Next step of feedback about RC2 + z_1312302-oa-akomdm1.pk3I gave a quick look to all maps, this time even with flares and bloom turned on. In general, things seem good. With a clean OA install, now I don't have issues with lights in Moxie's maps.
OA_AKOMDM1:- Thank you NK for re-inserting the fog.

- Don't forget to update the levelshot, now that there is the fog.
- Look at the first screenshot attached. Do you see that health bonus? Being the map quite specular, one may have expected to find some bonus also at the
opposite side of the corridor (where there is a corner specular with this one), but there is nothing there (unless there is a powerup that does not appear at map start). Strange? Bug? Purpose?
- For other small details about this map that may be fixed, see previous posts.
Other maps from Akom:- I have not noticed problems (this does not necessarily mean there are not), with the quick look.
- Maybe one may add a general playerclip ceiling to prevent rocket-jumping to the roof of the temple in OA_AKOMDM5, then hiding/camping there, as Suizicer noticed a few weeks ago? I don't know if that's really necessary.
Moixie's DM MAP:- Here and there, there are various pick-ups (ammo boxes, health bonuses like in the second screenshot...) that have their model
partially entering the ground with its movement. Maybe may be moved a few units up?
Moixie's CTF MAP:- I already said about BOTs problem with gametype-dependent walls.
- Red and blue rooms are just a bit too dark, maybe?
I don't know.- Look at the third screenshot, there are a few flares generated in places where there is no "lamp texture".
- About flares, are we sure all those in this map do not interefere with players' visual? Probably not, but I'd like to read also other people's thoughts.
- Some framerate slowdown with bloom and flares on, however users can turn them off.
Jan's maps:- I think nothing changed yet, right? So, no music yet in the CTF one, etc.
Udestruction:- Compared with other maps, maybe it's really darker. I'm going to do
a try to add some ambient light, although I know it's not recommended, and IIRC
it slows down map compiling a lot. Which values to you think I should try?
- I gave a quick look to the .cfg files. They seem to be mappools for the "
DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/G_autonextmap]g_autonextmap" feature, not classic "map rotation scripts". I was thinking to classic "map rotation scripts", like this small (untested) example
(g_gametype is repeated each time to restore correct behavior after a vote changed gametype):
// OACMP Volume 1 - Free For All Rotation
set d1 "g_gametype 0; bot_minplayers 3; fraglimit 15; map oacmpdm1; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "g_gametype 0; bot_minplayers 2; fraglimit 10; map oacmpdm4; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "g_gametype 0; bot_minplayers 6; fraglimit 30; map oacmpdm10; set nextmap vstr d1"
vstr d1 // start loop at d1
However it may be interesting to
also keep g_autonextmap pools, but I suppose we should keep in mind that the "default" OA maplists will be very different in OA3, so those "restoring original behavior" files like "oacmp_maps_harvester_original.cfg" would work for 0.8.8 only. For enabling and disabling the OACMP1 mappools, maybe we may include two cfg files to be executed with "/exec filename" (mentioning this in a comment inside the file and/or in the main readme file): the first one will correctly set
g_votemappols variable to read all those oacmp1 pools you created; the second one will simply do "reset g_mappools" ("\reset <variable>" command does restore a variable to the default setting provided by the OpenArena version in use). So, all those "_original" cfg files may be removed
(and if there are more gametypes which share the same mappol -e.g. CTF, EliminationCTF, OneFlag, Harvester and Overload are supported by the same OACMP1 maps, right?-, I can guess even fewer .cfg files may be used, if you wish) What do you think about that? Another thing to notice: those cfg filenames should mention
oacmp1 (because there will be future OACMPs which will have their own configuration scripts).
- All the "readme files" are in the .ZIP only... apart from COPYING file (that may be renamed to COPYING.TXT for the sake of Windows users), there are no other infos of any kind provided inside the
pk3. This should be fixed, for the final version.
- About individual readme files:
Jan's do mention less gametypes than those actually supported (at least for the CTF one), the date is old, and does not mention Pelya's help with the CTF map. Akom and Moixie maps have no readme file.
- About main readme file:
-- it would be better in Windows format
-- it should mention "Volume 1" (we know there will be at least a volume 2

), in both filename (e.g. OACMP1-Readme.txt) and contained text.
-- It should mention "the pack has been tested with OpenArena 0.8.8" (I mean, we are not responsible for problems with 0.8.5 or previous. And we cannot be 100% sure it will work flawlessy in OA3: hopefully yes, but we cannot be
absolutely sure.).
-- It may also mention map rotation scripts/map pools existence.
-- Is there a reason those who only tested are not directly credited? Due to the fact they would have been too many? However, Pelya should be also credited for the "test server", isn't it?
-- As previously stated, some infos in the "final" pk3 should give some indication about where to download the package with sources. Maybe a generic link to (
DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/OpenArena_Community_Mappack may be enough (from that page, we will create other pages about each OACMP Volume, which will contain download links). Main readme may also refer to that page "for more infos about this package and future OACMP packs".
- I can guess "Under Destruction texture sources README.txt" may be moved into the "udestruction" folder (sources/textures/udestruction).
- After that, you may also rename that "udestruction" folder to "gig01", to fit the folder name used in the .pk3
- And maybe you may slightly edit "Under Destruction texture sources README.txt" to add a mention to OACMPDM10 name inside it (when I wrote that small readme file, I was not sure about the final naming of maps).
*** In general, I have to say CONGRATS to everyone involved with the project, starting from Neon Knight. ***