question: is there a plan to include q3a gpl textures in next release? so far admins have to do the "hack" and include
this file in their servers to solve the missing textures problem with most of q3a maps. it would be nice if this pack is included with openarena, or if that's not an option, at least some "dummy" textures are created to fill in the void.
You can check here to see what the plan is: (
DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Roadmap#0.9
It's really sad that Speaker and Missbehaving on one side and the OA team on the other cannot get along. The textures they created look very nice. Having replacements for all the Q3 textures would allow playing a lot of maps. This is a no-brainer.