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Author Topic: Map Popularity 2009  (Read 49200 times)
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Cakes 73
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« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2009, 06:53:15 AM »

I'm rarely playing insta, but I didn't think these two maps were systematically skipped. Personally I'd skip oa_bases7, and I'd keep oa_ctf2.
If some people are willing to play them, then I think it's good to let them have that opportunity.

Todo: Walk the cat.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 5
Posts: 141

I play to win.

« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2009, 04:58:36 PM »




I'm rarely playing insta, but I didn't think these two maps were systematically skipped. Personally I'd skip oa_bases7, and I'd keep oa_ctf2.
oa_ctf2 is rubbish on insta, some players are just camping spawns.
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Cakes 73
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also banned for baiting another to violate rules

« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2009, 06:25:31 PM »

Right, I remember now how it was, especially on servers with many slots, ahum, I administrate one myself but I respect the first admin's will and its "noobfriendliness", so I'm not changing it too much.

Todo: Walk the cat.

Cakes 6
Posts: 99

[Z] server maintainer

« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2009, 07:50:30 AM »

I run an CTF server but i never play there, so i will let the other speak for ctf.
my game is DM, fastweap DM with nonstoptotalaction.

aggressor is a map on which many players join
q3dm6ish next.

am_galmevish is really a different style of gaming, without the health, it is the player with most aggression/accuracy that will win. My friend Xnonix leaves my server if am_galmevish comes on. I however like it because i usually score better on this map (my tactics suck Smiley )

worst maps:
oa_dm1, lots of machinegun fights because of the lack of weapons,
oa_shouse, to difficult lava, players are forced on long straight stretches without anything to hide.


Openarena, the freedom to contribute and extend.
Lesser Nub

Cakes -6
Posts: 121

« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2009, 05:29:03 PM »

OA-Sago is  very popular wit ctf peoplez, such as m,self I luv dat map, allmost camper proof and it tests all ur skills. a legendary map , killaz paridise.                                                    ps.this phone makes me struggle >:[

KHOTANAS.... They waste precious RSA currency on top class clothing, then burn & tear is days later
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Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 114

« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2009, 05:12:04 AM »

This is what I saw, more or less:

(yes, some admins offer 3rd party high quality maps on top of the standard OA stock)


and also that small map with dark walls and a bunch of square platforms

Cakes 12
Posts: 694

« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2009, 05:19:26 PM »

Quote from: KILLIE
allmost camper proof
Oasago2 camperproof?! O.o Not at all.

Cakes 5
Posts: 225

« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2009, 04:39:52 PM »

What are the most played OA maps online here of this year? I sort of want to survey everyone here.

Since you asked for feedback on the maps I decide to make a detailed list of each map and tell you why I like them, dislike them, and which ones need work in my opinion. These are just my opinion and feedback to some issues I have noticed.

Deathmatch maps

Disliked maps

Sleek Grinder:  This map I don’t really like not because of weapons placement or health but because it seems like I was some how magically transported into stairs picture by M.C. Escher where I am going up the stairs and going down the stairs (sorry about the family guy reference but I just had to ) I seem to have  my bearings in other maps even if I don’t play them that much but this maps seems to me to have no land marks and little to no color to references and It seem to just want to get you lost  because of that very reason. I often seem to just pick up any weapons and go on a wandering trip for 5 or so minutes until I come a pond an enemy or are killed from behind because they saw me from one of the many entrances.

OA POVIMT: To me this map has things that look like jump pads or teleports but are not (i.e. the purple triangles that I always seem to jump on and find out the hard way they do nothing but cause me to take a rocket to the face from an enemy.) other than that this maps seems to just hurt you eyes with the bright purple.

Czest1tourney: Me and this map seem to have a love hate relationship in that fact that I usually get 2nd, 3rd or sometimes 1st on it. Then you are probably asking yourself why I dislike this map and the answer is simple long narrow walkways of death that I find hard to maneuver on the and the rocket launcher and rail gun does not help it in this area because I sometimes get hit with them and defrag by landing into the void that is space or the 2 giant lava pools of death.

Maps that Need Work

Suspended: I have not had the chance to play this with other humans but to me this map seems ok and kind of fun. The only suggestion I would make is possibly getting rid of the side platforms and placing the weapons thought the three inner circles.

OADM1: A fun and fast map which has good combat areas. The one main gripe about this one is the fact of the hole in the small rocket launcher room which at times causes an endless spam of grenades from above and when you try to enter to kill the camper you are met with a rocket to the face. And while at times I am lucky enough to have a rocket launcher or grenade launcher myself to hurl some nasty explosive up at the camper I more often than not get killed by them because I’m to busy fighting a person in the room under that and taking the damage they give me plus the campers which equals a very dead me.

OAMINIA: This map seems fun and has a good flow to it the only problem which seems to but me and maybe it is just because I am new is the stair case pillars. These pillars just seem to be a death trap to be and I seem to just get all caught up in them and whine up defragging myself. Although I try and lead my opponent away from these pillars of death at times they just will not follow and I am force to fight them there. Maybe fewer pillars would solve this?

WraceDm 17: One of the space maps where there is not a whole lot of defragging going on the guard rails in the corners keep that from happening. Two things about this that seem to be a rare problems is when two people decide the want to cross over to the other side at the same time thus causing them to use the jump platform and smacking into each other and either both falling and getting defrag or only one getting defragged. Another thing is this map seems just and little to long at the bottom level maybe you could make it a little shorter.

OADM6: I am not a really big fan of this map because to me it seems that most people go to the center room to fight. But fighting there at times is all but impossible with the huge teleporter in the way. With I know some look to this as cover to me it just gets in the way. Also the huge pit you fall into does not help because you are often knocked in unwillingly. Also the room above it with the grenade launch is just a bad idea because a camper sets up shop there and spam away. The area with the rocket launcher needs to be a little bit bigger down below the stairs to allow for some maneuvering and possibly a secondary combat zone.

OA_RP3DM1: a fun and fast map and with clear and fast routes to the weapons makes this one a good map. I also like the pit area and the massive amount of kills I can get there. Although the grenade launcher at the top I felt encourages spam and gets kind of annoying if a camper gets it.

OARPG3DN2 ; A fun map with a good lay out the only gripe I have is the grenade launcher at the top usually causes an endless sea of spam and if that is not bad enough the grenades usually hit new spawned plays before they can even move or react.

CEIM7: A fun tribute map to the quake boss but to me it encourages an over powered camper at the top because he has the choice of the rocket launcher or grenade launcher and there are not other weapons around for the other players to access that are as power. Also getting up there to confront the camper can be a real pain because he can spam grenades below causing you to get hit and since there is no other way up there it feels as thou you have to just take the damage. Perhaps an elevator or jump pad at the other end would help you get up also I recommend removing the rocket launcher or grenade launcher.

OASHOUSE: A fun map my main gripe about this one is the rail placement I thing it is a bad idea to have the rail gun there. The reason being is because the person who gets it is usually a camper and picks off people that just spawned over and over again also if they are a good railer no one usually is able to get the rocket launcher or run because there is little to no cover just straight long paths.

Maps I like
Aggressor: This was the very first map I played on with people and has become one of my favorites. This map seems to just flat out be perfect and fast and about aim and control.

Am_Galevisn: This map reminds me of the Roman Coliseum. It is another of my favorite maps because it has 4 rocket launchers’ thus I feel allowing more people to play it and get the rockets launcher without getting fragged 2 or 3 times. I also like the quad damage thing right over the red fog death pit it has helped me get many a frag by targeting the person going for it and them being trapped

KAOS2: I like big maps like this because they are fun to go hunting around on and allow some downtime between attacks for you to get health and armor and then jump right back into the action.

Slimefac: this map has the right amount of hazards. I Also like the places where the defragging areas are because they to me are in all the right places and the upper tiers can really help out when you jump down behind an enemy and frag them.

OADM7: A fun map with an ample supply of weapons health and armor. A map in which water can both provide cover or can cause an early death.

Fan: this map is just fun to play while I hardly get the chance to play it with people. It is a fun little m p with a good lay out and weapons placement. I also like it when the bots or a humans gets trapped on the fan and you get a free frag.

OADM3: I love this maps theme of an old run down base I am also loving the fact that it has 3 mega healths. I also like the computer room and the mini maze of computers makes for some great ambushes and great hiding when you are trying to get away from an enemy. The flow of this map I also like and the primary combat zones are also nice.

CzestiDm: I like this big map because and all the hiding places and placement of the weapons health and armor. I usually don’t say this but I even like the rail gun placement as well because if a camper camps up that you can just kind of blast them out with the rocket launcher that is close by or traps the on the moving platform as the go up and pump them full of rockets until they are gibs.

OADM5: a fun map which has good combat zones. I also like how there is a lot of water fighting on this map.

OADM2: This map to me reminds me of Hellrasier puzzle box. I think this mainly because of the puzzle element and the main room looking so evil and the broken floors and the dark hallways which you are think a wall walker many come down. This map has good flow and I like the traps and hidden areas.

OA-Shine: fun map with a good weapons lay out and nice cover and ambush points.

Cakes 5
Posts: 225

« Reply #33 on: December 29, 2009, 04:41:12 PM »

What are the most played OA maps online here of this year? I sort of want to survey everyone here.

CTF maps

Disliked maps

Delta: for some strange reason this map seems to remind me of platform gaming and that would be find if I liked platform gaming but I don’t. To me this map seems like a campers heaven because all they would have to do is get to the top platform where the flag is at and wait for you to come and either know you off or frag you.

HYDRONEX: This map is hell even for the best strafe jumper on your team if you are luckily enough to have one if not then this map can really pose a problem. First off you have to get past the rail gunner after that there are the mines that liter the entrance or are stacked by the flag or most notably by the sides of the rail gun tower. After this your health has taken a beaten even with the mega health if you where lucky enough to have got it before you left. Then you come to what I like to call the hallway of death because this is usually where you get killed the most because there are usually four or so people there all with rocket launchers ready to send you back home. And even if by some miracle you manage to destroy them with the help of a team mate you hear the awful sound of more mines being laid down and wish there was another way out but there is not so you have to once again face those same troubles you had coming over but just in reverse order and with even less health which for me usually equals death.

Maps that Need Work

OACTF 4ish: Although I most of the time take the portal route and the main reason is the smacking into each other when one tries to go across I feel this could be solved with another launch ramp.

PULLCTF: This map is fun fast and opens all of which I like the only real problem with this map to me is the bright color scheme. To me it is unappealing and I this if the texture where either a brick or steel it would look nicer.

CTF Composes: This map to me has good game play and a number of ways to get the flag back to base the only real problem I find is the heavy amount of fog. I believe the maker of this map was going for the fog is cover theme which I think is a good idea and sounds cool but I think that it is too thick right now just a little lightening of the fog would be a good idea. Also I am not sure what you call it but the map needs a metal platform or something so the flag does not look like it was just dropped there.

OABASE7: this map to me would be more fun if it did not have the castle door of death. I know you can rocket jump to that window but by the time I get back I usually am low on health and cannot do this so I am forced to what for the slow as hell door to open while firing and hoping I don’t die. I feel this map can do without the door.

Maps I Like

OASAGOO2: This make has a great flow to it and it what really makes this map fun and fast to place. When I first played this map form the size of it I thought it would be slow but I was wrong and soon realized how fast game play was on here.

OASPIRIT3: This map I feel is a good map but it is underused for some reason by the players. I feel it really helps out newbs know where to go by having the arrows on the floor guide you it is just the right size to.

CTF GATE 1: This map I find to be fun as well it offers great hiding place and a good amount of cover. The funny thing about this map is I have only played it once in CTF mode the rest of the times I played it was in death match mode but still fun.

CTF INYARD: This map I also feel is underused by players It is fun and has good amush points and good defense points

CZEAST3FTF: this map fun and complex but in a good way.

OABASE3; fun map and easy to get in and out of

OABASE7: fun and sneaking thought the water to get this flag instead of using the bridge at times can prove to be useful

OACTF2 fun and fast nice outlay.

CZEST3CTF: Again another underused map. I think this map is fun it has nice routes and the arrows I feel help the newbs out .

CBCTF1: a fun map to play on but I feel could use some texture on the floor because it just get hard to look at after awhile especially with the lights around the guard rail things kind of shining on it.

PS37CTF: a fun but I feel it could use some cover on the level where the rocket launcher is because out there you are just a big target.

Cakes 6
Posts: 636

Shoot him..

« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2009, 06:06:58 AM »

OAMINIA: This map seems fun and has a good flow to it the only problem which seems to but me and maybe it is just because I am new is the stair case pillars. These pillars just seem to be a death trap to be and I seem to just get all caught up in them and whine up defragging myself. Although I try and lead my opponent away from these pillars of death at times they just will not follow and I am force to fight them there. Maybe fewer pillars would solve thi

You'll be pleased to know that the map has has an entire re-work. Flows much more and the pillars of death have been removed. Check out:

Cakes 6
Posts: 245

The doctor is in the house!

« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2009, 12:27:02 PM »

Damn Bane, you must play alot of OA :-)

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Cakes 35
Posts: 14520

« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2009, 12:56:25 PM »

The shcoking part is, everyone plays OA more than I do. Heck I don't even play any of my own games regularily, just old DOS games.

asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done.
Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone

I do not provide technical support either.

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Cakes 5
Posts: 225

« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2009, 01:28:46 PM »

Damn Bane, you must play alot of OA :-)

Yeah I guest I do I usually play an hour or two a day. Blowing up people helps me relax sometimes : )
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2009, 01:50:06 PM »

Did you've downloaded 0.8.5?

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 12
Posts: 694

« Reply #39 on: December 31, 2009, 03:01:17 PM »

Bane, nothing personal but i actually completely disagree with most maps you find good and which not, especially the DM maps. (and you misspelled half of them)
Hmm or could that be because im an instagibber.
Anyway here is my order of good and bad maps, viewed from instantgib perspective (don't have time to comment each one atm):

Maps I don't like
am_galmevish (really don't like it, also not in allweapons)
kaos2 (far too large)
Fan (worst map in the list)

Maps I like
wrackdm17: The only good space map for instantgib
oa_dm2 (it's allright but not really good)

Maps I don't like
oa_bases7 (boring and campfest)
oa_ctf2 (uber-campfest)

Maps I like
hydronex (it is huge, but fun sometimes)
ctf4ish (its good for all weapons)
pul1ctf (one of the three most awesome ctf maps)
oasago2 (one of the three most awesome ctf maps, only played FAR too much)
ps37ctf (one of the three most awesome ctf maps)
*which ctf map is the best I can't say. It changes every few weeks which i like most. What I can say is that those three I noted are really awesome.

Cakes 5
Posts: 225

« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2009, 08:23:56 PM »

Bane, nothing personal but i actually completely disagree with most maps you find good and which not, especially the DM maps. (and you misspelled half of them)
Hmm or could that be because im an instagibber.
Anyway here is my order of good and bad maps, viewed from instantgib perspective (don't have time to comment each one atm):

Maps I don't like
am_galmevish (really don't like it, also not in allweapons)
kaos2 (far too large)
Fan (worst map in the list)

Maps I like
wrackdm17: The only good space map for instantgib
oa_dm2 (it's allright but not really good)

Maps I don't like
oa_bases7 (boring and campfest)
oa_ctf2 (uber-campfest)

Maps I like
hydronex (it is huge, but fun sometimes)
ctf4ish (its good for all weapons)
pul1ctf (one of the three most awesome ctf maps)
oasago2 (one of the three most awesome ctf maps, only played FAR too much)
ps37ctf (one of the three most awesome ctf maps)
*which ctf map is the best I can't say. It changes every few weeks which i like most. What I can say is that those three I noted are really awesome.

Sorry about the misspelling in my post. Also It's cool you disagree whatever it's fine with me.  Also instagib I play sometimes but sometimes at least to me there are hoards of campers there. Now I understand in instagib you die a lot but when I die each time and get killed over and over again 3 or 4 time straight from the same one or two guys just waiting by the spawn point it's just gets flat out annoying.

Cakes 5
Posts: 225

« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2009, 08:31:59 PM »

Did you've downloaded 0.8.5?

I looked on the files page where it has the current version as 0.8.1 so I am not sure where the version your are talking about is. Also is this version a beta or final release and are there servers with people on them using this version ?
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2009, 09:30:55 PM »

It's a Release Candidate, mostly for testing, it also has some new maps and changed ones. (Most of the already available are changed, anyways)
Some servers have them, AFAIK evilarena is one of them, I'm not sure about the others.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 12
Posts: 694

« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2010, 11:08:59 AM »

in instagib you die a lot
Then you should train more Wink
when I die each time and get killed over and over again 3 or 4 time straight from the same one or two guys just waiting by the spawn point it's just gets flat out annoying.
If you know where they are you can shoot the campers. Better is kickvote, but as most players are noob they don't even know howto vote. And if they know that they often don't read the chat. And if they also read the chat they don't know what camping is. So just get better and shoot them Smiley
Btw you can also change server, it are usually the same people camping. And you can also easily look for some friends on dpmaster.

Cakes 5
Posts: 225

« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2010, 03:51:32 PM »

in instagib you die a lot
Then you should train more Wink
when I die each time and get killed over and over again 3 or 4 time straight from the same one or two guys just waiting by the spawn point it's just gets flat out annoying.
If you know where they are you can shoot the campers. Better is kickvote, but as most players are noob they don't even know howto vote. And if they know that they often don't read the chat. And if they also read the chat they don't know what camping is. So just get better and shoot them Smiley
Btw you can also change server, it are usually the same people camping. And you can also easily look for some friends on dpmaster.

working on the training thing and getting better with control in just regular death matchs. I just don't think instagib is my thing but if you are good at it my hats goes off to you. Also I guess I am one of those noobs that does not know about kick voting. I know f1 is yes and f2 is no but i don't know how to start a vote.

Cakes 12
Posts: 694

« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2010, 12:43:45 PM »

Write in console: /callvote kick "playername" <enter>
Quotations are not always needed, only when the name contans spaces or odd characters, but i just always use it. Colors don't have to be included.
If someone has a name like asoifosf9ukms*&^$# you can use clientkick. For that you first need to run another command: /serverstatus. That gives you some properties of the server plus info about all players. In front of each name is the clientnumber, that is what you need. After looking it up write this in console: /callvote clientkick #, where # is the clientnr you want to kick. This type of voting always makes less people vote because almost noone wants to go lookup who that clientnumber has (maybe this should be on the todo list of oa: changing clientnumber into the name). So you have to say who it is, why you wanna kick and be a bit lucky that they read it Wink

Good luck voting Tongue
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Cakes 62
Posts: 1664

Open Arena Developer

« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2010, 12:51:42 PM »

For that you first need to run another command: /serverstatus.
Do not use /serverstatus to get client numbers. Use /status to get information relevant to the client. /status will return the clientnumbers that clientkick needs.

There are nothing offending in my posts.

Cakes 6
Posts: 590

« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2010, 01:11:37 PM »

Do not use /serverstatus to get client numbers. Use /status to get information relevant to the client. /status will return the clientnumbers that clientkick needs.

But the /status command works only with the server console , not with the client.

The /status command returns always a " Server is not running. " response unless the server admin has previously accessed to the server with rcon.
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Cakes 62
Posts: 1664

Open Arena Developer

« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2010, 01:23:33 PM »

In other words it is not currently possible to print the client numbers?

There are nothing offending in my posts.

Cakes 12
Posts: 694

« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2010, 02:41:26 PM »

sago, you can with serverstatus cmd like i said...
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