Cakes 18
Posts: 375
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« Reply #200 on: January 09, 2010, 08:16:35 PM » |
Also chaoticsoldier what is the items timing it's been a while since i have played games like this.
Well, first make sure you have put /cg_drawtimer 1 into the console so you can see the clock. Generally the item respawn times in OA are: All health: 25 seconds (including mega health) All armour: 35 seconds Personal Teleporter and Medkit: 1 minute Major powerups: 2 minutes So when you pick up an item (or see someone else pick it up), just look at the clock and add the above respawn times to it. Then you know when to come back. Adding 1 and 2 minutes to a time is easy, and the health and armour are only slightly harder.
Cakes 6
Posts: 590
« Reply #201 on: January 09, 2010, 08:34:46 PM » |
All health: 25 seconds (including mega health) All armour: 35 seconds
No ... MH -> 35 sec armors -> 25 sec other items ( health balls , weapons' cells ... ) -> 30 sec
Cakes 18
Posts: 375
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« Reply #202 on: January 10, 2010, 12:01:13 AM » |
Sorry. I accidentally had the 25 and the 35 mixed up. Yes, health is 35, armour is 25. other items ( health balls , weapons' cells ... ) -> 30 sec
Health balls are also 35 and weapon ammo is 40.
Lesser Nub
Cakes 12
Posts: 115
« Reply #203 on: January 17, 2010, 03:38:27 PM » |
I'd like to second the suggestion for forcing enemy models.
I understand that OA is work in progress so I'm not expecting everything to be perfect at this time, but some models have real issues when it comes to playability. Arachna is impossible to rail because her body has no relation to the hitbox. Liz and Tony don't have crouching animations, so everytime they crouch, they basically disappear instantly and morph into a small blotch on the ground. It's like an instant disappear button. And Tony's dark colour makes him invisible in many darker maps. I know that the point of OA is not to be an uber-competitive game for elite pros, but forcing enemy models would make it more enjoyable, at least regarding the less polished models.
As far as models go, I like the OA models. They are tongue-in-cheek, different, and the games are fun as a result. Some of them (Gargoyle, Angelyss, Kyonshi) are brilliant. As long as we don't end up with 25 different half-nude soft porno characters, I'm fine. When it comes to maps and models, that quality is not the problem with OA, it's the consistency. And don't get rid of Kyonshi, she is like the mascot of OA. The Japanese name on a Chinese ghost doesn't matter, just create a new skin and call it Jiangshi, and say that they were two sisters or something like that.
Oh, and let me point out that Joki and [CZ]proti are elite players who really know what they're talking about. I'd take their suggestions really seriously.
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« Reply #204 on: January 17, 2010, 07:08:08 PM » |
There is already cg_forcemodel, it solves the issues you mention. cg_forceenemymodel is for, ahum, enhancing gameplay ... I mostly play CTF, personally I don't feel the need of it.
That force enemy model thing is particular as it's not a tweak which aims at balancing a lack in normal gameplay (such as lack of visibility). Moreover, it clearly brings unfairness if not every one use it (some people will be able to identify enemies without seeing them, some will not), this is why I'd suggest if it was implemented then it shouldn't be a client-side only parameter, it should instead be a server/game parameter, like g_friendlyfire, so then it would be something like g_forceenemymodel.
Todo: Walk the cat.
Lesser Nub
Cakes 5
Posts: 141
I play to win.
« Reply #205 on: February 23, 2010, 06:41:17 AM » |
Today I had discussion with helium on IRC and he came up with a nice idea. How about making weapon damages adjustable via server config?
Or maybe even all weapon properties: splash damage, splash radius, reload time, switch time, holdable ammunition, amount of ammunition per pack.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:18:27 AM by MIOW »
Cakes 25
Posts: 536
i do my own stunts
« Reply #206 on: February 23, 2010, 10:37:12 AM » |
Today I had discussion with helium on IRC and he came up with a nice idea. How about making weapon damages adjustable via server config?
Riotmod made OATMEAL, I think it can handle everything you mentioned and it's server side. Original topic here.
Lesser Nub
Cakes 5
Posts: 141
I play to win.
« Reply #207 on: February 24, 2010, 06:31:42 PM » |
Thanks  I will try that out.
Marble of Doom
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« Reply #208 on: February 24, 2010, 08:41:27 PM » |
OOOOOoooooo! I want the ugly laser gone from the shotgun model.
Cakes 12
Posts: 65
[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player
« Reply #209 on: March 01, 2010, 09:01:15 AM » |
OOOOOoooooo! I want the ugly laser gone from the shotgun model.
F1 nobody would add a laserpointer device for a gun like that. it scatters hordes of shots hitting nothing precisely.  a laserpointer would fit to the railgun .. guns for long distance .. even the machinegun. but actually i could live without laserpointer at all  . if it was up to me it could have been dumped at quake 3 arena, yet  . even if it was meant ironically (since q3a times) we have laughed enough, i think =)
ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
« Reply #210 on: March 01, 2010, 09:09:41 AM » |
I don't think so. The shotgun needs a scope and a bayonet and a flashlight, too.
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support code development on github
Cakes 12
Posts: 65
[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player
« Reply #211 on: March 01, 2010, 09:16:02 AM » |
haha come on: Don't be a sorehead!  a bayonet would fit. it supports the closecombat style and use of a shotgun. even a flashlight is often seen on those weapons. but definately no scope and no laspointer
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 09:27:47 AM by [uM]Cyberdemon »
ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
Cakes 6
Posts: 590
« Reply #212 on: March 02, 2010, 08:53:09 AM » |
there were positive feedbacks about this proposal : Many players are tired of having all this mass of UnnamedPlayers and/or empty_nick_players and/or in_game_cloned_nick_players , so I think it could be a good idea implementing it in the next patch.
Cakes 6
Posts: 590
« Reply #213 on: March 02, 2010, 09:00:29 AM » |
CPMA 1.48 will be released soon and I've noticed some interesting changes : add: cg_crosshairSize can set the width and height of the crosshair (format "WxH"). For example, cg_crosshairSize '32x48' ... chg: ban the 'kill' command to CTFS ...
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #214 on: March 02, 2010, 04:54:23 PM » |
There were positive feedbacks, where ? I want to see the negative ones too  1) What happens if I /name Falkland and you join the server ? 2) If I wanted to irritate you, instead of using the same nick than you, what if I add some silly suffix to it ? Okay, having several people having the same name doesn't allow us to quickly distinguish them, now what if you implement some feature to distinguish them, like put some digit in front of the name ? I'd rather implement something constructive, than implement something which might not solve the annoyances and satisfy some kicking instinct against some unnamedplayer who can as well be new players too.
Todo: Walk the cat.
Cakes 6
Posts: 590
« Reply #215 on: March 02, 2010, 07:39:05 PM » |
Okay, having several people having the same name doesn't allow us to quickly distinguish them, now what if you implement some feature to distinguish them, like put some digit in front of the name ?
I'd rather implement something constructive, than implement something which might not solve the annoyances and satisfy some kicking instinct against some unnamedplayer who can as well be new players too.
Mine doesn't claim to be the definitive solution , but a temporary solution also because if you are thinking at a passport-like registration system ( nick+UUID ) are you also able to say when a such system could be available in OA ? Anyway there are other external administration tools like UrTEvolution that is based on ioquake3 and implements a base trusted server administration system ... or something more complex like big brother bot (google for it ) , but they need a good tuning job for making them working over OA ...