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Cakes 49
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« on: November 03, 2008, 04:02:19 AM » |
Well, with 0.8.1 and all of his maps and goodies, I've built an entire new SP with 7 thematical tiers, 6 new bots, and 5 new maps. ^^ This SP has 7 tiers, 6 with 4 maps, and the final battle in q3dm6ishv3. You must download required files to play the entire SP. The only thing is that Tier 7 doesn't show, maybe because of the only map it has. (q3dm6ishv3)AI of the 6 bosses will be redone to ensure some good challenges, and there should be a new model for the final boss. I think I will start a contest, if fromhell allows me to do it.  Part of the story is in the source code, with the background of the characters. The other part (+bios and maps) is in progress. Also in progress is the new AI files for bosses and some of the bots. (New + some old) Let the Tournament... begin!!! ^^ EDIT: I'll be posting links to files and maps required for this SP. You can find the plan for this SP here:, here you can find the characters' bios: Thanks to Graion Dilach for making q3dm6ish appear in T7. ^^ Maps required for this SP: Check the planEDIT3: Cosmo has released a version of the SP. This will be the current one. Test it please. EDIT4: The most newer version of the SP comes with the unofficial patches. ATM I won't put them in the forum, but if you want to take a look, in my signature is my blog. 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 06:51:59 PM by |TXC| Neon_Knight »
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Cakes 18
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on a dead horse
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 09:47:05 AM » |
You could have started with this a bit earlier to influence me in editing the singleplayer stuff.  Why not working together for 0.82 on this? I did a short overview of the 0.81 bots and their skills. like the idea of bosses (as Q3 had) and tried to set up maps with only 2 bots at least (though no real tourney feeling still). OA lacks 1on1 maps. We should change this.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 12:18:22 PM » |
Lazyness and other things.  It could be great. ^^ You forgot the fact that some bots share the same file if you take a look at the source in the PK3.  (File scripts/bots.txt) Maybe givin' all the bots an own personality and background? I have attached Assassin's AI files. ATM I only have his AI file, with custom chat messages and weapon preferences. And he's really sick.  There are various maps for 1on1 IMHO, you can take a look at for example oa_rpg3dm2, oa_dm1, ce1m7 (though isn't strictly a 1on1 map) or am_galmevish.  Also I was thinking on cutscenes between tiers, but I think it's very hard to do, no?
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Cakes 18
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on a dead horse
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 01:50:11 PM » |
Yep, we should go for an own personality. Cutscenes are video sequences that could be rendered with blender. We can take the playermodels and have some camera zooming on them... a better idea: Gameplayvideos of the bots in the maps of the selected tier. Recording them as spectator (we don't need random jerky movement of bots but human players doing fancy moves just using the responding model) Announcer voices for every bot are required as well. So let's create a list of maps with features and what kind of bots could fit there. I'd prefer oa_dm4 over oa_dm1 as a tourney map. I'm unsure about ce1m7 but I guess we can go with it. am_galmevish is great but the nailgun kills it completely. This weapon is way too unbalanced to be in a 1on1 map. slimefac is 1on1 too. 
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2008, 02:18:33 PM » |
This is my planning of the SP (which is in the file) Map | Map Name | Bots | Fraglimit | Timelimit | oa_rpg3dm2 | Trial By Error | Ayumi, Jenna | 15 | 10 | oa_minia | Mini Arena | Tony, Penguin | 15 | 10 | pul1duel1 | Five Steps Ahead | Ayumi, Jenna, Tony, Penguin | 20 | 10 | slimefac | Slime Facility | Assassin | 15 | 10 | ----------------------------- | oa_dm3 | The Abandoned Base | Beret, Soldier, Sergei, Skelebot | 20 | 10 | am_lavaarena | Lava Arena | Beret, Soldier | 15 | 10 | am_underworks | Under Working | Sergei, Skelebot | 15 | 10 | blitzkrieg3 | Blitzkrieg Sector | MetalBot | 15 | 10 | ----------------------------- | am_spacecont | Contact in Space | Sarge, Grism | 20 | 10 | suspended | Suspended | S_Marine, Grunt | 20 | 10 | oa_shine | Shine | Sarge, Grism, S_Marine, Grunt | 25 | 15 | czest1tourney | The Space Spire | Angela | 15 | 10 | ----------------------------- | oa_shouse | Strange House | Major, Merman, Liz, Gargoyle | 25 | 15 | czest1dm | Monastery | Major, Merman | 20 | 10 | dm6ish | The Dark Zone | Liz, Gargoyle | 20 | 10 | aggressor | Aggressor | Dargoth | 20 | 10 | ----------------------------- | oa_dm5 | The Cistern | Neko, Sorceress | 25 | 15 | oa_dm7 | Upper Cisterns | BlackWidow, EvilEmpress | 25 | 15 | oa_koth1 | Repulsion | Neko, Sorceress, BlackWidow, EvilEmpress | 30 | 15 | dm4ish | Troubled Waters | Arachna | 20 | 15 | ----------------------------- | oa_koth2 | Floating Spire | Dark, Tanisha, Rai, Angelyss | 30 | 15 | kaos2 | Ka's | Dark, Tanisha | 25 | 15 | oa_dm1 | The Place of Two Deaths | Rai, Angelyss | 25 | 15 | am_galmevish2 | Galmevish Yards | Kyonshi | 20 | 15 |
Final map: On hold. There's no model (nor name!!!) made for the Final boss, and q3dm6ish won't be included in the game. :/ Note on how I've chosen maps based on its theme. Maybe Q1 maps and some others will require some retexturization in order to go well. EDIT: I'm thinking that slimefac and schism_b2 could be retexturized with the style of oa_dm3 and replace oa_shine. EDIT: More changes, I'll wait until most of the maded maps were committed to the game before rounding the SP. EDIT: Changes, changes and more changes. With the cutscenes, I was thinking them more in order to make a story than only show. This is/was my idea for them: - Intro movie: the player being selected by Kyonshi for his father's Tournament, being teleported like Sarge does on Q3A's intro movie. - After Tier 1: After defeating Assassin, the player manages to find an escape route at the Slimefac, which is a pod like GDF soldiers have in Q2/Q4. He ends in The Abandoned Base, where he meets with Soldier and Beret who are there in a recognition mission or something like that, and Sergei, who is trying his new killerbot. - After Tier 2: After destroying MetalBot, the player finds a Jumpgate at the facility, which kicks the player soooooooooooo long, that he ends in a strange platform, where Sarge and Grism are awaiting for him in a non-friendly way. - After Tier 3: With Angela resting in a corner of the Spire, it falls into the Sago planet, in a dangerous area. Major finds the player killed Angela, and try to avenge her, but they're not alone as well. - After Tier 4: Dargoth's head falls from the 3rd. floor and crashes. One of the portals change it's colour, and the player ends in the sewers, where Neko and Sorceress will be waiting for him. Of course, in a not-friendly way. ^^ At this moment, Kyonshi watches the player's progress while they send more warriors to stop him from reaching the Fortress. - After Tier 5: Arachna rests in pieces in a corner of the castle, and the player exits the level. When the doors closes, the player must find an exit way. He ends at the Floating Spire, where Tanisha and Dark are waiting for him, but without any good purposes.  - After Tier 6: <InsertBossNameHere> is fueled by revenge after the player killed his daughter Kyonshi, and he personally teleports the player to the center area of his castle to give the player a definitive rest, once and for all... It's very UT3ish... lol...
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 09:30:43 AM by |TXC| Neon_Knight »
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Cakes 18
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on a dead horse
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 03:17:47 PM » |
Wow, you did already some good work on that.
schism_b2 should be retextured as it's a nice map. It's going to be a hard job to apply oa_dm3 textures on slimefac as you lose the plain and simple feeling and don't have well fitting textures.
I don't feel well about ctf maps in FFA and Tourney gametypes as this requires a different weapon placement to be balanced. Mapsize is another issue. I can imagine to insert blocking doors for FFA/Singleplayer gametypes in ctf_gate1 to block the blue area so the match will only occur in the red area. On the other hand it's still a CTF map. I can imagine to map another industrial themed FFA map.
We can have a starting map to introduce the 'story' fighting some kind of intruder at the end of the map. We need several speakers that will give the bots voices during cutscenes and I hardly can imagine the whole thing not being embarrassing. oO
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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Trickster God.
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2008, 03:41:06 PM » |
Like a q3dm0ish? It's a good idea, and OA definitively needs one of these, at least as the beginner's map.
As everything, theorically all is great, but in the practice could be a pain in the ass. U_U
Some character stories, from the source.
Angela is a Space Engineer who was at charge on the Czest Spire Space Satellite. She was chosen for the OpenArena Tournament because of her smartness, her acrobatics (she likes to jump with weapons, but also she has a high chance of commiting suicide) and her high sense of prediction. Her combat style is marked by her preference on spammy weapons like Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun and BFG10K.
Angelyss is one of the Four Angels of Gandoria, who are at guard in <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress on Sago. Also, they're fighting in the OpenArena Tournament for their freedom under word of his Master. She represents the power of Fire.
Arachna and her evil twin sister BlackWide are at charge on <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress at Sago. She's defending the once sacred Cheethon's House after Cheethon's death on the Slipgate Wars. She likes instant hit weapons, like Railgun, Chaingun and Machinegun, and is very aggresive.
Assassin is a murderer who was chosen by <insert_boss_name_here> as one of Kyonshi's main personal choices for the OpenArena Tournament. His murdering skills (marked by his sigilous victim killings and his preference on short-range/meleƩ weapons like the Gauntlet, the Nailgun and the Shotgun) and accuracy are legendary, (specially when he's using the Railgun) but sometimes he can't finish his victim, mainly due to his lack of acrobacy and his overconfidence, whose leaded him to suicide sometimes.
Ayumi is a fierce japanese skate teenager who was chosen by Kyonshi for the OpenArena Tournament for her brutality after murdering two man who wanted to rape his friend Jenna.
Beret is the nickname of Andrew Jones, an USA Lieutenant who was the best shooter in his category. He was chosen by Kyonshi for the OpenArena tournament after surviving a war long time ago.
BlackWide and her twin sister Arachna are at charge of <insert_boss_name_here>'s Castle on Sago.
Dark is one of the Four Angels of Gandoria, who are at guard in <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress on Sago. Also, they're fighting in the OpenArena Tournament for their freedom under word of his Master. She represents the power of Wind.
Dargoth is the main Gargoyle Guard of the Dark Castle zone. Although he has done its way due to bad actions (for example, betraying his friend Gargoyle, which ended defending the near of the castle) he's now a <insert_boss_name_here>'s trusty guard. He likes spammy weapons like Rocket Launcher, Prox Launcher and Plasma Gun, he's very aggressive, has more acrobacy skills than Gargoyle, has some tendency to suicide, but he knows what's happening around him.
Empress is from the planet Alpha 9, an old planet whose most smart habitants are combining magic and science with experimental purposes and the searching, by <insert_boss_name_here>'s order, of the formula to achieve the Eternity. She has average accuracy, despite his preference on instant hit weapons like Railgun and Lightning Gun, is very silent and acrobatic, although she doesn't like weapon jumpings, she tries not to commit suicide,
Gargoyle was one of <insert_boss_name_here>'s tower guards at the <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress on Sago. Once a <insert_boss_name_here>'s trusty guard, he was betrayed by his fellow friend Dargoth, and now he defends the Dark Castle sector. He likes heavy weapons like Rocket Launcher and Chaingun, instant hit weapons like the Railgun, and chemical weapons like the Plasma Gun; is very aggressive, doesn't commit suicide very often, and he's smart, but he lacks of acrobacy.
Grism is a Space Marine who participated in the Earth Defense Forces before being chosen by Kyonshi for the OpenArena Tournament.
Grunt is a retired Space Marine who has battled in more wars than any other Tournament warrior. But isn't only his experience the reason of his choosing for his participation in the Tournament, also his extense knowledge across the space and his determination and own strong which led him to the survival of those many battles, and more for coming...
Both Jenna and her long-time friend Ayumi were choosen for fighting in the Tournament. Altough she lacks of battle skills, she learns faster and knows how to blow her opponents in the Arena.
Kyonshi is <insert_boss_name_here>'s daughter and the main chooser of fighters for his daddy's OpenArena Tournament. Don't let her beauty fools you, she's most deadly than any opponent you'll be fighting... except for his own father. She likes instant hit weapons like the Railgun, the Chaingun, the Machinegun and the Lightning Gun, is very silent, acrobatic, almost lacks of suicidal tendencies and is very smart.
Liz has made it's way into the Tournament after collecting treasures for a hunting contest long time ago. He's now from Gandoria, the same place as the Five Angels, and his new job is to defend the Dark Castle zone in the planet of Sago.
Major is a veteran space pilot who was lost at planet Sago. Her ship has fallen into the Dark Castle zone with her tripulation, and she was trying to communicate with her collegues at Czest Space Station, without any good result.
Merman was part of an experiment in the Abandoned Base long ago. The scientists who give him life died in an accident in this zone where everything blowed up. He's now serving Timaster for testing newcomers to the Tournament. He likes heavy weapons, like Rocket Launcher, Proxy Launcher and Grenade Launcher, despite his high accuracy with the Railgun. He's very aggressive, acrobatic, and smart, but has a high tendency to commit suicide.
MetalBot is a titanium skeleton bot programmed for destruction. It's said to be the skeleton prototype for the Automatons who are fighting in another Tournament. He was programmed by Sergei, and dislikes almost all the other humans, with the exception of its creator.
Neko is one of the few remaining Sago's Catty natives of her tribe. Her lands were disposed in favor of <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress. Now she is seeking revenge for all her fallen comrades, friends and family.
Penguin is the example on what happens if you are on the wrong place at the wrong time. He was in a Linux conference before being chosen by mistake by one of Kyonshi's personal assistants. Now he fights for his life and own freedom.
Rai is one of the Four Angels of Gandoria, who are at guard in <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress on Sago. Also, they're fighting in the OpenArena Tournament for their freedom under word of his Master. She represents the power of Water.
A MIT engineer at 27, Sergei is a robot programmer which also enjoys hunting. He was chosen, along with its two creations (Skelebot & MetalBot) to fight in the Tournament.
Skelebot is the B-class robot prototype made by Sergei. It doesn't mean that unlike its A-class counterpart MetalBot it can't do any damage. He can kick a lot of asses as well.
Soldier is a veteran Earth warrior from the USA and EDF forces, who integrated all the same squads as his long-time collegue Beret, obtaining in every squad at least one medal. He has very high accuracy, despite his preference for heavy artillery like Prox Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher and Chaingun, which he likes because of his weapon jumping liking; is very aggressive and smart, but has a very high tendency to commit suicide.
Sorceress is from the same planet as his evil sister Empress, although she likes chemical weapons like Plasma Gun, Lightning Gun, BFG10K and Railgun. She's very acrobatic, has average aggresiveness and silentism, but has a very high tendency to commit suicide and she isn't very aware on what happens around her.
Tanisha is one of the Four Angels of Gandoria, who are at guard in <insert_boss_name_here>'s Fortress on Sago. Also, they're fighting in the OpenArena Tournament for their freedom under word of his Master. She represents the power of Earth.
<insert_boss_name_here> is the Time and Space Master, and the mastermind behind the OpenArena Tournament. Not so much is known of him, and a lot of people thinks he's just a myth or legend, but the OAT veterans don't say the same. He has mastered every weapon under usage in the Tournament, (although his favourite ones are the Railgun and the Rocket Launcher) goes directly against his enemy, has supreme acrobacy skills and smartness, and he hasn't almost chances to commit suicide.
Once an illegal weapon seller, Tony's company provides some of his new weapon models to the OpenArena Tournament. He's receiving feedback from all the competitors, in order to seek and repair new issues and to make improvements on the current OAT's arsenal. He's also playing in the Tournament, since he was a long-time soldier before finding the pleasure in his "dirty" new job.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 11:00:24 PM by |TXC| Neon_Knight »
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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2008, 04:04:04 PM » |
We need several speakers that will give the bots voices during cutscenes and I hardly can imagine the whole thing not being embarrassing. oO
hehe, i'd then have to make mouths for some of them and handle the cutscene .blend files and learn how to do effects
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support code development on github
Graion Dilach
Cakes 12
Posts: 403
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2008, 04:10:18 PM » |
Or the cutscenes were taken in a way where we don't show the faces...  everybody shows his back. This is a great idea, if anything I could help you, just call. (except mapmaking/modifying...)
One shall remind what have he left behind... to actually realize that it's still cool.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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Trickster God.
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2008, 09:46:48 PM » |
It's going to be a hard job to apply oa_dm3 textures on slimefac as you lose the plain and simple feeling and don't have well fitting textures. Not so much, oa_dm3 has a factorish style. Also, replacing red slime in the map with green slime could work. I've uploaded a new version of q3dm6ish, and my question thread about suction still got no answer at all. :/
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 09:49:08 PM by Armageddon_Man »
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Cakes 18
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on a dead horse
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2008, 04:02:49 AM » |
Being a killjoy I'd say this is going to be a lot of work and we should keep the cutscenes at minimal effort showing the bot models running through a map doing some cool movement or fragging somebody (maybe a failed contestant). A narrator could say a few lines. These cutscenes shouldn't be much longer than they were in Q3 as it blows the pk3 filesize. It's still a shooter and no adventure. Remember Mortal Kombat and Max Payne don't have such cutscenes and are reduced to minimal story. (Okay, the latter one had comics but it's low effort compared to rendered 3D stuff with lips in sync to the words.)
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2008, 04:29:04 AM » |
maybe some cheesy 'tier' animations of the boss bringing a trophy to your ready room or something?
BTW, no q3 bot names, so no Daemia or uriel, etc. Maybe Dark should deliver the trophy in a 'special' way before the final tier.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 04:32:07 AM by leilol »
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support code development on github
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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Trickster God.
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2008, 04:36:57 AM » |
Maybe Kyonshi, and all of the bosses shouldn't die, but guide into new maps? This will be an 180º turn to the story. :/
I've included them for compatibility issues, but well, I've had to find some new names.
Other things to do: - Retexturize Schism_b2 (oa_dm3 style) and include it in T2 in place of Shine. - Use Shine in T3 instead of Suction. (New space skybox, and implement in the four T3 maps?) - Rename bots Daemia and Uriel.
EDIT: I've updated sp sources, now schism_b3 is instead of shine in T2 and shine is instead of suction. Tonight I'll be retexturizing schism_b2.
EDIT2: Names of Daemia and Uriel changed to Angela and Darkgos. (I'm not so much convinced with the last one. -.-)
EDIT3: Re-uploaded code. I forgot to change arenas.txt to reflect changes.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 06:37:31 AM by Armageddon_Man »
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In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2008, 06:40:19 PM » |
I've seen a map in the SVN Commits, boczeq's blitzkrieg, it uses TRaK's textures, so I'm seeing how these can be replaced. It's a very good map IMHO, an 1on1 map. It can fit very well with Tier2, and can serve as replacement for slimefac. Anyways, I'd like to retexturize Schism-b2 also, but I'm in problems at my house, so I can't use OpenArena as much as I wish. :/ I'm seeing what can I do.
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Cakes 0
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« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2008, 11:51:49 PM » |
If you intend to recompile schism, my compile was -light -fast -patchshadows -samples 3 -samplesize 4, and also maybe some -bounce and -gamma, don't remember. Same for q3dm6ish iirc.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2008, 02:24:32 PM » |
Great. ^^ I'll take in count (I don't know what's the true translation of "Lo voy a tener en cuenta" -.- my english sucks so bad U_U) New version of blitzkrieg, plus updated SP with this map in place of slimefac. Schism_b3 will be in place of oa_shine, with the oa_dm3 look for Tier 2, and also oa_shine will replace suction_v2 on Tier 3. ^^ With all of this, and the finished (not by now) version of q3dm6ish, mapping for SP is done. Also, I think Darkgos is a crappy name for former Uriel -.- but unfortunately I can't think on a better name for him. :/ Which name you suggest for gargoyle/stone?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 04:37:06 PM by Armageddon_Man »
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Cakes 24
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« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2008, 07:11:59 PM » |
Great. ^^ I'll take in count (I don't know what's the true translation of "Lo voy a tener en cuenta" -.- my english sucks so bad U_U) bear it in mind Also, I think Darkgos is a crappy name for former Uriel -.- but unfortunately I can't think on a better name for him. :/ Darrgos Darghos Dargnos Dargoth Darrgoth Dargmon Dargamon
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« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2008, 05:35:40 AM » |
Cacagoth Cacaprout Cacagoyle Cacarbon Cacaaaaaargh Cacacacacaca ...
Todo: Walk the cat.
Cakes 18
Posts: 372
on a dead horse
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2008, 09:59:00 AM » |
There are still CTF maps in Tier1 and 2 as boss stages. Why not replacing ctf_gate1 with slimefac? I'm looking forward to see your first release. Did you do a complete rewrite of the bot character files? If not we could do this together after your inital release.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2008, 04:05:50 PM » |
Bad news. :/ I've come to conclusion that retexturing schism_b3 will be very hard. Sad, because I loved this map in 0.8.0, and I wanted to include this map in the SP, but there's a lot of shapes to work for, (I mean, not only the map itself, but the details also) and I guess that giving the oa_dm3 look will make it look very crappy. :/ Also, I thought to include another map of mine in T2 until I (or someone, if he/she likes to do it, I have the caulked map with few textures already applied) finish schism_b3 retexturizing: am_lavaarena. Also, I have made some changes to T4 and T6 in an attempt to keep them balanced. @andrewj: I like Dargoth, but it doesn't need to be equal to Darkgos. But I'll take that name. @Cacatoes: lol. @Cosmo: oa_spirit was included in tiers before 0.8.1 because of it's catalog as tourney map. And I think ctf_gate1 will be good in that way, 1on1 maps don't need to be so big, but don't necessarily be so small. At least, your map isn't big as hell, or at least I feel it that way. If you like to do it, then you can do some of the work, just look at the stories of characters on page 1. Also, I have some ideas on some character's behavior, weapon preferences and chat: - Assassin's being a murderer who likes Gauntlet and sniper/short range weapons -my first thought was of him being a terrorist, but I dropped this idea- - Angela being a space engineer who likes chemical weapons - S_Marine, Grism and Grunt being Space Marines liking artillery - Gargoyle and Dargoth being gothic and liking heavy artillery - Kyonshi being the sub-boss, chooser of fighters for his daddy's Tournament and liking long-range weapons - Dark, Angelyss, Nekoyss, Rai and Tanisha being Angels of Death liking different weapons - Etc etc EDIT: Updated SP, it's now playable, but the intention of inclusion of schism_b2 into T2 remains intact. Cosmo, you should look at the source in the file at first post if you want to do some work. Choose your bots, and I'll take part of the others. And maybe you'd like to check the story post to see some things to give inspiration. 
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 12:02:36 PM by Armageddon_Man »
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In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2008, 09:58:07 AM » |
Well, by now, and until the retexturization of schism_b2 to be included in place of am_lavaarena, mapping is done. I've updated links on first post, and also uploaded a new version (I hope this will be the last before the final one) of the SP.
I still can't make q3dm6ish appear alone in Tier 7. :/
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Graion Dilach
Cakes 12
Posts: 403
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2008, 10:36:41 AM » |
I checked the arenas.txt in Quake III and I found this: { map "q3tourney6" bots "xaero" longname "The Very End Of You" special "Final" fraglimit 10 type "single ffa tourney" }
Maybe q3dm6ishv3 need that "special" tag, too? EDIT: Sorry, Armageddon_Man I just can't wait to your respond, I decided to try it myself... and yes, that works! Here you are...
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 10:47:14 AM by Graion Dilach »
One shall remind what have he left behind... to actually realize that it's still cool.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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Trickster God.
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2008, 11:09:44 AM » |
Ouch, I didn't know about the Special line. :/ Thanks Graion. ^^
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Graion Dilach
Cakes 12
Posts: 403
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2008, 11:17:01 AM » |
My pleasure. I can't modelling/texturing/programming, so I'm happy now that I could help to this game. Oh, and the intro map will need the special "Training" tag. 
One shall remind what have he left behind... to actually realize that it's still cool.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2008, 08:25:06 AM » |
I've updated the plan post with frag and time limits. Maybe I've assigned very big limits to them. :/
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