Cakes 9
Posts: 906
Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1300 on: December 18, 2013, 11:01:21 AM » |
For my mappack i think it's done as it is right now, now it's quite late to redo or modify the maps. The one and only change i think my maps need is to modify in the .arena file the DOM option, like Gig noticed (it's a mistake). You don't need to rename nothing, akompack will be added in the RC2 and will play well, with no textures missing or something else. 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #1301 on: December 18, 2013, 11:11:23 AM » |
You don't need to rename nothing, akompack will be added in the RC2 and will play well, with no textures missing or something else.
About texture packs you used... some infos about their authors, and where people may download them? I don't know if mentioning authors is required by GPLv2 (but it's a nice thing anyway)... but providing sources is required.... so at least provide some link to get the original textures and shaders pack you used, which should contain their own GPLv2 licensing infos. I have no idea about how to do the same with the stuff used by Jan... Neon_Knight, do you? 
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 11:17:35 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
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Cakes 49
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« Reply #1302 on: December 18, 2013, 11:17:01 AM » |
Uhm... Considering it's almost the deadline of December, 20 (content freeze), I'm going to quote myself (from the last part of this post from 04 December), to try to recap the situation. Now, what else do we need to complete OACMP?1) A small texture fix from Moixie, for his DM map (on the floor of the "middle ring"? See here) Unfortunately, we had no news from Moxie yet.  2) Some fixes from Jan... what they were? Missing ambient music in some map? Adding some machinegun bullet boxes in lateral tunnels of the CTF map? Fixing some brush/texture misalignment in his DM1 map (see here)? Adding "surfaceparm nomarks" or "sufaceparm noimpact" in the shader of the white teleporter corridors of DM1 map? Are we sure all shader conflicts were already fixed? I suppose you should look back the forum for several pages... Unfortunately, we had no news from Jan yet.  If they don't release anything before December 20th., I'm sorry, but I'm not going to postpone the content freeze nor the release date. There has been enough time for testing this, and if other people aside of us haven't bothered to test the maps in the past, then it's not the fault of the OACMP team. 3) Maybe we have never tested Akom's ctf map after he changed the skybox?
I think it's the famous oa_akompack we tested these days, right? Then, now it's tested.  I don't know if Akom is planning some other small fix to his maps or not. Note: to test the right versions, in case they also have RC1, people may need to rename oa_akompack.pk3 to z_oa_akompack.pk3 or _oa_akompack.pk3. I've already told Akom to not bother fixing anything except if he really wants to do so. But 20th. is the limit. 4) Updating README files included with all the maps. IIRC, infos in some of them are really outdated, and maybe some of them have no readme file at all yet.
Udestruction readme file has been updated with V17 today.  Oa_akompack.pk3 does not seem to contain any kind of readme file (except the COPYING -GPLv2- file, in Linux format).  I suppose Jan and Moixie did not provide anything new (sill the outdated readme files from RC1, then?).  Those can be generated, though I may have to create a Readme generator in order to do so. 5) Who has not yet posted his own source images (.xcf, .psd, etc.) should do.
All my source files are available, through an apposite package.  I don't know about others (oa_akompack does not seem to contain source images).  RC1 contained only 8 files (.jpg, .xcf) in the "!sources-docs\textures\" folder... This is mandatory, but AFAIC, Jan has given his sources (IIRC they are in RC1) and Moixie hasn't used third-party textures. The map sources are all there. 6) Double-checking .arena files, to be sure all maps are shown for the gametypes they should work flawlessy. Last time I checked, I noticed some maps were uder-used: example.... in RC1, all DM maps from Akom are listed for "ffa lms tourney" only.... not listing oa_akomdm3 for Elimination and TDM is bad!!!!!!!! Reminder: there are no particular problems in listing a map for modes such as Elimination, LMS, TDM...
A few posts above, I noticed something strange in oa_akompack .arena file.  I don't know if Neon_Knight did the tests to fix .arena for Moixie and Jan's maps. I'll correct these if it's necessary. 7) Decide the final names to use... as I told months ago, instead of names such as "OACMPDM01", I would really prefer "OACMPDM1" ("trimmed"). Other ideas included names such as "OACMP1DM01" (restarting from OACMP2DM01 for next year's OACMP2 package) and "OACMPDM001". Which one to use?
Poll still active. By the way, the option to change one's own vote? There isn't, AFAIC. So they have to tell which option they voted by themselves. And keeping the original mapnames or simply shortening to "cmp" are not options.  Creating two packages, one in .pk3 format with the maps and everything required to play, and another one which will include all sources (to save many MB of size in the .pk3). The .pk3 should contain a text file (the main Readme should be adapt) containing a link to download the "sources" package.Some help needed? 9) Please read this post (and the following ones?) for some other things I noticed when RC1 was made, and that should be checked for the final version (adding map rotation scripts, readme files Windows/Linux format, a strange file position for a sound from Akom...). I have no more time to go deeper into this today. I have to run now, real like calls! However you can read that post and think about those issues in the meanwhile.  10) Some levelshots to be changed (e.g. were taken with 2D active, or with modified FOV)?
Will Neon_Knight do? I'll take care of these. 12) Something I may have forgot? ... something like "how's going with GPL compliance of ANY extra stuff used in the package"? Everything's okay? Are there some textures we don't yet know if are allowed or not??? GPL compliance IS a main goal of the mappack!
Fromhell said won't check GPL compliance of this pack. We are on our own...  Yep. I don't like this, but I have to audit it in my own.
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Cakes 45
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« Reply #1303 on: December 18, 2013, 11:22:55 AM » |
4) Updating README files included with all the maps. IIRC, infos in some of them are really outdated, and maybe some of them have no readme file at all yet.
Udestruction readme file has been updated with V17 today.  Oa_akompack.pk3 does not seem to contain any kind of readme file (except the COPYING -GPLv2- file, in Linux format).  I suppose Jan and Moixie did not provide anything new (sill the outdated readme files from RC1, then?).  Those can be generated, though I may have to create a Readme generator in order to do so. What?  5) Who has not yet posted his own source images (.xcf, .psd, etc.) should do.
All my source files are available, through an apposite package.  I don't know about others (oa_akompack does not seem to contain source images).  RC1 contained only 8 files (.jpg, .xcf) in the "!sources-docs\textures\" folder... This is mandatory, but AFAIC, Jan has given his sources (IIRC they are in RC1) and Moixie hasn't used third-party textures. The map sources are all there. Only 8 files were there... although a couple of them have huge size.  Note: my source pack was released later. 6) Double-checking .arena files, to be sure all maps are shown for the gametypes they should work flawlessy. Last time I checked, I noticed some maps were uder-used: example.... in RC1, all DM maps from Akom are listed for "ffa lms tourney" only.... not listing oa_akomdm3 for Elimination and TDM is bad!!!!!!!! Reminder: there are no particular problems in listing a map for modes such as Elimination, LMS, TDM...
A few posts above, I noticed something strange in oa_akompack .arena file.  I don't know if Neon_Knight did the tests to fix .arena for Moixie and Jan's maps. I'll correct these if it's necessary. Thank you. It's a shame to have some maps under-used. 7) Decide the final names to use... as I told months ago, instead of names such as "OACMPDM01", I would really prefer "OACMPDM1" ("trimmed"). Other ideas included names such as "OACMP1DM01" (restarting from OACMP2DM01 for next year's OACMP2 package) and "OACMPDM001". Which one to use?
Poll still active. By the way, the option to change one's own vote? There isn't, AFAIC. So they have to tell which option they voted by themselves. And keeping the original mapnames or simply shortening to "cmp" are not options. At poll start, it's possible to enable it. I don't know if it is possible after the vote already started. Maybe not. Did you check? Ouch, I'm really late! See you later, guys!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 11:59:14 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Lesser Nub
Cakes 6
Posts: 124
« Reply #1304 on: December 19, 2013, 08:08:46 AM » |
Here is the map, the texture misalignement issue is fixed I improved a bit the lightning and changed the jumpad texture, it is now animated. It is ready to be released. As there will probably be an official levelshot, with datas about the CMP, I didn't place any in the .pak3.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 08:26:28 AM by Moixie »
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Cakes 49
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« Reply #1305 on: December 19, 2013, 08:52:53 AM » |
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
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Cakes 45
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« Reply #1306 on: December 19, 2013, 10:03:15 AM » |
Here is the map, the texture misalignement issue is fixed I improved a bit the lightning and changed the jumpad texture, it is now animated. It is ready to be released. As there will probably be an official levelshot, with datas about the CMP, I didn't place any in the .pak3.
Hi, Moixie! It's really a pleasure to hear (read) you again!  How are you? Thank you for the update!  But weren't the jumppads already animated in the RC1 version?  Doesn't matter. A small thing I noticed in the .arena file: long map name starts with "PLan 9...." instead of "Plan 9..."... a typo?
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
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Cakes 49
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« Reply #1307 on: December 19, 2013, 10:26:43 AM » |
Not a big deal. I can take care of that.
Tomorrow is the last day. Only Jan remains.
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Cakes 45
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« Reply #1308 on: December 19, 2013, 12:07:28 PM » |
Today I would have liked to write a longer post, but I have been busy all day with real life. I hope to find some time tomorrow morning. In the meanwhile, I gave a look into the RC1 package... as already hinted, there seem to be several third-party texture packages there (egyptsoc, evil6, evil8, babel, desert...), and I have not found infos about them in documentation included in RC1. How to give proper attribution to their authors? Do we have links for retriving their original packages? (Yes, this question is similar to this one from yesterday...).
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 12:13:21 PM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
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Cakes 49
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« Reply #1309 on: December 19, 2013, 12:22:02 PM » |
evillair's packages are GPLd by way of Nexuiz, and some of his texture packages are used in OpenArena itself. egyptsoc from SimonOC not only comes from Nexuiz as well, but it also has the Nexuiz note attached into it, which I will attach to the pack as well. For the babel textures, I'm not sure, there have been problems with it in the past (the OA 0.8.0 removal), so they might need to be replaced. IICR, the texture sources are in the OA SVN, but some of the used textures comes from CGTextures, which already have a no-no on GPL. The desert* packages comes from Nexuiz, IICR, so it might already enter into GPL.
FTR, I have uploaded before the proper beginning of the pack the egyptsoc and evillair texture packs, their links are in the OACMP page on the wiki and the first post of this thread.
Anything else?
BTW, I've decided to postpone one day the content freeze and have one more day for content delivery, it will take place on December 21st. The rest of the dates are still the same.
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Cakes 9
Posts: 906
Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1310 on: December 19, 2013, 12:42:22 PM » |
Today I would have liked to write a longer post, but I have been busy all day with real life. I hope to find some time tomorrow morning. In the meanwhile, I gave a look into the RC1 package... as already hinted, there seem to be several third-party texture packages there (egyptsoc, evil6, evil8, babel, desert...), and I have not found infos about them in documentation included in RC1. How to give proper attribution to their authors? Do we have links for retriving their original packages? (Yes, this question is similar to this one from yesterday...). In my maps there are no more Babel Textures anymore after Neon_Knight notice it to me, as i know, at the moment all the textures used in OACMP Volume 1 are under GPL. Aren't them ? 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #1311 on: December 19, 2013, 03:01:56 PM » |
How to check if certain textures are used in any map? Text string search inside all .map files?
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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Trickster God.
« Reply #1312 on: December 19, 2013, 03:29:17 PM » |
Yep, the .map files are plain text files, and a lot of text editors have good search functins.
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
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« Reply #1313 on: December 20, 2013, 04:00:58 AM » |
Okay guys, I created a test folder with all .map files (those by Jan and Moixie CTF from RC1, those by Akom from latest akompack, Moixie DM from his file from yestarday, and my map from V17), then used FileLocator Lite program ( get here) to search inside all of them at the same time (I hope it works correctly). I searched, one at time, for all folder names under "textures" folder which did exist in THE RC1 PACKAGE, to try to find out which of those texture folders are still actually used by the maps. I also placed all .shader files in the same folder (from the same packages as above; those from latest akompack did overwrite those from RC1 with the same name). Because some maps may not invoke those textures direcly, but through shaders which have a different path (e.g. the map may invoke AkomA\ShaderB, which may require AkomC\TextureD). - akom_env: found in 0 maps and 1 shader file (akom_env) - akom_lights: found in 5 maps (oa_akomdm1, 2, 4, 5, oa_akomctf1) and 1 shader file (akom_lights) - akom_liquids: found in 0 maps and 1 shader file (akom_liquids) - akom_numbers: found in 1 map (oa_akomctf1) and 1 shader file (akom_numbers) - akom_sfx: found in 3 maps (oa_akomdm2, 3, 4) and 1 shader file (akom_sfx) - akom_ship: found in 1 map (oa_akomdm4) and 0 shader files - akom_sky: found in 5 maps (oa_akomdm2, 3, 4, 5, oa_akomctf1) and 1 shader file (akom_sky) - akom_teleporter: found in 4 maps (oa_akomdm1, 3, 4, oa_akomctf1) and 1 shader file (akom_teleporter) - babel: found in 0 maps and 0 shader files. Maybe could texture folder be removed safely? - common (although I can guess it's not a very good idea for the mappack to place new textures there): found in 13 maps (all of them) and 2 shader files (gig01 -simply due to a customized gig01\botclip1 with different in-editor transparency-, oajgctf1 -which actually places some new shaders under the "common" path-) - desert: found in 1 map (oajgctf1) and 0 shader files - egyptsoc_floor: found in 1 map (oa_akomdm3) and 2 shader files (egyptsoc, oa3_textures_egyptsoc) - egyptsoc_mat: found in 1 map (oa_akomdm3) and 1 shader file (oa3_textures_egyptsoc) - egyptsoc_sfx: found in 1 map (oa_akomdm3) and 1 shader file (egyptsoc) - egyptsoc_trim: found in 1 map (oa_akomdm3) and 2 shader files (egyptsoc, oa3_textures_egyptsoc) - egyptsoc_wall: found in 1 map (oa_akomdm3) and 1 shader file (oa3_textures_egyptsoc) - evil6_floors: found in 1 map (oajgdm2) and 0 shader files - evil6_floor: found in 1 map (oajgdm2 - not sure, it seems in reality it uses "evil6_floors/" but not "evil6_floor/") and 0 shader files. Maybe could texture folder be removed safely? - evil8_grate: found in 1 map (oajgdm3) and 0 shader files - evil8_wall: found in 4 maps (oajgdm2, oajgdm3, oajgctf1, mx3dm5_t1) and 0 shader files - gig01: found in 1 map (udestruction) and 1 shader file (gig01) - metal: found in 6 maps and 4 shader files, but if I search for "metal/", no results are found. So it seems there are only filenames containing "metal" word, but the folder exactly named "metal" seems not used. Maybe could texture folder be removed safely? - miramar: found in 4 maps (all Jan's maps) and 2 shader files (miramar, oajgctf1 -by the way, are those old conflicts fixed?-) - oajgdm3: found in 0 maps and 1 shader file (oajgdm2: oajgdm3/invsquares image is invoked by "telemarble" shader contained in oajgdm2 shader file, which is used by oajgdm2 map) - q3j: found in 4 maps (all Jan's maps) and 4 shader files (oajgdm2, oajgdm3, oajgctf1, miramar) - stone: found in 7 maps and 2 shader files, but searching for "stone/", found in 5 maps (all maps from Jan, plus udestruction -where it is used for BASEOA's stone/pjrock6 texture-) and 1 shader file (oajgdm2) - xcsf: found in 2 maps (oajgdm1, oajgctf1) and 2 shader files (miramar, oajgctf1) I'm not able to check if shaders contained in OACMP shader files are actually used by the maps. The check above already required me much more time than what I thought. I hope I did not made mistakes with the test, but I can't assure.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 05:38:16 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
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« Reply #1314 on: December 20, 2013, 07:15:13 AM » |
Then, I'm going for another "recap"... (I know, you hate me....  ) This time, from a post from when RC1 was released: these were some things I noticed at that time in RC1 package... let's see if there are news. The package with my "image sources" is still the same, IIRC.  That stuff was not included in RC1 at all. First notices about the RC1v3 package (just looking inside the package, without launching any map yet): 1 - Some "readme" files are using Linux carriage return format, meaning that are not shown correctly with the (stupid) default Windows Notepad program.
A thing to be checked for RC2/Final. 2 - OACMP-Readme.txt mentions the mappack iteself as an "upcomping, in-progress mappack". Of course, this should be changed before the final release!
Same as above. 3 - "!Sources-docs" folder seems a bit strange for me, for some reasons: 3.1 - What's the reason for that "!" before the folder name? 3.2 - Why are the texture sources all together? Wouldn't it be better to subdivide them respecting their "final" images path tree? Or their authors? 3.3 - Aren't those sources too few? Apart Moixie maps, there are many custom textures used in this mappack. How's possible so few sources for so many textures? 3.4 - I suppose texture sources may be moved to a separate package (the URL for downloading that additional package should be mentioned in main package's readme file): they are not required for playing, and they make the file much bigger ("grass.xcf" takes 17 MB already compressed! And my own textures -28.8 MB zip- are not yet in the package...).
Questions still open. I think that a few days ago Neon_Knight said he would have cared about the separate "sources" package? 4 - About the "sound" folder: how did "gig01/fountain2.wav" and "gig01/waterfall.wav" sneaked inside the package? Those two files are NOT used anymore, and I did not include them in udestruction V13 pk3 (I advised to discard everything from mine before that pk3, and put that package in the RC to be sure of a clean situation). However, those two files are just "sources" for my map: you can now find "fountain2.wav" inside my "texture sources" zip (at the top of this post), while "waterfall.wav" is just a copy of a file contained in OA 0.8.x PAK0.pk3/world folder. Maybe you may want to have the lower-volume "fountain2.wav" available for use for someone else... however it's not required for my map (while "fountain2_vol2x_44k.wav" and "waterfall_plus2db_22k.wav" are actually used).
In short, just take "gig01" folders directly from V17 package, and only right files should be in them (2 sounds, 44 textures). 5 - About the "sound" folder, I just noticed that "thecrypt_laugh.wav" (used in Akom's map, I suppose) has not its own specific folder... however, if it works, I can guess it's not a real issue.
In oa_akompack.pk3, that sound is still there. However, I can guess it's not a real issue. The only thing is that I don't know if it works, I played very little with sound turned on! ---> HEY, this makes me wonder... [QUICKLY LAUNCHING ALL MAPS...]... D'oh! OAJGCTF1 is still without background music! (The only one). Unless Jan brings an update, this one will remain mute. Is it a real problem? Maybe Pelya may recompile the map, but may be somehow risky at this moment? Who compiled the current RC1 version? If that one was compiled by Pelya, there should be no risk if he recompiles it. It that one was compiled by Jan, there may be some degree of risk something may change if Pelya recompiles it. Still about thecrypt_laugh.wav, I just opened it with media player.... what does that voice say?  Is that Akom's voice, or is that taken from a GPL source? 6 - There are no "map rotation scripts" included.
Neon_Knight said he will make them.  Someone should check them, during RC2 testing days. 7 - The "CONTENT" part of OACMP readme file mentions map names such as OACMPDM01, OACMPDM02... OACMPDM10 and OACMPCTF01-OACMPCTF03. As I told before, I think that two-digit numbers are not very smart: I return to suggest to use three-digit numbers (OACMPDM001), or -probably better- "trimmed" numbers (OACMPDM1).
Let's see how the poll ends, however it seems that "trimmed" numbers (most common usage) are preferred. Then, what else to say? That the DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/OpenArena_Community_Mappack#Confirmed_maps]Supported gametypes table here is outdated, and that I hope Neon_Knight will have some time to check .arena files (adding more gametypes if possible/necessary)? He's going to throw a real rocket in my face if I ask once more...  Okay guys.... In a few minutes, I will enter the "Christmas vacations" mode. Hence, I will be online very little (mostly for few minutes each time, from the cell phone, probably -I may not specify I'm writing from cell phone each time, so please forgive me for typos in next days posts, if I will be able to post something at all-). And most probably I will not be able to even download RC2 before December, 30. In case we don't read each other (however I will try to connect with cell phone this afternoon), Merry Christmas everybody!  Bye!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 08:59:44 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 9
Posts: 906
Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1315 on: December 20, 2013, 10:05:33 AM » |
5 - About the "sound" folder, I just noticed that "thecrypt_laugh.wav" (used in Akom's map, I suppose) has not its own specific folder... however, if it works, I can guess it's not a real issue. In oa_akompack.pk3, that sound is still there. However, I can guess it's not a real issue. Still about thecrypt_laugh.wav, I just opened it with media player.... what does that voice say?  Is that Akom's voice, or is that taken from a GPL source? It's my voice that say nothing really, just a random sound that in the game sound like a growl 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

In the year 3000
Cakes 49
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Trickster God.
« Reply #1316 on: December 20, 2013, 05:39:47 PM » |
The poll has been closed. The winner option is oacmpdm1/oacmpctf1.
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Cakes 49
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« Reply #1317 on: December 20, 2013, 09:27:44 PM » |
Content freeze in effect.
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
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Cakes 49
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« Reply #1318 on: December 21, 2013, 12:16:56 PM » |
As I haven't really done anything for these maps, now I'm going through them fixing what's wrong. So far, this is what I've done:
- Added info_player_intermission to Moixie's mx*dm5 map. - Added two more DOM points to Moixie's mx*ctf8 map. - Added music to jangroothuijse's/pelya's oajgctf1 map. - Fixed compilation problems in oa_akomdm5. Added botclips and botdonotenter blocks to the map in order to simplify the hull and reduce bot stutter. - Compiled every map with the following settings:
Non-Jan maps. -flares -meta -patchmeta -v -verboseentities; -vis; -light -fast -filter -patchshadows -bounce 8 -samples 3; -forcesidesvisible -optimize -grapplereach Jan maps. -flares -meta -patchmeta -v -verboseentities; -vis; -light -fast -filter -patchshadows -bounce 8 -samples 3 -super 2; -forcesidesvisible -optimize -grapplereach Space maps -flares -meta -patchmeta -v -verboseentities; -vis -fast; -light -fast -filter -patchshadows -bounce 8 -samples 3 -super 2; -forcesidesvisible -optimize -grapplereach
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 12:28:27 PM by Neon_Knight »
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Cakes 45
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« Reply #1319 on: December 21, 2013, 12:32:30 PM » |
This was not expected...
I remember that when I compiled my map with q3map2 instead of q3map, some things appeated differently (a little wrong)! In readme file, and in worldspawn notes, I specified what I did use q3map from q3radiant (and which bspc options).
Also all maps from Akom were compiled with q3map...
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 12:40:01 PM by Gig »
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In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #1320 on: December 21, 2013, 01:32:30 PM » |
That's why I'm compiling with q3map2. Currently I'm having problems with compiling oa_akomdm5, so I'm trying all kinds of optimization techniques. For example, turning deco into models and some structural brushes into detail.
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Cakes 9
Posts: 906
Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1321 on: December 21, 2013, 02:47:19 PM » |
That's why I'm compiling with q3map2. Currently I'm having problems with compiling oa_akomdm5, so I'm trying all kinds of optimization techniques. For example, turning deco into models and some structural brushes into detail.
Then leave the map as it is  ( why don't you tell me to recompile the map ?) 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #1322 on: December 21, 2013, 03:39:42 PM » |
I may find what the problem is, sooner or later.
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.
Cakes 9
Posts: 906
Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1323 on: December 21, 2013, 03:42:49 PM » |
I may find what the problem is, sooner or later.
If you want a can recompile it for you, just tell me. 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

In the year 3000
Cakes 49
Posts: 3775
Trickster God.
« Reply #1324 on: December 21, 2013, 04:42:59 PM » |
OK, this is critical. Somehow, the q3map2 I own has been screwed and doesn't compile neither the vis or light stages.
EDIT: Replaced with another q3map2, the one which comes with GTKR 1.6, seems to be working.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 04:47:56 PM by Neon_Knight »
"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT Want to contribute? Read this.