from that... no.
My idea of a pro-player (in strict gaming sense) is someone who can win any game in any map with any rules, and don't need "extra" help like brightskins or hitsounds. And AFAIK, there isn't such players yet which can fit in that description.
Id wanted to do a player-request-based MP for Quake 4, (almost Q3 style) and it failed. Almost the same with UT3. Sad, because both games are good and nice games, but well...
P.S: Before some misunderstanding, I like OA a lot, that's why I'm here, that's why I try to get people playing it, that's why I try to contribute to the project with what I can, that's why I have an OA-related site. I have to say that to clear misunderstandings.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2008, 11:46:10 AM by Armageddon_Man »
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Cakes -2
Posts: 308
not so strong
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2008, 11:56:36 AM » |
My idea of a pro-player (in strict gaming sense) is someone who can win any game in any map with any rules, and don't need "extra" help like brightskins or hitsounds. And AFAIK, there isn't such players yet which can fit in that description. My idea of a pro-player is one with sponsorship  /callvote kick nailgun  The server can disable specific weapons, I forgot the cvar unfortunately. You just need to find a server that shares your dislike of the nailgun 
« Last Edit: December 26, 2008, 12:03:24 PM by Gerbil »
there once was an animal called gerbil he dreamed he was eating his turtle he awoke with a frieght in the middle of the night to find out that he was a squirtle
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2008, 12:37:22 PM » |
My idea of a pro-player (in strict gaming sense) is someone who can win any game in any map with any rules, and don't need "extra" help like brightskins or hitsounds. And AFAIK, there isn't such players yet which can fit in that description. My idea of a pro-player is one with sponsorship  I was talking in the strict gaming sense, of course that there's some other things that make a pro (I know that pro means "professional", and I was talking about pro as players who is very good ay playing, not professional players which are paid for playing  )
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Bigger member
Cakes 15
Posts: 161
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2008, 02:30:12 PM » |
Here ya go:
// weapons, ammo, items
seta disable_item_armor_shard "0" seta disable_item_armor_combat "0" seta disable_item_armor_body "0" seta disable_item_health_small "0" seta disable_item_health "0" seta disable_item_health_large "0" seta disable_item_health_mega "0" seta disable_weapon_gauntlet "0" seta disable_weapon_shotgun "0" seta disable_weapon_machinegun "0" seta disable_weapon_grenadelauncher "0" seta disable_weapon_rocketlauncher "0" seta disable_weapon_lightning "0" seta disable_weapon_railgun "0" seta disable_weapon_plasmagun "0" seta disable_weapon_bfg "1" seta disable_weapon_grapplinghook "0" seta disable_ammo_shells "0" seta disable_ammo_bullets "0" seta disable_ammo_grenades "0" seta disable_ammo_cells "0" seta disable_ammo_lightning "0" seta disable_ammo_rockets "0" seta disable_ammo_slugs "0" seta disable_ammo_bfg "1" seta disable_holdable_teleporter "1" seta disable_holdable_medkit "1" seta disable_item_quad "1" seta disable_item_enviro "0" seta disable_item_haste "0" seta disable_item_invis "0" seta disable_item_regen "0" seta disable_item_flight "0" seta disable_team_CTF_redflag "0" seta disable_team_CTF_blueflag "0"
// missionpack weapons, ammo, items
seta disable_holdable_kamikaze "0" seta disable_holdable_portal "0" seta disable_holdable_invulnerability "0" seta disable_ammo_nails "0" seta disable_ammo_mines "0" seta disable_ammo_belt "0" seta disable_item_scout "0" seta disable_item_guard "0" seta disable_item_doubler "0" seta disable_item_ammoregen "0" seta disable_team_CTF_neutralflag "0" seta disable_item_redcube "0" seta disable_item_bluecube "0" seta disable_weapon_nailgun "0" seta disable_weapon_prox_launcher "1" seta disable_weapon_chaingun "1"
Bigger member
Cakes 15
Posts: 161
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2008, 02:31:58 PM » |
also, in my opinion, you can defend yourself against _anything_ just with railgun  master that weapon and you're good 
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2008, 08:39:32 AM » |
Well to make things clear. I dont care if people use nailgun, i just rather not use it as i dont like it. If you talk about pro-players when you actualy mean players who play very good, then say what u mean and dont confuse people, and explain later what you realy mean, thats silly. imo pro players are just that play for money and they dont play OA.( maybe for the hell of it)
Yes i know about the disabling gerbil I was just a sarcastic, must be misunderstood aswell ,
Profesional players rely on sounds for enemyorientation and hitsounds is obvious innit? The models in OA are not that good colorwise bland/ vade in background and the height of the models in not consistant enough. anyway
Suggestions are always good ALWAYS, just the way they are handled is not always right. If its good say so ,..if its not so good say so in a normal way not dissing the commentater.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 08:41:43 AM by RudyRailer »
Lesser Nub
Cakes 8
Posts: 133
Obey 37.
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2008, 11:32:40 AM » |
I think that all that needs changed on the map is the weapon layout. It'd be way fun as long as you can't grab chaingun so easily and other sorts of stuff like that. Nailgun I think is purely defensive, shoot it into doors that you think someone may run through. On one of the q3wcp maps the nailgun was right next to the flag, maybe would be good for ctf_gate. I consider nailgun as a projectile version of shotgun though.  Take a look at ps9ctf's weapon layout, I thought it through a lot and put spam/powerful weapons far away from spawn and put things like shotgun and nailgun more easily available. Oh, and those lifts are very fast. Instead of making the platforms a func_button (I think they are func_button), I would set them to func_plat with a fast, but not lightspeed speed.