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« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2010, 06:38:57 AM » |
I updated most ROFL servers : - Instantgib : Allrockets CTf : A few DM maps : For beginner players : CTF 4 Fishes : I had some issue with character colors, then it disappeared ... Normal issue: I had to remove double characters for colors in server browser (^^66ROFL^^77 ... now ^6ROFL ^7) And I had a few problems with textures, on oa_ctf2 (grey squares here and there, near the flag), and still that blue glitch on oa_ctf4ish teleporters. Thanks baud for the upload. I went aware late of 0.8.5 coming out by checking my phoronix RSS feeds  I hope everything goes fine .. @lei, I think you forgot the major updates which were made to OAX, and the new 2D gfx, and the blue theme of course, I may also forget stuff
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« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2010, 09:59:20 AM » |
@RMF: Yes
@Cacatoes: I can see the blueish theme. The double characters in server names was removed. It was a fix for a workaround for a limitation for a simplification and served no purpose other than break the line alignment in mods.
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« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2010, 11:08:27 AM » |
@vindimy SharpestTool has described sprees here: should be moved to the OA wiki now that 0.8.5 is released) They are pure serverside to allow servers to make themself unique. Try bot_nochat 2 or 3 to silence the bots. bot_nochat 1 only disabled random chat. pmove_msec is ignores if pmove_float is on. pmove_float uses true Q3 physics meaning you jump a little higher than at 91 fps but a little lower than 125 fps. This can be offset by changing g_gravity. It is recommended to disable pmove_fixed if pmove_float is enabled. pmove_fixed has a problem with dropping sounds if the client's fps are lower than the server emulates.
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« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2010, 11:36:28 AM » |
Well done! Many thanks to all the OA team!
Ciao  Massimo
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2010, 11:51:23 AM » |
alright thanks for the update ^^
« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2010, 05:47:56 AM » |
Me and a few others were playing on the FF server with the new patch. And we noticed that we cannot jump the bridge on ps37ctf even with /com_maxfps 125 set. Me nor anyone else never had this problem in 0.8.1
Anyone know what could be the cause?
same problem here ^^ i tried a few thing (like the ones already mentioned ... pmove etc.).
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 11:00:13 AM by Pain »
Instantgib is serious business ... I guess.
Cakes 10
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« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2010, 05:53:34 AM » |
Me and a few others were playing on the FF server with the new patch. And we noticed that we cannot jump the bridge on ps37ctf even with /com_maxfps 125 set. Me nor anyone else never had this problem in 0.8.1
Anyone know what could be the cause?
same problem here ^^ i tried a view thing (like the ones already mentioned ... pmove etc.). In single player mode if you set the physics to "Fixed Framerate 125Hz" and pmove_msec 9 i was able to jump the bridge.  I'm not sure what cvar server admins would use to set physics to "Fixed Framerate 125Hz"
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« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2010, 11:06:10 AM » |
Yepii New version out  I will update right away This game really can overcome Quake III ^_^ (if didn't yet  )
110010010111000001110111110000 0x320AC1FF [iSubaru@OA-server]# ./openarena.x86_64
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« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2010, 02:24:27 PM » |
I'm not sure what cvar server admins would use to set physics to "Fixed Framerate 125Hz"
pmove_fixed 1 pmove_msec 8 pmove_float 0 or one could use pmove_float 1 g_gravity ~750 (I have not discovered the exact gravity setting that 125 fps normally results in)
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« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2010, 02:46:03 PM » |
@sago007, thanks a lot for all clarifications. i've changed **FF CTF** settings to what sago007 recommended: seta pmove_fixed "0" // no fixed seta pmove_msec "11" // (new default in 0.8.5) seta pmove_float "1" // yes float (new in 0.8.5) seta videoflags "1" (videoflags "1" supposed to give players freedom in video config, afaik). in addition, physics are now set to the following: seta g_speed "320" // default 320 seta g_gravity "750" // default 800 seta g_knockback "1000" // default 1000 i have yet to test whether i can jump to the same surfaces as before, but i think i can trust sago007 when it comes to advice 
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« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2010, 02:53:16 PM » |
This is strange: When I set g_gravity to non-default value in default.cfg and then launch oa_ded.i386, it reports upon loading the first map in rotation: broadcast: print "Server: g_gravity changed to 800\n" Then when I issue "g_gravity 750" command, it reports broadcast: print "Server: g_gravity changed to 750\n" I confirmed that this behavior is in 0.8.1 and 0.8.5. I am sure that I'm not setting g_gravity anywhere else: -r--r--r-- 1 root openarena 0 Jan 27 22:43 autoexec.cfg -r--rw-r-- 1 root openarena 4706 Feb 25 20:51 default.cfg -r--rw-r-- 1 root openarena 1869 Feb 15 20:13 maps.cfg -r--rw-r-- 1 root openarena 150 Feb 20 21:25 motd.cfg -r--r--r-- 1 root openarena 0 Dec 7 23:30 q3config_server.cfg (i think the above needs to be moved to a separate thread...)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 06:51:11 PM by vindimy »
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« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2010, 03:37:20 PM » |
Thanks fromhell. Finally - this is great!
Just had my first 1on1 on oa_minia.
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2010, 06:05:25 PM » |
Okay here are my findings... As mentioned, the physics. It jumps as if we're on default fps, I hope admins of all servers follow the steps as explained above to fix that. Still can't get vertexlight to work. Am I stupid  And.. /serverstatus gives a total quitbug to desktop Anyway i love the new rocketsmoke, and i finally got rid of my mouseclick latency. No new hitsound  But hey all in all it's allright... cortex
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« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2010, 10:54:24 PM » |
All the regulars of ROFL All Rockets were wondering why the server was down. Now I know it's in0.8.5 and I need to let everyone know
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« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2010, 11:28:19 PM » |
run, jump and don't forget, SHOOT!
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« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2010, 03:02:25 AM » |
Still can't get vertexlight to work. Am I stupid  Set cg_autovertex 1 (done if you set it through the menu), vertex will auto enable if you join a server that allows it. Thanks for reporting the /serverstatus bug. Added it here: ( DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Bugs
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« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2010, 09:38:43 AM » |
i'll post at my blog about the update and how to install it...
if i join a server with an old patch the game gets back to the old version right???
but what are the changes? we have just some small list here... can we have a complete list with all changes???
run, jump and don't forget, SHOOT!
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« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2010, 11:10:33 AM » |
He he, you can translate what I wrote for some french news website. Which I pasted here to fill that "French" news section. More seriously, you may find what has changed referring to sago's posts about binaries and OAX, though you have to check several pages of that last topic. Add Vindimy's map list to these changes, and fromhell's readme (file attached), and you're quite done ! Of course, it would have been more simple if we had that changelog since start, because no news website made the effort to track back these changes, which won't help to promote OA.
Todo: Walk the cat.
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« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2010, 12:00:28 PM » |
run, jump and don't forget, SHOOT!
Cakes 12
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« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2010, 08:50:11 AM » |
OA085 seen by a regular medium skilled player: First of all the download. I got something which was way too small compared to 081, and appearently it were just a few files. So what should I do with it? A newb wouldn't know (you want to make it monkeyproof, then make it also easy to install), but I tried copying my openarena-081 dir, renamed it to openarena-085, and unpacked the patch in that folder. Fail, it unpacked in openarena-085/openarena-081.... So I moved the content from the 085/081 dir to the 085 dir an huray it worked. First thing I noticed of course was the new icon, looks pretty nice. Then started the game, and omg what is this for menu?! It totally does not fit the style of the game! The game colors are red, brown, grey, bit of yellow, and the menu is totally blue oO. I even had to search where the cursor was (which i never had in 081). The statistics are always cool to see but of course they were empty. So I opened the singleplayer menu. Was nice that the SP progress and favorite servers are saved. Clicked skirmish, noticed the new physics which i like. Just one thing which is bad about it: the SWEARing default setting is absolutely wrong. It should emulate 125fps, the maps are made for that. Then playing.. My name, or better the names of our whole clan, are _totally screwed_. It's now full blue, we look rediculous! And the new maps, oa_minia, what did you do?! It's SWEARing nasty. I'm not gonna play that map as it is in the new version.. Luckily belzerail still has the old one (pff). Few days later I saw the new ctf_gate1. Changed, gotta get used to it, though not totally screwed. Only the weapons are misplaced and the loved chaingun is gone (one of the few good maps which had it  ). The ingame menu. Nice that you can now callvote via the GUI (or good for newbs i don't really care). Exept for the not fitting colors nothing else really changed. In the game-options menu I like the way you can set the crosshair colors and ch-health, nice and easy for everyone. After some playing I went back to the stats menu, but still it didn't show any stats at all. 1 death, 0 kills, no weapons used, nothing. Wow really nice made ppl.. whats the use of it when it doesn't work... Day or two later we played some on evil clanwars, map ps37ctf. Guess what, we couldn't get over the wall without rocketjumping. The setting was still default. Yes we can change it -or the admin can, like every admin should- though why don't u just set it good by default?! I bet in a while when everyone updated half the servers' physics will be screwed. Then another few points: -no mac update and not clear for many mac players how you should make it work on mac (it is finable and understandable, though you have to know where to look and be a bit experienced). -i probably missed it, but i saw no install instructions (someone linked to the dlpage on irc, actually there they should be) So in general, it improved some minor things. It screwed some major things. Or summarized: it fails.
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« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2010, 09:13:30 AM » |
Did you've tried installing the 0.8.5 patch over a clean 0.8.1 install? It's a patch, not a major release. The major release is still 0.8.1. 0.8.5 is just a patch for 0.8.1. (And lots of people would complain as well if this one was an incompatible full release like 0.8.0 and 0.8.1.) And for the Mac version, Sago (and many other people who has the Mac version) said that 0.8.5 works well with the older binaries. There's nothing big which needed binary changes. There are lots of people who get the installation well. You're doing many things wrong according to your post. Don't call it failed because of your errors. 
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« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2010, 09:26:06 AM » |
If you read well, I got it all working. And it wasn't my server which was misconfigured, if you read well. Also it could be fixed, i knew that, though if there's no admin around and the default setting is wrong, i just say that i noticed it. btw this is the full download, unpack it and it just works also for mac (or i did as ppl told me to get it working) some say the download doesn't work, though for me it's fine.. Can't upload it to a better host (maybe rapidshare though didnt look), file limits for good hosts are 50-100mb.
Cakes 10
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« Reply #47 on: February 28, 2010, 09:48:53 AM » |
Here's my short summary. I had no problems when installing the patch. I just copied the files from the 085 download to my 081 directory and then i copied pak6-patch085 to the 081 baseoa. The new menu i like. Yeah the red, black, and other colors were nice in 081. But it had a quake 3 look to me. The new blue and black menu gives OA its own look. I COMPLETELY agree about the physics, The defaults should have not changed in my opinion.  But at least server admins can change them. I love the crosshair health option.  Also the password prompt for passworded servers is nice as some couldn't figure out /password before.  Having the call votes now on the menu is nice (noob friendly.  ) But im so used to doing it through the console that it doesn't bother me. The font is nice as well. Took a little while to get used to but i likes now. Same as the 2D icons. I also find some 2D's icons easier to see so that's a plus.  I ususally force models to sarge. But i will say i like the ghost model for assassin. Now to maps. ctf_compromise: I find this map much more enjoyable without the fog. Didn't realize how good it was till the fog was gone.  ctf_gate1: This one i don't like at all. I find with the new ways to get the flag, the paths on the pillars, no chaingun all make this map less challenging for me. But that's personal opinion. ps37ctf2 looks nicer and nice to see ps9ctf got in this release. oa_reptctf11: Nothing to complain about. Love the addition of the boxes and middle building.  The other maps i didn't list i'm pretty neutral on. So in all i think the release was okay. If i had to give it stars. I'd give it 3 1/2 out of 5.
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« Reply #48 on: February 28, 2010, 09:57:53 AM » |
You have never been able to jump the wall in ps37ctf with default settings. Previously that was that was the individual player's config that decided if that was allowed. Now it is the server's config that decides that.
@server admins The g_gravity setting that allows jumping walls and such in ps37ctf is ~768. Remember that it must be set for each map after the map-command: like: map oasago2; set g_gravity 768; because maps always overwrite it (in case there was a spacemap before) and yes it fails after callvote map.
pmove_fixed is buggy and has always been buggy.
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« Reply #49 on: February 28, 2010, 11:57:53 AM » |
I also regret there is no install instructions, it can be confusing and source of mistakes. A few of us know very well patches are made to replace files in the directory, it's not so obvious for everyone. I'll have to complain too about how non-intuitive it is to find and download the game and its patch, I saw some guy ingame who said "I don't see the new version on the website". e107's fault : first, links don't appear clearly, but in their download.php?list.xx form, I personnally prefer to be able to see the file name in clear in the status bar, and I suppose it's the same for a few persons. Then, the table which lists the link has a not-so-visible download icon (IMO). And we have to click several pages before being able to access it. On OpenArena-FR's wiki, we have direct links to both .zip on the home page, we even have an article named "Download" in the wiki at its root, and we have install instructions for main 3 platforms.
It turns a bit complicated to get OA working out-of-the-box, and of course some more efforts could have been done for this release. Now, I suppose it's time to do better to go further.
Todo: Walk the cat.