Hi all
I used to map for quake many years back and Im suprised at the lackof decent 1on1 maps for OA. So I plan to bring my old maps back into OA, aswell as some 1on1 classics (which work well with OA).
First map is Ultrav, a well balanced, small, fast paced map with brand new textures. Im having a little trouble with texturing the teleports and also using the teleports. Cant quite figure out yet how to get the tele's to work. I used to use worldcraft and gtkradiant is completely new to me, but I'm getting there. If anyone can lend a hand and take a look at the .map file I'll be glad to send it!. Anyway heres some pics, and a download link for the pk3 for anyone who wants to run around this clasic map!. Remember teles dont work, and they kind of make the map!. Weapons have been placed, just missing the 2 light armours and few ammo packs

DL link: