(the download is fully assembled if you carefully read it...
No, it's not. It's only the 0.8.5 patch without the rest. It's 40 MB large, it can't be the whole game when the whole game is over 300 MB with the patch.
so i made it easier...maybe using a .ZIP isnt good but im updating the link anyway
(which is a common file in USA) (USA COMPUTERS HAVE BUILT IN EXTRACTORS)
But you forgot to add a .zip extension to the name of the file. Unlike UNIX/LINUX systems, windows PCs don't guess the file contents without the extensions, so it will never appear as a .zip file to a Windows user unless he adds the extension to the file name.
**i didnt post the freaking topic for people to b.s and complain im trying to build the got damn community i checked everything if it worked
It does not work since it's only the patch.
Well, now I know how I got a bad impression about you
(whatever the winks were for). You can say whatever you want about me, but you're behaving like a child (or likely a teenager).
your post could start a chain of people commenting negative
Yes, commenting negative about you. Telling people not to download the game from the official site and giving them a link to a broken game is NOT OK.