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Author Topic: i hate ciggaweed!  (Read 98558 times)

Cakes 1
Posts: 42

« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2013, 02:56:29 AM »

in the very first scene of that vid.. "Piss Drinker" suicided to prevent you from spawn fragging him. And yeah after a while people come to dislike your attitude and cheapness then they constantly do it because it clearly angers you. This never happens to me, even though I killbind notoriously. Just get a friend to team troll with you, if you have one.

Cakes 2
Posts: 39

« Reply #76 on: August 15, 2013, 02:22:17 PM »

« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 10:18:16 PM by Wiiyamoto » Logged

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Cakes 0
Posts: 1

« Reply #77 on: August 17, 2013, 11:44:04 PM »

As a regular ciggaweed player, I'll add my thoughts to this.

The only time I've seen people intentionally jump off the platforms in a space map is when they were screwing around. The screenshots posted demonstrate that. One doesn't suicide 160+ times in an 11 minute match just to avoid getting fragged. I've even seen people compete to try to get the lowest score that way at times. When they do this, they may try to avoid getting fragged as well, (since they don't lose a point when they get fragged), but that is a secondary purpose. If someone is trying to suicide just to avoid getting fragged (whether by a particular player or just anyone), they'll just use the kill bind. It's well known how to do it and pretty much everyone in cigga already knows it.

As far as award pushing goes, I'm slightly against it just because one of the most fun parts about the game for me is killing someone after they've fallen but before they die, (using instahit weapons).

Regarding deliberately suiciding using killbinds, as Jewjitsu pointed out this is often done as a reply to cheap gaming tactics such as spawn-fragging. It can also be done in response to a player cursing at and insulting everyone all the time; that's why people always do it to you C++. If you only had the sense to vent your frustrations by shouting your hate-filled profanity laced diatribes out loud instead of typing them out, think how much rarer people would suicide on you. When votes are called to restart a map that you're about to win, think how often a couple less people would have click their vote yes button and the vote wouldn't pass. In close games, think about how many times people wouldn't have been deliberately handing frags to your opponent. In short, there may be a link between your behavior and people's response to you.

Ok i've posted twice!

Cakes 0
Posts: 2

« Reply #78 on: May 14, 2014, 11:35:47 PM »

Jewjitsu who pointed out this using suiciding, the killbinds intentionally for is done as a response to such cheap tactics game spawn fragging often . Why it will do it in C + + of you people always even will be able to correspond to the time all players ; human insulting and cursing . Rare people who think instead of typing them in a loud voice only , and if you have any sense of divergence your frustration by cries of diatribe that has been tightened blasphemy string filled hate the suicide of you how much . Of the voting are they called you for that vote , and when you restart the map and click people a couple of frequency below how I think to win a ] have the button Yes will not pass . To kill opponents with a grenade debris that came to pass deliberately How about the many times people would think the game nearby. In a nutshell , there is a possibility that there is a link between the response of people to you and your actions .


Cakes 1
Posts: 15

« Reply #79 on: July 15, 2015, 04:47:23 PM »

I think ciggaweed dm has a great crowd, but if you are not satisfied with ciggaweed for any reason, you are always welcome at hightime vanilla ffa  giggity
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