i'll edit it tomorrow and reupload. Thanks for spotting the errors and for adding (or going to add to) the wiki

Another thing, in HELPABOUT section... you already wrote that anyone can modify it, mentioning the original author... okay.. but what about writing inside it that you release it under GPLv2 and CC-BY-SA licenses? The first, for better integration with OpenArena (maybe someday fromhell may decide to put it inside an official package...); the second, to allow people to export text from there, for example adding it to a wiki site (many wiki sites use CC-BY-SA license)...
I hate licence crap, for hours of hard coding work you could add a licence but this isn't worth it. I trust the small community here is nice enough not to just get my work and release it as being their own

- In the main "HELP" section: "For help with modes (CTF/DM/insta) type HELPMODES"... I suggest LIKE CTF/DM/insta, because there are many more modes.
It were just examples, I already had to shorten the first "help" command but ofc i can make a continued (HELP2) or something too.
- In the same section: "about this helpfunction" (space needed)
oh yep, i typed most on my craptop (w2k laptop) and it's space is half broken
- HELPBTN section: I don't understand what do you mean with "A B C 1 2 3 F1 F2 F3". I suggest also to add "To customize your settings, use Setup -> Controls menu". Maybe also explaining to beginners what "bind" is would be nice.
Well it are examples of keys.. But guess I can improve that

Every noob can use the setup so I disagree taking a whole sentence to explain what doesn't need to be explained. And the examples pretty much explain what bind does so.
- HELPCMD section: "If you want to know howto do something (example bind 'say' on T to another key), use '/bind T' to view what the setting is, and then retype that in /bind Y." (apart of the missing space between how ad to) is not so clear: bind <key> tells the command binded to that key, you can't know what key has assigned a certain command, right? I suggest to reword the whole sentence.
hmm no you can't know that without just opening the config, but I think it's clear enough (or do you have some suggestion for a replacing sentence?).
- HELPCMD2 section: I suggest "to execute custom pre-set configuration files (previously edited with a plain text editor outside the game)....".
Will do
- HELPCMD2 section. Say "example" instead of "exa", and tell what that example does: it changes the weapon to gauntlet (right?), waits 74 frames and then suicides your own character.
- HELPGEN section: "To look which maps you have, type /dir maps"... I would add also "or simply type /map and press TAB key"....
Ok will add something similar to that (first gotta test myself how it exactly works, never use it).
- HELPGUIDE section. Maybe we could add something like "Visit
www.openarena.exe or openarena.wikia.com for more informations".
yeah the help was created just as reference not meant to be build-in. But if it's gonna be ofc i should add some link.
- HELPGEN section. It says how to switch to another window in Microsoft windows. I suggest also to tell how to switch from fullscreen to window mode (ALT+ENTER or from Setup -> System -> Graphics menu)... and to say how to do those things under Linux (or maybe also MacOS)
hm ye I'll ask some others for lin/osx and add the Win part
- HELPVAR section: "when something contains spaces always use ' ' around the text"... only ' ' or also " "? Would it be a techinical problem adding such characters to the help string?
Yeah discovered lately that the single quotes don't work - but not sure if it displays them. Will test
- HELPVAR section: cg_drawgun is not only 0 or 1... if I'm not wrong, it can be also 2 (left) or 3 (center)...
oh didn't know (only heard about it for oau), will test and add.
- HELPG section: I suggest to say what are default values.
Rather in HELPVAR I think
- HELPVOTE section seems unfinished ("... will give..."?). You could also say that usually one can vote yes or no with F1 or F2.
hm gotta look at that (don't have the file now - am at school and too lazy to dl it ^^)
- HELPSETTINGS: "/name RMF"... why don't "/name yourname"?
Again I didn't expect ppl would really like it, that's why i only released on our forum but didn't here till someone brought up the topic. Will change
- HELPMODES section, I suggest: DM --> Free For All (aka DeathMatch, DM or FFA)... Tourney --> Tournament... TDM --> Team TeathMatch (TDM)... obelisk --> Overload (aka Obelisk)...
will have a look, not so familiar with other gametype synonyms than dm/ffa
- HELPSETTINGS: What's "sinde"? Did you mean "since"?
- HELPGFX: what about telling default gamma value? r_picmip max is 16.
I thought it was max 10.. oh well will try if picmip16 does something and note the gamma val
- HELPABBR2: the F*ck word isn't with "u" instead of "a"?
same, w/e

- HELPPWD: Maybe a user could have a little problem with password ad Rconpassword difference. "When you haven't joined the server and someone changed your servers password and you want to change it back, you can use rconAddress." maybe talking about two different password here could be a little confusing.. what about talking about the case you can't connect to the server simply because all slots are busy? Just an idea...
will have a look
- HELPFILE section. What about saying also about %APPDATA%/OpenArena shortcut? And about data place in other OS? And about mentioning that also autodownloaded files go there? And what about writing "There is a separate sufbolder for each mod you played" instead of "There are all mods you have"?
%appdata% takes too long to explain and many users do it wrong (press some wrong keys or something).
And I don't see the use of changing that sentence but will reread it when im home and see if i change it.
For other os's I'll add it (was too lazy to lookup the location on lin/osx at the time of writing the original lol)
I hope this will help.
PS: I find your guide nice. :-)
Sure it helps, and thanks

edit: hmm i'll release it today, didn't have enough time for all improvements yesterday (i test everything before i write it so that takes time - for example cg_drawgun doesn't do anything but show or noshow, no other position).