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Author Topic: Invulnerability powerup model NEEDED  (Read 6848 times)
In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« on: November 07, 2011, 04:38:59 PM »

Hi guys. I hope I don't look too much unsympathetic by asking this again.... but there is no more time (0.8.8 release is imminent).

We still don't have a 3D model for the invulnerability item. We really need it. And the related "energy sphere" effect when you use it does not show up, too!

Talking about models, maybe also the kamikaze item may have a better looking texture, anyway it is there.

As you can see in the screenshot, a comlpetely missing item is very bad (invulnerability is in the right box, but it is not shown).
For who asks which map it is:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 04:55:46 PM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
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