Tested. Nice, but there are still some problems.
- Some kind of conflict with something (I really don't know what), that requires to play it on a clean installation, in order to get the right rocky textures (otherwise, you see almost everything plain grey)
- After you get the right textures working, here comes a low framerate problem. Maybe some strange shader? When there is the texture problem, the framerate is muuuuch better.
- Gameplay design still allows to start from your own base and capture the flag in few seconds, using jump-pads, mid-air control and teleporters.
Note: this version is called TBS12, but that name has been used for a previous version, too.
- on server all works good check on GoD oa server, you don't need clean instal.
- mostly object and mostly texture are me. It is on GPL 3. One model and one texture are not me. I work on this.
- I lost good compile settings after foramting from GTK Radiant. In this settings map works good. But it can be illusion, I make a version without screw pike in tunel. I think that it make a problem with fps.
- General concept is good, I think
- and I would like find solution for more dark shadow. I use shader for shadow for example(mix shadow texture with normal texture):
qer_editorimage textures/lm/plarform1.jpg
surfaceparm nonsolid
map textures/lm/plarform1.jpg
map textures/lm/rustymetal.jpg
tcMod scale 24 24
alphaGen lightingSpecular
map textures/lm/plarform1.jpg
blendfunc add
alphaGen lightingSpecular
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbGen identity
tcGen lightmap
This solution are good for the extrior/openair place, but in interior it don't look good. When I use q3map shadow, the map are to large, and work too slow (great problem with fps). I need a help in this issues.