Thank you all! These things were changed. You helped me a lot!
Here is release beta 3 and if there are no more suggestions I'm going to do a final release soon.
Screenshots in first post have been updated.
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In betamaps server thread there was a comment to make the ladder less fast. I've to state that OA (as Q3A) doesn't support ladders and this is like in one of the oa_dm maps kind of a 'hack' as it's just a very steep staircase. So either we get used to the fast movement or I will replace it by another jumppad. What do you think?
- candleholder models added
- BFG floats now and is reachable by rocketjumps and a harder to reach jumppad. Thank you chaoticsoldier. I tested your suggestion but that tube is no fun and hinders players movement too much.
- green bobbing orb
- sound added to the orbs
- fixed 'squishing' respawn entity
- replaced medkit with battlesuit
- fixed problem of bots staying in front of closed door by adding donotenter brushes to the door sides.
- prevent bots from falling into abyss by adding donotenter brushes
- cobwebs. unsure to leave them in for final release.
- diamond blue shader problem solved
- reduced texture usage
- sky clipping
- tweaking compilation parameters: darker and moodier in certain spots.
- double domination gametype dropped