Let's criticize :p
Of course it's just my opinion and I don't pretend the way I describe is the way it should be, it's just feelings and kinda intuitive
- On the overall it's both more sober and darker.
- I like the translucent menu bar, especially where the OA screenshot is visible.
- I don't know if the fading OA image in the background is of the best effect. I would have rather seen the screenshot fill the whole horizontal space (but not beneath the former candy bars), or eventually, seen the screenshot as part of another texture (a bit like we have with the current website theme).
- I would have seen the former candy bar (the candy effect is still a bit present
) in a color different than the dark blue one, while being sober (something like grey ?).
- Linked to 2 previous points, it turned all dark blue maybe it could have been balanced with a secondary color (grey ?)
- I also like the transparent effect on the forum posts, even if it makes the texture tiling break.
- again maybe the forum is quite blue, I'd say it is okay as it is, but I wonder what would be the result if post tables were of some secondary color which distinguishes better from the primary color. I don't know how the template is designed, but if post table color is changed it may not be necessary to change other table colors, like the most at the bottom ones. (eventually, instead of the topics table, the background texture color could be changed, but I think it's better to keep that dark blue background texture)
- lateral circuit textures seem okay to me
I've been playing with a fluxbb 1.2/1.4 template recently, It's not so hard work code-wise, but I was not really competent at obtaining something satisfying color-wise
I'll continue to play a bit with some dokuwiki and maybe fluxbb templates because I kinda have to.