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Author Topic: Real Aimbot  (Read 195895 times)

Cakes -2
Posts: 308

not so strong

« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2009, 12:57:19 PM »

Yea, but when it comes to really fair players it's a short list, especially if you exclude those noobs who don't know what an aimbot is.
the list of fair players is short? lol just because there was a couple aimbots doesn't mean that the majority are hacking. If you exclude the noobs, then yeah, the list is short. 90% of oa is filled with noobs. Less than 1% hack. Before you start accusing of hacking, bring a god damn demo and quit your newb paranoia rants, just because some people have better aim than you.

first picture of yours falkland means absolutly nothing, you have nothing to prove that he was just kidding. Second picture is the same deal. I have played against HD, and I can tell you his aim is sub-par. Bring a god damn demo or shut up.

Do what davidd did.

Quote from: sploosh
there once was an animal called gerbil
he dreamed he was eating his turtle
he awoke with a frieght
in the middle of the night
to find out that he was a squirtle

Cakes -10
Posts: 60

/name " All"

« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2009, 01:16:13 PM »

UrT 4.2 will not have much of a detect system.
It will add a cvar with a pbid (*lol, a uniqueid as cvar lol*) and if it comes high, it will possibly check the cvars.

Apart from that, it's only a ban system, and the players need to get "Passports" and get trust levels (you can also buy it...).
So you can only play on an UrT 4.2 server if you have a valid passport, that is not banned.
If you're banned, you're banned from all servers...

Most of it is most-likely coded in python, and it doesn't check a checksum, nor the memory, nor the fov/speed, nor its own integrity, and the way they intend to stop automatic passport creating by bots is guess what - a reCAPTCHA *lol*

Never mind that such a system enables the server admin to cheat without problems ;-))

Nvm about the quoting of all my post to point the focus _ONLY_ on Urt 4.2 detect system or presumed detect system or whatever else ...

anyway , what u are describing seems not to be exactly in sync with what I've read : it's rather closer to the urtevolution ban system :

What I have learned so far:

There are about 1000 "UAA" game servers using 20 slots every 20 minutes...
this means:
=> at least 60 000 authentification requests every hour
=> at least 40 000 000 database entries by month
=> at least 500 000 000 database entries by year

They use a passport and ban system, which is stupid, because they will have to keep every information for every client.
So if they keep every information (at 10Kb per entry), they will have a monthly database of 400 Gb and a yearly database of 5 Tb !

Then they need to keep it in RAID to prevent data loss, so they need at least 10 terrabyte within a year.
At 100$ per terrabyte drive, this makes $ 1000, for a none senseload of superfluous data alone.

Assuming 60 000 hits per hour, which is 1000 hits per minute or 16 hits per second and a minimalistic traffic of 5 kb per hit, this makes 80 kb/s of minimally required data throughput.
If they transfer at least 10 kb, it's alread 160 kb/s.
Then, they have to communicate all the authorizations to the servers.
Making again at leas 160 kb/s, which means standard operating procedures alone require 320 kb/s.

Assuming a 5 terrabyte database, with standard hard-disk being cheap only if they can be bought as one terrabyte per drive,
and a standard computer being able to search a 1 TB database in an acceptable time, they will require about 5 computes and a distributed database.
This requries a load-balancing server.

Totaling 5 database servers, 1 load balancing server and one webserver, as well as a reserve of at least 1 computer for each of them as failsafe.

Makes 14 computers. 14 computers require 2 netgear standard routers and 16 cables, as well as 2 reserve cables.

Assuming a free Linux infrastructure, that makes about $ 14'000 in computers and some peanuts for routers and cables, additional to the 1000$ minimum for storage hardware.

Assuming 14 computers and no peanuts, at 80 Watts per second, or 80 wattshours per hour or 700'800 Watthours per year, this makes 14 times 700 kWh in energy bill. Assuming $ 0.13 per kWh, this makes 91$ *14 = 1274 $

And about 12* 50 $/month = 600 $ per year for an internet connection.

So we have 1000$ per year for storage, 1300$ for electricity, plus about 2 computers to replace per year, equal 2000$ and 600 for server bandwidth makes net operating cost of 5000 $ per year, and 15'000 $ for initial equipment  


Additionally, they cannot just ban every cheater, because they we will have to think about what to keep and for how long, and how they want to keep it (and where to get/put the hardware) ...

Their passport system:

(Click to see full sized image)

Their Python code:
# ioUrTuaa Parser for BigBrotherBot(B3) (
# Copyright (C) 2008 Mark Weirath (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# v1.0.0 - 10/06/2009 - Courgette
#  - fix loosing clients due new log format where client's port is not there anymore
#  - kick command now uses the /rcon uaa-kick command (works with both 'classic' iourt and 'uaa' clients)

__author__  = 'Courgette'
__version__ = '1.0.0'

import b3.parsers.iourt41
import re, string, threading, time, os
import b3

class Iourt41UaaParser(b3.parsers.iourt41.Iourt41Parser):
    gameName = 'iourt41uaa'

    _commands = {}
    _commands['broadcast'] = '%(prefix)s^7 %(message)s'
    _commands['message'] = 'tell %(cid)s %(prefix)s ^3[pm]^7 %(message)s'
    _commands['deadsay'] = 'tell %(cid)s %(prefix)s [DEAD]^7 %(message)s'
    _commands['say'] = 'say %(prefix)s %(message)s'

    _commands['set'] = 'set %(name)s "%(value)s"'
    _commands['kick'] = 'uaa-kick %(cid)s "%(servermessage)s" "%(playermessage)s"'
    _commands['ban'] = 'addip %(cid)s'
    _commands['tempban'] = 'clientkick %(cid)s'
    _commands['banByIp'] = 'addip %(ip)s'
    _commands['unbanByIp'] = 'removeip %(ip)s'
    # map: ut4_casa
    # num score ping name            lastmsg address               qport rate
    # --- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
    #   2     0   19 ^1XLR^78^8^9or^7        0  41893  8000  # player with a live ping
    #   4     0 CNCT Dz!k^7                450   50308 20000  # connecting player (or inbetween rounds)
    #   9     0 ZMBI ^7                   1900    10801  8000  # zombies (need to be disconnected!)
    _regPlayer = re.compile(r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+|CNCT|ZMBI)\s+(?P<name>.*?)\s+(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+)\s+(?P<qport>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.I)
    _rePlayerScore = re.compile(r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+): (?P<name>.*) k:(?P<kill>[0-9]+) d:(?P<death>[0-9]+) (?P<ping>[0-9]+|CNCT|ZMBI) (?P<ip>[0-9.]+)$', re.I) # NOTE: this won't work properly if the server has private slots. see,9356.0.html
    def parseUserInfo(self, info):
        #2 uaa_level\-1\ip\\challenge\-232198920\qport\2781\protocol\68\battleye\1\name\[SNT]^1XLR^78or\rate\8000\cg_predictitems\0\snaps\20\model\sarge\headmodel\sarge\team_model\james\team_headmodel\*james\color1\4\color2\5\handicap\100\sex\male\cl_anonymous\0\teamtask\0\cl_guid\58D4069246865BB5A85F20FB60ED6F65
        playerID, info = string.split(info, ' ', 1)

        if info[:1] != '\\':
            info = '\\' + info

        options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', info)

        data = {}
        for o in options:
            data[o[0]] = o[1]

        data['cid'] = playerID

        if data.has_key('n'):
            data['name'] = data['n']

        t = 0
        if data.has_key('team'):
            t = data['team']
        elif data.has_key('t'):
            t = data['t']

        data['team'] = self.getTeam(t)

        if data.has_key('cl_guid') and not data.has_key('pbid') and self.PunkBuster:
            data['pbid'] = data['cl_guid']

        return data


    def kick(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs):
        if isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client):
            self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client, servermessage=reason, playermessage=reason))
        elif admin:
            reason = self.getMessage('kicked_by', client.exactName, admin.exactName, reason)
            reason = self.getMessage('kicked', client.exactName, reason)

        if self.PunkBuster:
            self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 0.5, reason)
            if silent:
                self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client.cid, servermessage="", playermessage=reason))
                self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client.cid, servermessage=reason, playermessage=reason))

        self.queueEvent(, reason, client))

Their client Cvars:

UAA_client "1"
- 0 disabled
- 1 UAA Passport and functions enabled

UAA_rcon_in_say "1"
- 0 disabled
- 1 say message starting by / are used as rcon cmd

Client command
uaa-passport <passport>
Set the client passport and generate a new uaa-passport file.

Their Server cvars

UAA_verbosity "1"
- 0 no message
- 1 messages on top
- 2 messages on bottom

UAA_log "1"
- 0 no log
- 1 UAA info in game log

UAA_cheaters "1"
- 0 accept cheaters
- 1 refuse banned IPs and logins

UAA_nicknames "1"
- 0 accept all nicknames
- 1 refuse stolen nicknames

UAA_tags "1"
- 0 no tag checking
- 1 refuse stolen clan tags

UAA_notoriety "0"
- 0 accept everybody
- 1 require valid UAA Passport for every players
- 10,20,30 etc. limit to players with this notoriety

UAA_groups ""
- "" accept everybody
- "13 27.5" require to be registered in group 13 or to be admin in group 27.

UAA_rcon_groups ""
- "" password only rcon
- "11.4 37" require to be at least referee of group 11 or friend in group 37

UAA_cmd_anonymous "uaa"
rcon commands available for every users.

UAA_cmd_passport "uaa uaa-status"
rcon commands available for passport owner.

UAA_cmd_friend "uaa uaa-status uaa-whois uaa-kick restart nextmap"
rcon commands available for friends.

UAA_cmd_member "uaa uaa-status uaa-whois uaa-kick uaa-ban restart nextmap map"
rcon commands available for members.

UAA_cmd_referee "uaa uaa-status uaa-whois uaa-kick uaa-ban uaa-say restart nextmap map devmap exec bigtext"
rcon commands available for referees.

Their server rcon commands

UAA public status. Can't be retrieve without rcon password.

UAA short state. Display in server public getstatus

Display UAA settings

uaa-whois <client number|name>
Display information about a client.

uaa-say <client number|name|all> <server|console> <text>
Say to server top, console or client.

uaa-kick <client number|name> "<server message>" "<client message>"
kick a client with human readable reason and message.

uaa-ban <client number|name> "<server message>" "<client message>" <delay> <min|h|d|m|y>
ban a client with human readable reason and message - works only with the first group set by UAA_rcon_groups and if the server is registered in this group on UAA website.

All these rcon command can be used with a full player name, his slot number or a simple extract of the player name : "uaa-whois klat" will work for "|KLA|Klatuu"

The UAA PASSPORT (Their Concept v. 0.9.0)

The UAA proposes that a system should be created for identifying and authenticating players in real-time. In a second stage of deployment, we are developing an anti-cheat that works with the system as an extra layer of protection.

It will help to :

- Protect servers against cheaters
- Protect nicknames against thefts
- Protect clans tags against thefts
- Give partial or full access to rcon
- Make clan only (or league only) servers

UAA has coded a special dedicated server ioUrTded[UAA] and a special game client ioUrbanTerror[UAA].

They work together with a central authentication server, which manages the authorizations for every registered servers, player, or group of players.


For example, the player "Klatuu" will register at "".

login: "klatuu"
password: "********"
e-mail: ""
nicknames: "Mr.Klatuu" "_Klatuu_"
automatic: player_id reg_IP reg_date last_change

Assumptions and Constraints
- E-mail should be editable, with e-mail validation for each change.
- Protected nicknames should use more than 3 letters
- Each user can protect 3 nicknames.

Our player Klatuu will receive a private key called uaa-passport by e-mail :

Your UAA Passport details are as follows:-

- Passport login: klatuu
- Passport key: 03A2D CF4AC67E461A0273D4A9EF4C56B

You can manage you account here :

WARNING: Do NOT share you Passport Key with ANYONE, no one will ever ask for it ! Not even staff !

You can use your new UAA Passport by typing in the game console :
/uaa-passport 03A2D CF4AC67E461A0273D4A9EF4C56B

Or by replacing your current "uaa-passport" file near the "qkey" file by this new one :
uaa-passport (0.2Kb)


Clan or league admin will register on ""

group: "KLA"
password: "********"
full name: Killers Laggy & Astounding
type: "clan"/"league"/"server"
tag: |KLA|
IRC: #klaclan
members: "KLAleader","Klatuu","Guignol", etc. (logins)
admins: "KLAleader","Klatuu" (logins)
automatic: group_id reg_IP reg_date last_change
this will be used :
- to have clans tag protection.
- to have "members only" servers for clans or leagues.
- to protect rcon use.

Game server configuration

The server will use these cvars:

set UAA_cheaters_protection 1 // refuse banned IPs and logins
set UAA_nicknames_protection 1 // refuse stolen nicknames
set UAA_tags_protection 1 // refuse stolen clan tags
set UAA_groups_only "KLA,etc" // require to be member of one of these groups
set UAA_groups_admin_rcon "KLA" // require to be admin in groups to use rcon
set UAA_passports_level 1 // 0 not required - 1 registered - 2 active - 3 well known - 4 fully verified - 5 master
example 1: UAA_cheaters_protection set to 1 and all others set to 0 => the server is public, but cheaters (detected by IP and login) will be kicked
example 2: UAA_groups_only set "KLA" => only players registered in KLA group can play.
example 3: UAA_groups_admin_rcon set to "KLA" => clan has fired a member, and have delete his login of admin list in group at UAA : the fired player can't use the rcon.
example 4: UAA_passports_level set to 2 => Only "active" players can enter : they have played more than 30 days the last year on UAA servers...

We could have a public sv_vars giving automatically the server status. This status should be print in logs by server on round start, be in status request, and should be used in the game servers list.

sv_punkbuster => "3"
// "public server with UAA protections"
sv_punkbuster => "4"
// "pro server for UAA registered players only"
sv_punkbuster => "5"
// "private server reserved to a UAA group"

We will use sv_punkbuster cvars to propagate this values cause we will not have to change the q3 master server for that.


Why not add a whitelist to let a server admin protect their players : UAA_whitelist.txt :

// UAA_whitelist.txt

// these UAA passports s will be always admitted

// theses IPs will be always admitted

A blacklist to let a server admin ban the players : UAA_blacklist.txt :

// UAA_blacklist.txt

// these UAA passports s will be always kicked


// theses IPs will be always kicked


On connection to game server :

- The UAA Passport client will send a request to the UAA auth server :
nickname + IP + game server IP:port + UAA_passport (Encoded, for security)

- The game server will send a request to the UAA auth server :
nickname + IP + game server IP:port + UAA_groups_only

- The server will received from UAA auth server the answer UAA_login + UAA_validation + UAA_message + UAA_user_message.

Note: The system must work even if the UAA server is down : so the player will enter, and be kicked (if needed) only when UAA auth server will answer to the game server.

So, if needed, the player will be reject or kick by the game server with this message (for example) :

Server UAA protected : your UAA login is banned
Note: Woekele speak about using ioq3 auth scheme :
ioq3 sources : client : cl_main.c > description of the basic auth system
This is what I have made (Kalish).

The UAA_login, UAA_validation and UAA_message should be printed in the game logs to be used by servers bots or stats tools.

1 - Anticheat Solution

We are building a real anticheat solution in the UAA PAssport Client. So people who want to enter on a UAA protected server with passport control will need to use it. If a hack is detected, the Passport account will be automatically banned.

So, to try o see if you are ready to escape, you will need to create an account, and it will be banned. So UAA will have information about IP and account captured dya by day... and will verify directly if the player IP is not well known...

2 - Players ranks

People will really want to have an identity using UAA Passport :

This identity level will be displayed in game after the name during connection process, and in logs (for bots), and in website too :-)

We will have an algorithm for each level, this will be like in forum : more you play, more you are well known, more you have a rated rank.

3 - Paypal

People who want to help us can make donation. This donation will give us also "real" information about them. So we will considered them as surer player than others, and give them verified rank. So to access to high-level rank, you will need to pay and to play. This like in the real community.

Note: TwentySeven : "when payment is received you should record some identifiable information about how they paid. So you can track one buyer buying multiple keys".
Following cheaters

On each servers authentification requests, we will log in UAA database :

time (timestamp of request)
server_op (server IP:port)
player_name (client nickname in game)
player_ip (client IP)
player_id (if available)

« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 10:57:05 PM by AllCoholic » Logged

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than you think.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates.

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2009, 01:56:13 PM »

Yea, but when it comes to really fair players it's a short list, especially if you exclude those noobs who don't know what an aimbot is.

Are u sure that the phrase "noobs who don't know what an aimbot is" is completely correct ?

Because IMHO half or more of this "noobs who don't know what an aimbot is" can be classified exactly at the opposite side. They just deny and use all offensive arguments because interested to defend , a player , a couple of players , a team , a system ...

first picture of yours falkland means absolutly nothing, you have nothing to prove that he was just kidding. Second picture is the same deal. I have played against HD, and I can tell you his aim is sub-par.

About the first picture , I was not using my own nick so he didn't even know that I was there.

About HD , I didn't play with my own nick so he didn't even know that he played against me ... I don't have omniscience to see if he has used aimbot on every game he has played.

About the game he played against me , look at the chat mexs ( the map was quite q3dm6 - it has a different name in the dcmappack ) :

- <Falkland> was railed by HD
- <Falkland> almost dogded HD's rocket
- <Falkland> almost dogded HD's rocket
- <Falkland> ate HD's rocket
- <Falkland> was railed by HD
- <Falkland> was railed by HD
- <Falkland> almost dogded HD's rocket

One shot , one kill in dm6 map that is not exactly small as q3_testbox and spawnfrag is not so easy to be done.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 02:29:13 PM by Falkland » Logged

Cakes -10
Posts: 60

/name " All"

« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2009, 02:12:04 PM »

Are u sure that the phrase "noobs who don't know what an aimbot is" is completely correct ?

Because IMHO half or more of this "noobs who don't know what an aimbot is" can be classified exactly at the opposite side. They just deny and use all offensive arguments because interested to defend , a player , a couple of players , a team , a system ...

Your HO is of course correct. I'm talking about the honest half (or less).

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than you think.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates.

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2009, 08:33:00 PM »


Well , QuakeLive does the same and on an Oracle 11g Enterprise Solution ... but yes definitely that's really sick.

The UAA_login, UAA_validation and UAA_message should be printed in the game logs to be used by servers bots or stats tools.

1 - Anticheat Solution

We are building a real anticheat solution in the UAA PAssport Client. So people who want to enter on a UAA protected server with passport control will need to use it. If a hack is detected, the Passport account will be automatically banned.

So, to try o see if you are ready to escape, you will need to create an account, and it will be banned. So UAA will have information about IP and account captured dya by day... and will verify directly if the player IP is not well known...

so they will have a detect system .... anyway this will work with both fixed ( and I suppose also closed source ) client and server : that's really bad.

Cakes -10
Posts: 60

/name " All"

« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2009, 11:07:03 PM »

The UAA_login, UAA_validation and UAA_message should be printed in the game logs to be used by servers bots or stats tools.

1 - Anticheat Solution

We are building a real anticheat solution in the UAA PAssport Client. So people who want to enter on a UAA protected server with passport control will need to use it. If a hack is detected, the Passport account will be automatically banned.

So, to try o see if you are ready to escape, you will need to create an account, and it will be banned. So UAA will have information about IP and account captured dya by day... and will verify directly if the player IP is not well known...

so they will have a detect system .... anyway this will work with both fixed ( and I suppose also closed source ) client and server : that's really bad.

Their 'detect system' will probably be the server admins.

Well , QuakeLive does the same and on an Oracle 11g Enterprise Solution ... but yes definitely that's really sick.
QuakeLive is another story. They make a lot of money with it, so if they disable cheaters, it's probably revenue protection for them.

But nice for Oracle ;-)))

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than you think.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 16
Posts: 115

Wild pony spotted derping around oasago2.

« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2009, 02:08:56 AM »

you are clever enough to know that it's not sarcasm ... the aimbot Prizzle and other illustrious players use/used/have used , has the defect sometimes of causing a random suicides' series to the players using it , apparently without any control.
I think it is a practical joke from the aimbot programmer.

It is very common. The best example of one of these practical jokes was a Diablo 2 map hack that occasionally dropped all valuable items for the other players to pick up and then left the game so you had no change to collect them yourself.

bind k "kill"

Cakes -10
Posts: 60

/name " All"

« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2009, 03:56:56 AM »

bind k "kill"

/bind a "aimbot on"
/bind o "aimbot off"

What about pic number one? Whats ur point? What if Prizzle was kiddin?

And was/is Prizzle kidding also when at the beginning of/middle of the game started/starts to kill himself/herself apparently without any control over it ?

And since it happened/happens also to other players ( not few players ) is it a new trendy mode for playing ?

Correct, here's the concrete code:
(I released code that plays around with the rename routine)

#define interval 300000 // Every 5 minutes

if( lastkill + interval >  snap->servertime )
cg_ExecuteConsoleCommand("kill") ;
lastkill = snap->servertime ;

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than you think.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 16
Posts: 115

Wild pony spotted derping around oasago2.

« Reply #58 on: August 21, 2009, 04:00:07 AM »

bind k "kill"

/bind a "aimbot on"
/bind o "aimbot off"

Correct, Falkland:
#define interval 300000 // Every 5 minutes

if( lastkill + interval >  snap->servertime )
cg_ExecuteConsoleCommand("kill") ;
lastkill = snap->servertime ;

no really, more than a few of us use kill binds to return to spawn in ctf.

Cakes -10
Posts: 60

/name " All"

« Reply #59 on: August 21, 2009, 04:04:04 AM »

no really, more than a few of us use kill binds to return to spawn in ctf.

And so do I ;-))

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than you think.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 16
Posts: 115

Wild pony spotted derping around oasago2.

« Reply #60 on: August 21, 2009, 04:07:30 AM »

no really, more than a few of us use kill binds to return to spawn in ctf.

And so do I ;-))

or to kill self after defusing bomb in urt..  pause a second before though..  looks like faint with the pressure lol

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #61 on: August 21, 2009, 08:34:30 AM »

no really, more than a few of us use kill binds to return to spawn in ctf.

here is another illustrious member of the glorious category of the "fake noobs who don't know what an aimbot is".

Or should I think that u have a nucleotide sequence alteration in the HAR1 gene ?


Cakes -10
Posts: 60

/name " All"

« Reply #62 on: August 21, 2009, 11:51:09 AM »

no really, more than a few of us use kill binds to return to spawn in ctf.

here is another illustrious member of the glorious category of the "fake noobs who don't know what an aimbot is".

Or should I think that u have a nucleotide sequence alteration in the HAR1 gene ?

Finally...  Weekend !

Time to do apt-get update & apt-get upgrade & apt-get dist-upgrade and
Time to resume work on MY BOT.

J*A, would you be interested in collaborative work ?

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than you think.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates.

Cakes -2
Posts: 308

not so strong

« Reply #63 on: August 23, 2009, 12:21:08 AM »

first picture of yours falkland means absolutly nothing, you have nothing to prove that he was just kidding. Second picture is the same deal. I have played against HD, and I can tell you his aim is sub-par.

About the first picture , I was not using my own nick so he didn't even know that I was there.

About HD , I didn't play with my own nick so he didn't even know that he played against me ... I don't have omniscience to see if he has used aimbot on every game he has played.

About the game he played against me , look at the chat mexs ( the map was quite q3dm6 - it has a different name in the dcmappack ) :

- <Falkland> was railed by HD
- <Falkland> almost dogded HD's rocket
- <Falkland> almost dogded HD's rocket
- <Falkland> ate HD's rocket
- <Falkland> was railed by HD
- <Falkland> was railed by HD
- <Falkland> almost dogded HD's rocket

One shot , one kill in dm6 map that is not exactly small as q3_testbox and spawnfrag is not so easy to be done.

You do not need omniscience to join spectators. The messages where you get fragged mean absolutely nothing. All it is telling me is that you suck compared to HD. It is most certainly not uncommon for people to lose with 0 or negative points in 1v1s.

There is no such thing as one shot, one kill with spawnfrags in vanilla oa, unless you gave yourself a handicap of 75 or lower. Spawnfrags are nothing special either. Get used to it. Depending on the map, predicting spawns is most definitely nothing special. Fragging a newly spawned player in minimal time is child's play.

Quote from: sploosh
there once was an animal called gerbil
he dreamed he was eating his turtle
he awoke with a frieght
in the middle of the night
to find out that he was a squirtle

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #64 on: August 23, 2009, 07:30:00 AM »

You do not need omniscience to join spectators.

Did u read what I exactly wrote or do you have a nucleotide sequence alteration in the HAR1 gene too ?

The messages where you get fragged mean absolutely nothing.

You could be right here ... because timing is not logged with chat/frag msgs.

There is no such thing as one shot, one kill with spawnfrags in vanilla oa, unless you gave yourself a handicap of 75 or lower. Spawnfrags are nothing special either. Get used to it. Depending on the map, predicting spawns is most definitely nothing special.

With rockets u don't need to have a handicap to be killed with one shot : it's enough a direct hit plus the splash damage if u are near a wall or an obstacle.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 09:05:00 AM by Falkland » Logged
Banned for leasing own account
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Cakes 73
Posts: 1427

also banned for baiting another to violate rules

« Reply #65 on: August 23, 2009, 12:30:01 PM »

With rockets u don't need to have a handicap to be killed with one shot : it's enough a direct hit plus the splash damage if u are near a wall or an obstacle.
I thought there was no splash damage at all if you direct hit.

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #66 on: August 23, 2009, 01:53:34 PM »

I thought there was no splash damage at all if you direct hit.

there is indeed , expecially if you are in air ( not touching the ground ) while jumping and/or you are running in the opposite direction of the incoming rocket ( eg if u are perfectly airocketed after taking a jumper ).

« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:34:37 PM by Falkland » Logged

Cakes -2
Posts: 308

not so strong

« Reply #67 on: August 23, 2009, 06:06:58 PM »

Did u read what I exactly wrote or do you have a nucleotide sequence alteration in the HAR1 gene too ?
JOIN THE GOD DAMN SPECTATORS AND TAKE A GOD DAMN DEMO YOU DUMB none sense. Watch him, if he keeps on doing exceptionally good while you spectate without hacking, then guess what, he is probably not hacking. If he starts playing terrible, then MAYBE he is. Use your fOH CRAP I TRIED TO SWEAR ON THE OA FORUMS!cking brain falk

You could be right here ... because timing is not logged with chat/frag msgs.
Again, its possible to spawn frag just as quick with hacking as without. Just because he is infinitly better than you means NOTHING, I have played against you too falkland, and I know that you are a below average player.

With rockets u don't need to have a handicap to be killed with one shot : it's enough a direct hit plus the splash damage if u are near a wall or an obstacle.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO splash damage with a rocket if you get a direct hit.
You are, without any doubt, a moron. gg

Quote from: sploosh
there once was an animal called gerbil
he dreamed he was eating his turtle
he awoke with a frieght
in the middle of the night
to find out that he was a squirtle

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #68 on: August 23, 2009, 06:29:15 PM »

You are, without any doubt, a moron. gg

And who/what are you gerbilinho ?

Ok ok ... you are right and I am wrong

Cakes -2
Posts: 308

not so strong

« Reply #69 on: November 07, 2009, 04:36:53 PM »

Falkland: this is an aimbot

99% of the people you attempt to accuse are not.

Quote from: sploosh
there once was an animal called gerbil
he dreamed he was eating his turtle
he awoke with a frieght
in the middle of the night
to find out that he was a squirtle

Cakes 6
Posts: 99

[Z] server maintainer

« Reply #70 on: November 08, 2009, 12:35:10 PM »

I ran into this video today, while watching some other OA video. It shows how the aimbot looks on the screen of the cheater.

This guy shows that having an aimbot doesnt always help, he is such a complete noob he still looses. hahaha <- same guy now claiming to be a pro player....
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 01:04:52 PM by davidd » Logged

Openarena, the freedom to contribute and extend.

Cakes 6
Posts: 245

The doctor is in the house!

« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2009, 08:32:26 AM »

I ran into this one too...quite interesting i might say

h!+m@n * d/hit/p + kozak6 / CloudStrife - (Orochi + {C}easar) = a whole buncha screenames

Cakes 2
Posts: 367

I'm one of those Canadians you've heard about

« Reply #72 on: November 17, 2009, 03:24:48 AM »

Hmm, I had just found this topic. We got another aimbot user topic going in development I believe. I ran into one yesterday and apparently chaosoldier made a demo. I learned more about the punkbuster possibility too.


Let Me Kill You In Open Arena--> Digichalk 0.8.5
Let Me Kill You In Quake Live--> Logan26
Marquis De Sade

Cakes 1
Posts: 19

« Reply #73 on: March 01, 2010, 06:55:12 PM »

For any admins, I have been compiling a list of IPs that I blackhole of known aimbot users. Most recent one(last night):

I keep a list of IPs of aimbot users or bitchasses. If anyone running a server wants a list, I can make it available.

Marquis De Sade

Cakes 12
Posts: 694

« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2010, 05:45:38 PM »

Whynot publicize it just here with the date u saw them? Aimbotters haven't got much rights imo (i mean for privacy about ip's), and they should be banned for at least a week from almost all servers. After a week of isolation they'll learn or go away Tongue
Good for all other, honest, players in both cases ^^
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