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Author Topic: Where everybody go?  (Read 18128 times)

Cakes 0
Posts: 5

« on: March 30, 2009, 08:42:12 AM »

Hello everyone! I am a newbie to Open arena. Over the course of this weekend I was continiously connecting to the servers, throughout the day, morning, noon, afternoon, night. Just to check if there are any players around. But I was only able to find one server with one bot. Whats up? How many players there are anyway? What time everyone is usually playing? I am in London now, so I guess most of you must be from USA and time difference must be one of the reasons I can't find anyone when I log in..

Cakes 34
Posts: 625

« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 09:28:25 AM »

what version are you using?

i think the amount of players are different with each version.
each release has had some problems so some are reluctant to update to the latest version - therefore the community is split up, unfortunately.

i'm currently seeding four versions of openarena (071, 076, 080 and 081) and 080 is the one that people download the most.

also make sure that you're not omitting game styles in the server browser as that can filter out lots of servers.

Cakes 0
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2009, 09:30:36 AM »

Well, my version is 0.8.0, no omitting of game styles, I just input all. Wanna do a quick play?
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 09:51:59 AM »

The newer version is 0.8.1, anyways, in these months not so much people will be playing I guess.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 0
Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2009, 09:55:25 AM »

Why not?

Cakes 34
Posts: 625

« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2009, 10:10:41 AM »

just logged in with the 0.8.0 client and found one server with one player.

and then i tried the 0.8.1 version and found lots of server with approx 90 players. not sure about the exact amount of players here but these are the numbers shown when filtering out bots. so go and try the 0.8.1 version instead.

edit: it would be a good thing if future versions of openarena could have some sort of info-screen at the start page about new downloads/patches etc. something like world of warcraft has. i don't mean a forced upgrade but news to players that a new version is available. however news like this should only appear if a new version actually has been released.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 10:17:25 AM by pulchr » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2009, 10:27:25 AM »

Something like the "Community" menu of UT2004?
There you have the news, you can watch videos & cinematics, and in the main menu when a new version/patch has been released, below "Community" appears "New Update Available".

I guess this can be done better with the Missionpack menu (which can be edited very easily, I imagine full frontend packs being made by the community) than with the normal OA menu.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 34
Posts: 625

« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2009, 10:54:35 AM »

yes, something like the community pages in UT2004. however something that is a bit more visible - i haven't played much UT2004 (i bought it just to try the editor) but i had never clicked on "community" in the menu before Tongue

but that is more or less what i meant.

Cakes 0
Posts: 5

« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2009, 11:00:22 AM »

just logged in with the 0.8.0 client and found one server with one player.

and then i tried the 0.8.1 version and found lots of server with approx 90 players. not sure about the exact amount of players here but these are the numbers shown when filtering out bots. so go and try the 0.8.1 version instead.

edit: it would be a good thing if future versions of openarena could have some sort of info-screen at the start page about new downloads/patches etc. something like world of warcraft has. i don't mean a forced upgrade but news to players that a new version is available. however news like this should only appear if a new version actually has been released.
So 0.8.1 it is. Thank you.. See you later and beware of my plasma gun:)
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2009, 11:31:13 AM »

yes, something like the community pages in UT2004. however something that is a bit more visible - i haven't played much UT2004 (i bought it just to try the editor) but i had never clicked on "community" in the menu before Tongue

but that is more or less what i meant.
The UT2004 Community page have this content:

Translated to OA, this menu can work on the MP GUI: you have the latest news, (¿maybe transferred via RSS from a developer's blog?) your installed Mods & TCs, (just like the "Mods" section of the main menu) the "Ownage Maps", (those maps which are flagged as "awesome", maybe RSSed too from ModDB) ad two sections to see Demos & Machinimas/Cinematics.

OffT: I'm a VERY BIG fan of Unreal series, (have I let it to be very notable? Tongue) I've played all the PC Unreal games (but I want to play UC2 too... that game seems to be SOOOOO awesome T_T) but my fav Unreal is, by far, Unreal Tournament 2004. Better than the original and UT3, IMHO, for lots of reasons.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 11:34:24 AM by |TXC| Neon_Knight » Logged

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 35
Posts: 14520

« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2009, 12:32:26 PM »

The community pages/news pages bit could actually be possible, if it were to grab and read a simple appropriately formatted .txt file from a master server.

asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done.
Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone

I do not provide technical support either.

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Cakes 6
Posts: 114

« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2009, 03:01:35 AM »

That would be a kick ass feature. It definitely would help keeping the community together. God knows how many  players got stuck in some of the previous versions and left out of boredom because everybody had migrated. Also, since there's always going to be a delay between the newest version and those shipped by linux distros, this could help also in those situations.

Cakes 0
Posts: 5

« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2009, 04:38:19 PM »

Hello! Just installed 0.8.1. Logged in. Can only see one server. Tried to login, it gave me "invalid game folder".  Any other suggestions?
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Cakes 15
Posts: 161


« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2009, 05:58:44 PM »

Hello! Just installed 0.8.1. Logged in. Can only see one server. Tried to login, it gave me "invalid game folder".  Any other suggestions?

Go to Start->Run and type:


then press Enter.

Delete all the pak*.pk3 files from baseoa/ folder there (you can leave the maps alone, though). In fact, delete everything that is NOT a map or your q3config.cfg

Then re-run Openarena and it should work fine.

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