Download speed, if it the same or better than the upload speed, shouldn't be a problem and you probably do not need to consider it (obviously, unless you use the same connection also for other things that would consume your download bandwidth... ops... if it's an home computer, this could be the case! Try to set low latency/high priority for OA traffic in your router.). To consider the maximum allowed players from your upload bandwidth, there are some formulas
DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Servers#Bandwidth_calculations]here.
About memory consumption, I don't know...
Doing a fast test under Windows XP:
Memory info for oa_ded.exe (I used the good Process Explorer from, but at least two of them can be shown by windows task manager, too (you have to set which columns to show).)
Simply opening oa_ded.exe
private bytes 159.164 K
virtual size 178.524 K
working set 4.204 K
loading map oa_shine
private bytes 160.956 K
virtual size 180.332 K
working set 24.840 K
then with a client connected
private bytes 161.120 K
virtual size 180.332 K
working set 25.196 K
with a client connected + 7 bots
private bytes 161.128 K
virtual size 180.332 K
working set 26.016 K
For the second example (map only with no players), if I load
Pill City (a large, non-standard map) instead of oa_shine, working set goes to 35.608 K, while other values are almost unchanged.
If I set com_hunkmegs to 64 (instead of the default 128; I set the variable then closed and launched the program again. Just a test, I don't know if it is advisable to lower com_hukmegs) I see that simply opening oa_ded.exe and loading oa_shine with no players uses:
private bytes 95.364 K
virtual size 114.796 K
working set 27.596 K
I'm not sure about the difference between private bytes, virtual size and working set (I suppose some of them are memory space that a program foresees it
could use (maybe reserves for itself?), and the last one is the memory effectively used, but I'm not sure!)
I'm sorry I can't do tests with a Linux server.