Hey all,
I got sick of manually typing list of maps for my Openarena server, especially tracking all the numbers! So I sat down for half an hour and created a simple tool to generate that list!
Knowing that fromhell drools over opensource software and GPL, I licensed the tool as such :D
* Reliably generate a map list
* Start from any number, not just 0
* Increment numbers by 5 if you'd like (useful if you're inserting more maps in between later)
Here it is:
http://oa.thedimi.net/tools/maplist-generator.phpI'll also post the source code below in case my server goes down:
if (!empty($_REQUEST['source']))
echo "<pre>";
echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
echo "</pre>";
<title>Openarena Map List Generator</title>
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<b>Openarena Map List Generator</b>
Put your list of maps in the textbox below, one map per line. Click submit, and you'll get a list of maps ready to go
into maps.cfg for your Openarena server. Also works for any Quake 3 or ioquake3 based games. Enjoy!
<b>*Note:</b> <i>No more than 150 entries allowed, and each entry will be cut off at 50 characters!</i>
<b>*Note:</b> <i>You can also <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $PHP_SELF . "?source=1"; ?>">view source</a> of this tool!</i>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">
<textarea name="maps" cols="80" rows="20"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['maps']); ?></textarea>
(optional) start count at: <input type="text" name="start" value="<?php echo (empty($_REQUEST['start'])) ? 0 : htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['start']);
?>"></input> (0 - 1000)
(optional) skip 5 numbers each count: <input type="checkbox" name="skip" value="surewhynot"<?php echo (isset($_REQUEST['skip'])) ? ' checked="checked"' : ' '; ?>></input>
<input type="submit" value=" Submit "></input>
Purpose: Generate a map configuration file for a server running a
Quake 3-based or ioquake3-based game, such as Openarena.
Creator: Dmitriy Vi (me AT thedimi . net)
Version: 0.1
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// These settings prevent potential overloading of the server by malicious users.
define("MAX_ENTRIES", 150); // total number of entries to accept
define("MAX_ENTRY_LENGTH", 50); // maximum number of characters per entry
define("MAX_START_AT", 1000); // do not allow to start count from any number larger than this one
define("INCREMENT_BY", 5); // some users like gaps in their map numbering sequence to insert more maps later
if (!empty($_REQUEST['maps']))
$start_at = (is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']) && $_REQUEST['start'] > 0 && $_REQUEST['start'] < MAX_START_AT+1) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : 0;
$j = $start_at;
$incr_by = (isset($_REQUEST['skip']) && $_REQUEST['skip'] == "surewhynot") ? INCREMENT_BY : 1;
$maps_arr = split("\n", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['maps']), MAX_ENTRIES+1);
if (!empty($maps_arr[MAX_ENTRIES]))
die ("ERROR: Can't process your request, too many entries!");
echo "Here's your maps.cfg:\n\n//------------------------------\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($maps_arr); $i++)
$last = ($j - count($maps_arr)*$incr_by + $incr_by == $start_at) ? $start_at : $j+$incr_by;
printf("set m%04d \"map %s ; set nextmap vstr m%04d\"\n", $j, trim(substr($maps_arr[$i], 0, (MAX_ENTRY_LENGTH-1))), $last);
$j += $incr_by;
printf("\nwait\n\nvstr m%04d", $start_at);
echo "\n//------------------------------\n";