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Author Topic: New CTF maps  (Read 110176 times)
Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #75 on: November 17, 2010, 10:53:35 AM »

I won't care about the volcano for a moment but, I tried to put a skie in first but it didnt look nicely then I can do it diferently,
rocks are definitly a great Idea, I had it too x) (it rocks !)

I will remove proxy mines, at the first I thought about it just for a BIG jump to the other base with the BFG and the mines so. but they arnt good at all and replacing by a chaingun or a lightning gun should be better especially because players who take the batllesuit are almost invulnerable once they are in the ennemy base with the Rocket or the BFG.

I will put base upper than the lava and puting 2 litlle gatesway at the surface where there would be a Jumper and the 2 batllesuits so. jump from the upper base to the lava should be disturbing ^^

then, I will work on the lava floor with Easy gen, I read something about it and I didnt understand anything but it should do the floor better =)

by the way, the Rotative system with the stones stops when somebody block it or when a weapon/flag fall in it floor =/
is there a way to crash players or to make it continuing even if something block?
I ll remove the kamikaze and I ll put 1 and only 1 in the center of the map =)

then, what about puting a "quad" high in the air?



hm, its worst than before Cry
many textures are misssing in the Base_light file but I dont know if it is normal and if I removed a texture pack which would be in my baseoa, do you have only 4 textures for the red light in the Base_light?

then, I removed every shaders in every pak3 where it would be and I just add the blue texture just like normal texture but its still missing on the map when I compile, Im lost

then, it could explain something
when the God|Clan put the old version of the map in their server (which is on 0.8.1) some textures were missing, reds lights one, now, in NetRadiant textures are shown like: afford and when I compile the map, maps are on some blocks but they dont do any light
so I checked the new patch version's texture file and there are no base_light file oO

Textures which are missing:

Ceil_22a_2k (red light)
Ceil_38a_2K (turquoise light)

« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 11:10:56 AM by Moixie » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #76 on: November 17, 2010, 12:02:56 PM »

Try mapping with just an empty baseoa dir. Well, "empty": leave just the configfiles. If you're using the game's baseoa dir for the pk3, you must leave the pak*-* files which come with the game.

I see them all.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #77 on: November 17, 2010, 12:17:09 PM »

@moixie: Yes, try to use a "clean" installation of OpenArena for mapping. And maybe using a different fs_homepath (./ uses the installation folder instead of appdata) may exclude the risk of an autodownloaded pk3 influencing the in-game look.

@txc neon knight: please do not be angry (or hungry? I think it's "angry") with me.. but I'm still waiting for an answer.... I'm sorry worrying you.

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #78 on: November 17, 2010, 02:57:21 PM »

No drama, sorry for not replying. I'll check your post.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #79 on: November 18, 2010, 05:49:34 AM »

@moixie: Yes, try to use a "clean" installation of OpenArena for mapping. And maybe using a different fs_homepath (./ uses the installation folder instead of appdata) may exclude the risk of an autodownloaded pk3 influencing the in-game look.

Im already on the installation folder and I have still been on.
Apparently, from the last time where I had every textures on the base_light to now there s no diference, I didnt remove any file in the BaseOa, I change the Shaderlist.txt but I removed it and there are still no changement =/
I will install Oa once more and see if it changed, then I ll try to clean everythings which is in the BaseOa (there are some 50 or 60 scrath maps begun, I ll put old version and maps I dont care somewhere else =/ )

then, I ve finished the beta of the mx1ctf5 and of the mx2ctf3,
which way do you prefer? getting these 2 maps now or waiting for the mx2ctf1?

ps: I ve cleaned up my BaseOa and created a Oarchive out of it, it should be better like that.
can it do some bugs like forgetting some textures if there are too many things in the directory?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 06:02:32 AM by Moixie » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #80 on: November 18, 2010, 06:22:25 AM »

Wait a minute... did you've modified the pak* files?

@Gig: I've did some changes in the wiki, according to some of those of your posts, sorry that I didn't do a long answer.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #81 on: November 18, 2010, 12:07:54 PM »

I dont think so but Im actually downloading it again,
if it works, it would mean that I did,... but I dont know how I'd do it

then, the problem isnt the textures, the problem is NetRadiant, it doesnt see textures but when I compile the map textures arnt missing and I dont know why he cant find them.. "pak* files" can has a responsability in the problem I think but which one? x)

ps: hm, I replace every files and it didnt change, textures are still missing or textures I used have never existed? tell me, how many red squares you have?

pps: I put the new Oa pack, and it works !!! punched
        I try to put my blue texture in this moment =)

        apparently the problem was because NetRadiant didnt consider the new Oa version whereas Oa worked on it, but I dont know why, the problem appeared after a compiling test Oo
        then, there are no problem anymore and I should be able to put the blue texture quickly, you ll can get the 3 maps' beta for tommorrow around 17h I think.

ppps: I thought about something but I dont know if I can, the blue texture exists in many maps (Tr1ckhouse by example) and it blinks in the same time whereas the one I did on paint doesnt. punched
Can I take the Tr1ckhouse texture and script or is it forbidden?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 01:16:29 PM by Moixie » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #82 on: November 18, 2010, 12:53:33 PM »

Then it's a problem of the shaders.
I'll upload a file in a moment, it should help you to solve your problem.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #83 on: November 18, 2010, 02:52:25 PM »

Hi Neon... Are you talking about DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/index.php?title=Mapping_information_for_special_gametypes&diff=7893&oldid=7892]this edit? It's correct, but I have to admit that I was hoping in something more...  Sad

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Cakes 25
Posts: 536

i do my own stunts

« Reply #84 on: November 18, 2010, 03:32:26 PM »

ppps: I thought about something but I dont know if I can, the blue texture exists in many maps (Tr1ckhouse by example) and it blinks in the same time whereas the one I did on paint doesnt. punched
Can I take the Tr1ckhouse texture and script or is it forbidden?

No you can't. The license of tr1ckhouse-beta3:


* Copyright / Permissions *


(c) 2004 - By BorisXIV

This map may not be copied without permission

Always use GPLv2 or Public License stuff for OA maps!
Todo list: 1. q3dm17 textures replacement (95% done)
Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #85 on: November 19, 2010, 06:08:32 AM »


I give up, the red jail and the blue jail are going to be removed, I ll replace it by something else which look better but which dont do lights... I think its the best way for the moment =)
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #86 on: November 19, 2010, 06:28:04 AM »

Uploaded here ATM. Use this file and test if it works.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #87 on: November 20, 2010, 06:46:35 AM »

So, you can download the news betas here:


* textures changed in the mxctf1 (worse than before in my opinion)
* I added 2 powerups in mxctf5 and mxctf2 for the FFA and it works nicely.
* the rail's place changed in the mxctf1, same for the teleporters' destinations
* new screenshot for mxctf5 and mxctf1
* new name for mxctf1 ("The Benefits of Technlogy!")
* there isnt a stupid neutral flag on ctf in Mxctf2 anymore
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 07:03:16 AM by Moixie » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #88 on: November 23, 2010, 08:13:03 AM »

I will remove proxy mines, at the first I thought about it just for a BIG jump to the other base with the BFG and the mines so. but they arnt good at all and replacing by a chaingun or a lightning gun should be better especially because players who take the batllesuit are almost invulnerable once they are in the ennemy base with the Rocket or the BFG.
Nah, don't remove them. Just place one at the center of the map and make it riskier to get.

As a rule of thumb, each time you place any of the missionpack weapons (Nailgun-Chaingun-Prox) you should add as well at least a Team Rune. (Doubler-Guard-AmmoRegen-Scout) Guard works great at reducing the mines' and weapons' damage. And since these are "team" runes, you should place one at each base.

EDIT: The same goes for the two new holdables (Invulnerability and Kamikaze)

I will put base upper than the lava and puting 2 litlle gatesway at the surface where there would be a Jumper and the 2 batllesuits so. jump from the upper base to the lava should be disturbing ^^

then, I will work on the lava floor with Easy gen, I read something about it and I didnt understand anything but it should do the floor better =)
Nice one.

I ll remove the kamikaze and I ll put 1 and only 1 in the center of the map =)
And if possible, same deal as above: riskier to get.

then, what about puting a "quad" high in the air?
Nah, if you place Kamikaze, then that should be enough.

Just my $0,02
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 05:32:37 PM by |TXC| Neon_Knight » Logged

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #89 on: November 23, 2010, 04:40:22 PM »

I don't see the textures on the doors in mx1ctf5. I removed the previous versions of your maps.

Maybe you may add domination points to mxdm2 mxdm1...
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 02:43:21 PM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #90 on: November 24, 2010, 08:30:39 AM »

Nah, don't remove them. Just place one at the center of the map and make it riskier to get.

they havnt any interrest, they cant kill a player who took a batlle suit and are almost unusuable in the map because its too open... riskier to get whereas there are no interest to get it ?!? xDD
I will put it, it can help to do a great jump from a base to the other but I dont think it can be really interresting


look at the picture,
I meant, puting base really upper than the lava of 6 or 7 metters, then, puting 2 gatesway (1 per bases, I didnt do this yet... it isnt on the screen) at the surface, a litlle like the bases are in the version I posted, with some jumpers on... some weapons, health.. I didnt really decide yet

I don't see the textures on the doors in mx1ctf5

sadly yes... =/
I forgot to put the door's texture in the texture file =/

Maybe you may add domination points to mxdm2

mxdm1, I just put the link to answer to a Graion sentence, 
Im not working on for the moment but there ll have some in the next version

Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #91 on: December 20, 2010, 01:55:13 PM »

So, since the last time I just finished a new mxctf6 version (The Volcano)

you can download it here:

First, there is a new floor underlava, yep.. after some long hours of intensif debate with myself I decided to change this flat and monotonous floor and I replace it with a terrain made with EasyGen. The result is beautiful. It looks like the "Groudon's lair" in Pokemon ruby version hehe.. forget that =/
Then, to get to the bases there are 2 platforms on each sides with some lianas that we climb like a ladder and we become the new defenders' target. =)
To finish, the 2 bases are totally diferent, they were flat, now they are like 2 big mountains where the lava of the "lava lake" comes from. These bases are a litlle campy. In the heights, you have just to aim players who are climbing, to defend the base. It looks more to a "hunting party" to anything else... So, getting the flag is almost impossible if 2 or more ennemy defend it, but once somebody took the "Kamikaze Blast"......

I guess this version is surely better but the fps s**, textures dont rock and many litlle details ruin the map, Merry christmas !!!

thats maybe the reason of why I will not say "The return of the Volcano",
even if its better, it isnt really like the 3 others CTF yet... punched

         But get back to the real subject, what about the three last tests versions (mx2ctf1_t3, mx3ctf2_t5 and mx1ctf5_t3)

         personnally I fixed some litlle problem:
         _ teleporters in the colloseum
         _ replaced some texture on mx2ctf1_t3 and I am thinking about doing all "dark" (like in the actual 2nd floor)

ps: I am actually working on an alternative version of the colloseum where it would be in a "cave" where there would have water which doesn't hurt and where "quad" would replace the "batlle suit" Smiley

pps: Sorry about the double post Cry
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 02:16:42 PM by Moixie » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #92 on: December 20, 2010, 02:44:28 PM »

Nice  Smiley
Had a very short test.

- Sometimes I can get "stuck" on the climbing walls, becoming impossible to move, unless doing something strange like exploding a rocket or moving on a strange direction (I'm not sure). It happened to me at least a couple of times. I took the attached screenshot when I was stuck there.

- If one gets on the upper floor by rocket-jumping, the path is not lighted at all.

- The lava sometimes flows backwards... it is okay for the "pool", but very strange for the "falls"... if there isn't a shader with the lava flowing always in the same direction, maybe you could ask if Udi (or someone else) may create it for you?

- The rocks in the central part do not rotate anymore... Sad They were nice...

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #93 on: December 20, 2010, 03:28:26 PM »

The rocks in the central part do not rotate anymore...  They were nice...

yep =/
when I had put the terain in the lava it didn't work, I decided to remove it soo... =/

- Sometimes I can get "stuck" on the climbing walls, becoming impossible to move, unless doing something strange like exploding a rocket or moving on a strange direction (I'm not sure). It happened to me at least a couple of times. I took the attached screenshot when I was stuck there.

yes I know, this is a trap to trap people who arnt sweet ! installed by the "Evil Santa Claus Corporation"
in fact... it happenned everytime at a certain height before and I had to put the bases downer (it explains the slopes at the start of bases) I tried many diferent things and I didnt get a solution. But I think I made it deliberately because I wanted to trap bad soldiers... then, if you wait sometimes you are thown in the lava ! awesome ! punched

- If one gets on the upper floor by rocket-jumping, the path is not lighted at all

I think I dont understand, is that about lights or about knowing that we can climb lianas?

- The lava sometimes flows backwards... it is okay for the "pool", but very strange for the "falls"... if there isn't a shader with the lava flowing always in the same direction, maybe you could ask if Udi (or someone else) may create it for you?

effectively, I thought about during a long time and I finally decided to keep it like it was... but if I would be able to have a lava would flow always in the same direction I'd use it =/
for the alternative version I ve already find the textures for falls and pool.

ps: look at the picture, this is rests of bots who plounged in the base's lava punched
they try to stay on the flag rock so they push others who are on and... punched
put the maximum of bots you can in "I can win" in the same team and look at how they ll do to win... punched
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 03:57:40 PM by Moixie » Logged
In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #94 on: December 20, 2010, 04:12:39 PM »

- If one gets on the upper floor by rocket-jumping, the path is not lighted at all
I think I dont understand, is that about lights or about knowing that we can climb lianas?
It's about lights. Spectate over the map: the central part is completely black, if seen from above...

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.

Cakes 34
Posts: 625

« Reply #95 on: December 20, 2010, 10:49:37 PM »

ps: look at the picture, this is rests of bots who plounged in the base's lava punched

put a "nodrop" brush around that area where the bots keep dying unless you can fix their behaviour. all those dropped weapons will lower the frame rate for slower computers.
Lesser Nub

Cakes 3
Posts: 138

« Reply #96 on: December 21, 2010, 04:46:34 PM »

So, since the last time I just finished a new mxctf6 version (The Volcano)

you can download it here:

first of all: lol @ bfg under the lava Cheesy tho i figured it out when i saw the battle suits.

this is a crazy map! the climbing's definitely different (leaves in a volcano!), starting w/rox and armor and swimming thru lava... long distances begging for rails yet wisely offering none!

i'd like to watch some real ppl play it b/c the bots don't take the quick lava route.

about the lava shader, u can customize it so instead of the back-and-forth flow u get directed flow, then just use that for the falls. see attached shader for example!


— VortexHU —
Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #97 on: January 17, 2011, 05:54:56 AM »

sorry if I m late once more.. there were christamas, the new year, connection problems, personals problems and a persistent non motivation....

so, I come back with a new version of: Mxdm1 ! (the q3dm6ish reemix... the so famous remake's remake !)

this is the same or almost the same,just some things changed:
_ Textures (from black and whit to a beautiful pale blue :') )
_ playable on: Dom and DoubleDom now Smiley

and thats aproximatively all... I put some screens, you can download it from here:

ps: thx VortexHU, it really helped me, I created a new texture a litlle diferent and apply it... I ll show you results once I ll finish it, but there are many changements...

pps: I made some quick changements to the 3 ctfs, I don't think I can do more.. will see..
Lesser Nub

Cakes 0
Posts: 102

Painted nails and long haired... I'm not a witch!

« Reply #98 on: January 17, 2011, 06:06:40 AM »

Naturally, I put it on the french forum, if you accept...!

Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 124

« Reply #99 on: January 17, 2011, 06:07:48 AM »

I was writing a post about on your french forum.. removed it x)
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