Hi! I've done a fourth demo. Again, it is GPLv2 ("copying" file included). What do you think about it?
About demos, a question:
- Settings g_synchronousclients 1 before
recording a demo allows
DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Timedemo#Recording_a_best-quality_demo]to record a "better quality" one. But while
playing a demo? I noticed that if you have synchronousclients enabled when playing a demo, "s n c" letters appear inside the "lagometer", and they do not appear if I play the same demo with synchronousclients disabled. Any info about that?
Another question: why does
here they say to set g_synchronousclients 1, then record, then g_synchronousclients 0 and then stoprecord? :-/ In practice, to begin recording with it enabled, and then to continue recording with it disabled. Is sounds strange to me...