But do at least the original Q3 dmflags work for you?
Try this:
- launch openarena.exe
- pull down the console
- type
/dmflags 0, then press ENTER key
- type
/map aggressor, then press ENTER key
- once in the game, pull down the console again
- type
/cg_fov, then press [ENTER] key. Write down the resulting value (your current cg_fov) somewhere.
- type
/cg_fov 120, then press [ENTER] key. Unless you already had it to 120 or very similar, you should notice a visible change of your
DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Graphic_options#Field_of_view]field of view.
- type
/dmflags 16, then press [ENTER] key. You should see the field of view change again (you should have less lateral view now). Is this the case?
If yes, at least the original dmflags work for you... if not, well, I have no idea.
After the test, you can then restore /dmflags to 0 and /cg_fov to your previous value.
If you wanna test the new 0.8.8 dmflags, now go get the plasma gun, face a wall (touching the wall) and shoot. You should get some damage. Now set
/dmflags 1024, go face-touching that wall and shoot again with the plasma. This time, you should get no damage.
If you do not get damage, 0.8.8 dmflags do work correctly. If not, it looks like you are using the wrong VM, like if you are not using 0.8.8 or you are using a mod instead of baseoa.
Try typing "/fs_game", ENTER... it should return
"fs_game is "", the default". In this case, you are running baseoa... if you have a different result, you are running a mod, that will probably have its own game logic (contained in a Quake Virtual Machine), that does not contain the 0.8.8 game logic changes (like the new dmflags).
If you are running baseoa, maybe you may have (auto)downloaded a "bad" pk3 file from some bad-configured server, that contains its own VM, and that VM is used in the place of the standard 0.8.8 one when playing locally? Server admins (and players in gerneral) should not place gameplay-modifying things directly in baseoa folder, but sometimes it happens,
DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/FAQ#Yesterday_everything_worked_correctly.2C_but_today_I_experience_strange_problems]and this can mess up things.
You can restore /dmflags 0 now.