I make my own server:
http://dpmaster.deathmask.net/?game=openarena&server= now i got problem:-)
When i connect for ex. to 1v1 super mini server everything is OK. MY config and graphic settings are fine. Like always. After that I connect to my server and..
My nick is not black anymore. I can write in black, but my nick goes to white.
Hud status is not look the same. Teleport and lighs are not like in my config.
I think the server is on 0.8.5v. like my client game.
What is cause od this strange problem?
Server config:
sv_hostname ^4[^7^^0b0rg^7.^4]^7^^0server^7.
//set rconPassword <rconpassword> for remote ingame servercontrol: comment this line if you don\\\'t want to remote control your server. If you enable this, remember to customize the password!
set rconPassword borgbaby
sv_maxclients 7
sv_master1 dpmaster.deathmask.net
//sv_maxRate is number of bytes per second. 25000 is the maximum that can be set through the gui. The integrated VOIP protocol requires 25000 to work. Setting sv_maxrate to more than 25k has no effect.
sv_maxRate 25000
//Tip: If g_delaghitscan is used sv_fps should be 20 for best results
sv_fps 20
logfile 1 // Turn logging on/off
g_log server.log // This is to set the name of the output file. By default it\\\'s games.log.
g_logroll 1
g_logsync 1 // Enable buffered logging
sv_maxPing 999 // Clients with ping higher than this cannot connect.
sv_minPing 0 // Clients with ping lower than this cannot connect.
sv_pure 1 // If enabled, prevents clients from loading pk3 files that are not present on the server to guarantee compatibility. This should ALWAYS be 1.
sv_allowdownload 1 // allow clients to automatically download from your server additional files that they may need to play on it
capturelimit 8
timelimit 10
fraglimit 13
bot_minplayers 1 // If there are not enough human players, bots are automatically added or removed to have the specified number of players in the arena.
g_motd ^4We are the Borg | You will be assimilated, resistance is futile
//g_quadfactor 3 // Modify the damage when using quad damage (default value is 3)
g_inactivity 0
g_allowvote 1
//Special vote restriction since 0.8.0
//The next three variables holds the allowed vote options, gametypes, and maps that can be voted for.
//g_voteNames /map_restart/nextmap/map/g_gametype/kick/clientkick/g_doWarmup/timelimit/fraglimit/shuffle
//g_voteGametypes /0/1/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/
//g_voteMaps /ctf_inyard/oa_ctf4ish/hydronex/oasago2/ (no longer available in 0.8.5)
//If you want to allow every vote option, all gametypes, and all the maps you can write it like this:
//g_voteNames *
//g_voteGametypes *
//g_voteMaps *
//You can prevent the server from getting unrealistic time or fraglimits here (0 = no limit)
g_voteMaxTimelimit 5
g_voteMinTimelimit 15
g_voteMaxFraglimit 15
g_voteMinFraglimit 5
//If you want to use unlagged functionality (since 0.7.6)
g_delagHitscan 1
//You might want to count pushing players over the side of a map as kills. In that case:
g_awardPushing 1
//g_awardPushing has been modified many times but as of 0.8.1 is still not that reliable. Rather reliable in 0.8.5 and default there.
//Special modes since 0.7.6:
//g_instantgib 0 // If enabled, players will have only railgun, with instant kill. If set to 2, also gauntlet is available.
//g_rockets 0 // If enabled, players will have only rocket launcher.
//g_vampire 0.25 //25% of Vapiric health (players will gain health when will hit their opponents)
//g_regen 5 //5 health per sec. (health will automatically renerate)
// 0 = Free For All
// 1 = Tourney
// 3 = Team Deathmatch
// 4 = Capture The Flag
// 5 = One Flag Capture
// 6 = Overload (Obelisk)
// 7 = Harvester
// 8 = Elimination
// 9 = CTF Elimination
// 10 = Last Man Standing
// 11 = Double Domination
// 12 = Domination
g_weaponrespan 1
g_gametype 1
set d1 map aggressor; set nextmap vstr d2 http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?action=post;board=49.0
vstr d1 // start loop at d1
//you can change gametype or any other variable like this:
//set d10 g_gametype 5; g_instantgib 0; map oasago2; set nextmap vstr d1
//g_gametype should always be before map or the map might load twice.