New map from scratch: oa_black (Black Magic)

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Release: Alpha 1 (yes, alpha because I might alter the whole layout)
Reason: Item balance and gameplay testing
It's a new playground for my texture creating stuff. Don't be scared off by its low detail at the moment. Took me about 1hour to create the upper part and a whole week to do the cave like basement (which is missing proper ceiling and floor).

I need some thoughts on gameplay and connectivity to continue. I am going for a small-midsized tourney and tdm map. Routes might not be easygoing enough.
Packed within is 2nd release of ctf_compromise V2, because 1st got an issue about fog density.
More goodies: There is a testserver running just this additional pk3 file rotating both maps. (/connect
And is running latest oaxB41 including brainworkz bots.