I'm trying to find a way to force the engine to reference a pk3. Normally, all you have to do is drop it inside fs_game folder, but when you use a server-side mod, and your pk3 only contains vm, it seems that your pk3 is not referenced at all (of course it's not used since it's the server-side mod that is loaded, but why isn't this pk3 referenced too?).
Here's an excerpt from the code:
if (!(pak->referenced & FS_GENERAL_REF))
if(!FS_IsExt(filename, ".shader", len) &&
!FS_IsExt(filename, ".txt", len) &&
!FS_IsExt(filename, ".cfg", len) &&
Q_stricmp(filename,"qagame.qvm") != 0 && //Never reference qagame because it prevents serverside mods
!FS_IsExt(filename, ".config", len) &&
!FS_IsExt(filename, ".bot", len) &&
!FS_IsExt(filename, ".arena", len) &&
!FS_IsExt(filename, ".menu", len) &&
!strstr(filename, "levelshots"))
pak->referenced |= FS_GENERAL_REF;
//Do not reference qagame.qvm, it need not be part of pure check, because te
//if(strstr(filename, "qagame.qvm"))
// pak->referenced |= FS_QAGAME_REF;
if(strstr(filename, "cgame.qvm"))
pak->referenced |= FS_CGAME_REF;
if(strstr(filename, "ui.qvm"))
pak->referenced |= FS_UI_REF;
So it seems that qagame.qvm is explicitly not referenced on purpose to allow server-side mods to work.
Anyway my pk3 contains a cgame.qvm and I tried to add a .txt, but to no avail.
Can someone enlighten me on a way to force the engine to reference my pack?